It has become more and more obvious to me that a lot of you follow me because you think I’m a whole foods blogger or a natural-living expert…or something else that I simply am not.
I am not a whole foods blogger. I am not an attachment parenting blogger. I am not a crunchy mama. If that’s why you are here, I love you – but your time might be better spent elsewhere. Time is precious, so don’t waste it.
One of the reasons I quit blogging for a while is because I was questioning everything. I had made myself out to be this whole foods blogger who swam upstream and didn’t do what everyone else was doing. I didn’t want people following me or listening to what I had to say when I was starting to think some of the things I was doing just weren’t right for OUR FAMILY. I didn’t feel like I had anything to say.
I am an imposter. I’m coming out and finally saying: this is who I am. I’m going to continue to be honest, but I’m not going to tiptoe around about who I really am any longer. And I’m not going to apologize either. If you follow me on Instagram you’ve probably already noticed this trend. Sorry not sorry.
So, who am I?
I’m a homeschooling mom, trying to make it day-by-day.
Only one day at a time here. I lose my patience. I scream. I yell. I cry. And some days I just sit around and play with my kids. We are trying to raise them to the best of our ability – in the training and admonition of the Lord. But I fail. So, if you’re here looking for perfect parenting advice, you need to go elsewhere to find it.
I’m a cook and baker, but I’m not a whole foodie any longer.
I’ve been known for my stance on whole food recipes, with posts like 100 Days of Crock Pot Recipes Whole Foods Style and the sister to that of the 100 Days of Meal Plans. Why is that? Well, mainly because that’s the way I prefer to cook. It’s not because I think that’s the only way to live. I won’t ever tell you that – what I might tell you is that I think it’s better for you to cook meals at home instead of eating out regularly. What’s the right way to eat? I don’t know what’s the right way to eat for YOU – I just know what’s the right way to eat for us. And it’s going to vary by each family. So find your way and go in it.
What you will find in my pantry/fridge:
- Organic and non-organic produce
- Convenience foods like mayo, salsa, salad dressing, yogurt, peanut butter that DOESN’T NEED STIRRING
- 5 gallon buckets, with gamma seal lids, full of things like wheat, oats, sucanat, and spelt. Because I like my mill and I like my bread machine.
- A freezer full of chicken, beef, and pork bought in bulk for cheaper
- Frozen produce
- Canned items like tomatoes and pumpkin. Yep.
- Natural supplements
I am not a crunchy mama.
I tried to be. I really did. And when I couldn’t do it, I felt like I was failing. Stacy just isn’t crunchy. I’m WEIRD. But I’m not crunchy. I hate homemade toothpaste and deodorant. I vaccinate my kids. I do a weird form of sleep training. I feed on demand. I only make homemade cleaners because it’s so dang cheap and easy. I use essential oils, but only because I like them, not because I think they are some miracle cure.
I’m just a mom. I’m just trying to make it day by day and enjoy my family instead of going loony tunes from reading all sorts of articles about how everything I do is going to kill me. Yep, I’m going to die eventually. So are you. I don’t want to die crazy. Am I saying that ignorance is bliss? Maybe – but bliss sure isn’t reading every scary article that Toxic Babe puts out either.
So. That’s who I am. I don’t see myself changing or trying once more to be something that I am not.
Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. I’m sorry for being a poser.
Hi Stacy. I’m Eloiza and I love reading your blog. Continue what you love to do. You inspires me.
This is why I’ve enjoyed your site and videos from the minute I found you. You’re real, you love Jesus…and you’re hilarious!!
That’s so sweet, Anne! Thanks so much for your comment… Stacy is pretty blessed to have readers like you!
Julie, HH Team
Thank you! I believe when we raise our eyes to God each day we recognize there is a lot of stuff that is so inconsequential it doesn’t merit a second thought. I am also tired of all the chatter about what new household item or food is likely to kill you. And the arrogance with which these statements are made. Great post!
Did you know that typing that statement out might eventually kill you? It’s true. Stay away from the internet. 😉
Great post friend!!!
Thank you, Jen!
Love this, Stacy! I am right there with you. From a uncrunchy homeschooling mom who is trying to make it day by day to a cook and baker of both whole and unwhole foods. 🙂 (Because sometimes, you just need to bake a cake … from a box. Or put lots of refined brown sugar and non-organic chocolate chips in your cookies.)
I eat M&Ms or chocolate chips EVERY DAY after my kids are in bed. LOL LOL
I eat Hershey Dark Chocolate kisses, everyday. I am a grandmother of 7 and love reading your posts. I love Jesus too. Keep being real and we will continue reading. Thank you.
Oh man! I love those too!
I do the best I can, I used to make myself crazy over everything….it wasn’t worth it, trying to be perfect. I’m a Nurse/Midwife, we have a 14 year old daughter she is a freshmen in a IB High School…I try and cook every night from scratch, we live on 5 acres, have a huge garden, with chickens,,ducks. .among other animals..In my pantry you will find Jiff Peanut Butter…Pasta from the Farmers market…and spaghetti O’s…my daughter loves them. I do a load of laundry every day…my kitchen is always cleaned.. If I can keep that done and my family happy. .I’m successful so far…I love your content Stacy!!
It sounds like you have a beautiful homeplace!!!!
Hi Stacy,
I’m a new follower who has been helped a lot by your content. I’ve been going through a little bit of an identity issue lately, as for far too long I’ve been struggling with who I *should* be. Not so much in regards to food, but more with family. I’ve wanted to have a close-knit homeschooling family since my youth (I didn’t grow up in one). Suddenly a few months ago, God gave my husband and I both huge peace about enrolling our oldest in kindergarten at the public school here in our small town. Now today, her first day, I have been emotional all morning, and not at peace. I don’t know what the future will hold, but I know our journey is unique to us, it’s just really hard when I have those moments of condemnation feeling I’m not doing what I *should* be. I have to encourage myself with the Word try and keep following where He’s leading us personally. Thanks for being open. Freedom breeds freedom. Keep it up, lady : )
I’m sorry you’re having an emotional day, Alison. Sending you encouragement! This is the day the Lord has made – we will rejoice and be glad in it!
I LOVE YOU. I could have written almost this whole post word for word. My fridge and pantry look very similar to yours. I even have boxed Kraft mac and cheese because EASY LUNCHES! This is one of the most refreshing posts I’ve read in a while. I knew I liked you. Now I know why. 😉
Well, I’m glad I gave you a reason. Ha ha! 🙂
Love this!!!!!
Thank ya.
I went through this same thing. I tried so hard to follow all “the rules.” But every stinkin’ day there was a new rule….buying organic eggs wasn’t enough anymore…they had to be pastured eggs… eating oatmeal wasn’t healthy unless you soaked it…i just couldn’t keep up and felt like a failure of a mom. I am over that!! We still try to eat as much real food (and organic if it fits into our budget) as we can but I don’t stress about it anymore. And I certainly don’t read articles/posts everyday telling me I’m harming my family. Thanks for keeping it real Stacy!
We should be reading more books and less blog posts – and yes, I realize I’m a blogger. LOL 🙂
Stacy this is exactly why I follow you! You’re posts/ ideas are practical and real and don’t make me feel like a complete failure! I want to be a love God, my husband, my kids, and my home without ending up in the state hospital?. Thanks for the encouragement and being real! It’s a guilt free breath of fresh air!
I love fresh air. It’s my fave.
Hi Stacey… I think this is only my second ever comment but I’m Jo’anne from Down Under and just want to let you know I love everything that you write. I’m also doing the best for my family with the resources I have available to me to ensure they are well fed, clothed, housed, cleaned and continue to develop into healthy, well balanced adults. I don’t do Church but my 4 children attend (have attended) a Christian school and it’s up to them to make their own decisions as to what path they take. With the consequences that may (preferably NOT) come from those decisions. So far, I’m pretty sure they are all on the right path and will continue to do what is right and just.
You inspire me to continue to do what we’re doing for our families for the better world we want them to continue to live in. Hugs to you
ps Congratulations of #4 xx
Stacy, thank you for being REAL! I’m so tired of all the pressure to feed our families organic foods, or grass fed meats! I mean, I wish I could feed my family that way, but the reality is, I’d have to get a job in order for us to be able to afford eating that way! And I’d rather stay home with my kids! I learned a long time ago that i need to feed my family the healthiest meals I can, while staying with in our grocery budget! your blog has been such a blessing to me, and your spunkiness makes it even more enjoyable to read!
Congratulations for staying within your budget! Your kids will thank you.
It’s ok Stacy, I’m a poser too…although I do like my homemade toothpaste and deodorant….but i love cascade for the dishwasher 🙂 Still love whole wheat bread and white bread from the store… not sure if i’ll vaccinate or not…I am totally with you 🙂
Good – we won’t be lonely then. 🙂
Love it….again! Keepin it real
Oh my word, this is hilarious. I’m semi-crunchy.. but it’s all been by accident and because I’m cheap…. errr.. frugal! 🙂 And I am also weird. Very weird. I embrace it. Glad you do too. OH – and I’m stalking your blog right now. Apparently I’ve only been subscribed via rss and I don’t even know what that means. 🙂
I. Don’t. EITHER!!!! I have never figured RSS out. It’s all Greek to me!
I like you whatever….crunchy, soggy… doesn’t matter to me. It’s your sense of humor that keeps me reading, whether or not I do anything weird myself. I just feel kinship with anyone who owns their weirdness, even if it’s different from mine. BTW, the only reason I make my own deodorant is because it’s the only thing that has ever worked for me consistently. Otherwise, I would be right in line behind you at the drugstore.
The only homemade deo that ever worked for us was from Lexie Naturals. Maybe you can still be behind me buying M&Ms?
Some day I’d love to have coffee with you! 😉 Keep on doing what is best for your family. Not only is it impossible to fit each unique family in a box, it is impossible to stay in that box through the many seasons of life. I am learning to keep my eyes on Jesus and worry less about what everyone else is doing or thinks I should be doing. It was taking so much energy keeping everyone else happy.
Plus, living in a box is quite claustrophobic.
We love you just the way you are, Stacy! Quirky, snarky, bacon-loving, crock pot using, bread baking, children loving, husband adoring Jesus follower. DON’T. EVER. CHANGE. <3
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I must not have the same follower base here and on Facebook. LOL 🙂
Thank you for this post! Moms of all sorts catch enough flack and have enough guilt for whatever choices they make. It’s refreshing to hear that there is someone else out there buying store-bought deodorant and not wanting to be condescending to those of us who can’t/don’t want to spend all our time reinventing the wheel! Glad you are posting again – I really enjoy reading your blog!
I’m supposed to make a WHEEL too!? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She who laughs, lasts!! (I stole that from a Mary Engelbreit calendar; I can’t replicate the adorable illustration, you’ll just have to imagine one of her gals laughing.) But really, GOOD FOR YOU! Children are small for such a short time. Do the best you can and then enjoy them; they’re very resilient. Glad you’re back.
I’ve seen that quote! And I know exactly what Mary Engelbreit stuff looks like! Thanks for the visual. 🙂
Ahhhh you’re back! I didn’t know until I just saw a link to this post on the Humbled Homemaker. I am a whole foods blog stalker. I am intrigued by the idea, but I just can’t take the graham crackers away from my kids or spend all my time in the kitchen making everything from scratch. I am now adding you back to my feedly account!
🙂 Feedly confuses me. LOL
Stacy, you are awesome! I have been following another blogger who teaches you how to eliminate all processed foods from your life! Some ideas, recipes I appreciate but gosh darn it my kiddies love Goldfish and fruit snacks! I’m tired of feeling like a bad parent and that I am poisoning them, lol! Thanks for being honest and true to not only us but yourself. I am learning to do the same! Hugs?
I think all kids love Goldfish…maybe mommies too. 😉
Just keep being yourself! A frugal gal with a sense of humor and common sense to boot!
🙂 I think a sense of humor is a MUST have for life.
I remember reading one of your posts long ago that mentioned you were switching to non-GMO corn because your personal research made you more comfortable with it AND the price was ridiculously close to what you were already paying for conventional corn. BUT, you were going to finish off what you’d already bought first. I think the whole thing was mentioned in passing in a recipe but it really stuck with me. I appreciate you being true to yourself and your family’s needs, it’s why I keep reading what you write. So glad your painfully long (for me) blogging break is over!
I have since done more research…and honestly, I’m not sure where I stand. Some says GMOs will kill us. Others say they are perfectly safe. So. It’s kind of a toss up.
Also since that post, Kroger increased their pricing on that item. 🙁
I’ve been really thankful for you intentionally sharing how things right for one family don’t necessarily mean it’s right for another. It’s so freeing to be reminded of that & also helps me keep my attitudes & mouth in check when I’m sharing something that seems right for our family. I’ve recently had some interactions with someone who has been very bluntly sharing unsolicited advice as the only right way with no grace for me to decide for my family, make a choice with my husband or even pray and listen for God to guide us on life. The second conversation involving the words “this is how to do it” I was able to emotionally step out of the conversation, be reminded what you’ve been sharing, and realize this is just the way she communicates and thinks, not something that needs to weigh on me. So thanks for the reminder and helping soften me.
I’ve been around folks like that. I usually just shake my head and smile. 🙂 LOL It works.
Thanks for keeping it real. I have alot of respect for you! Keep up the great emails and God Bless
Thank you, Faithful Reader who shall remain anonymous. LOL 🙂
Thank you for being you. You keeping it real, convicts me to keep it real in my life as well. I’m so thankful that God is allowing you to write publicly and I’m so blessed that I found you and read your posts consistently (one of the only blogs that I still read consistently). May God bless you for your committment to him and your “realness” with the world. <3
Thanks, Melissa. I’m glad God is keeping me on this path. 🙂
Hi Stacy! I would like to follow you on instagram. My name is golivelovelife. Thanks!
I’ll see you over there! What a sweet baby you have. <3 I love me some babies! But not for dinner. Just to cuddle.
See there, and this whole time I just thought you were a frugal blogger, who happened to have all these “other” things going on that you talk about! WOW turns out I was right all along! KEEP being real Stacy!
Frugal is in my blood.
I just love this post! Love. It. You are awesome, Stacy! And I’m so glad you don’t have all organic produce in your fridge! lol I don’t either! I buy the regular, for the most part, and just wash it well. 😉 You’re happy, and that’s the best way to live your life. Keep on being the awesome lady momma that you are! 🙂
Yes. I am happy. 🙂 You’re awesome, Jen.
🙂 Love you Stacy! I was reading this last night and hubs asked me what I was reading – which sent me giving some back story and wishing we lived closer to be “real friends”. Thanks for telling us how it is,
Yes! Wouldn’t that be great fun?! 🙂
I have come to a similar place in my life. I have u subscribed to so many natural & whole foods blogs because I don’t need the guilt that I am ruining my family’s life bc I bought tortillas & granola bars. thank you for being honest! I have admired your honesty this past year!
Thanks. It’s time for honesty…because ain’t nobody got time for the alternative. Amen?
Thank you for sharing. Also way to go vaccinating your kids! I homeschool and vaccinate too 🙂
Homeschooling is so fun! 🙂 Just today I made a lovely drawing of Africa which my 5 year old declared to look like someone’s face. True story.
I love this post. Too many bloggers come off as perfect. As moms it seems we have to take the all or nothing approach and it’s just not true.
If there is one thing I am not, it’s perfect. Ha ha! 😉
I am glad you feel better and so do I. You pretty well summed up how I like to cook and eat. I like your frugal side and your meal planning skills. The best things you said about raising your children were to have faith in and follow the Lord, not to have them on some schedule dreamed up by a Dr.Nobody to publish a book or whatever and you are home schooling them. You are very honest and not an imposter. So you tried some things (as most intelligent people will) and found they didn’t work for you and your family. Good for you for moving past them. It is, afterall, a part of growing. I know I went on a bit, but I wanted to let you know I think you are doing a great job. Please continue to blog. Marilyn
Thanks, Marilyn. I have come to realize the true problem would have been if I had kept doing the things that weren’t working for us. 🙂
I love your blog and I also read others. I take nuggets of information out of each one and do what our family can do or want to do. I refuse to buy $6 to $7 gallon of organic milk or $10.00 or more for an organic chicken for roasting not to mention my husband would croak if I did. We try to be frugal and eat healthy as we can but I know a lot of people would not approve of our non-organic lifestyle. My six kids are healthy and that is what is important to me. Keep on keeping it real, Stacy!
I remember the first and only time I purchased an organic chicken at the Farmer’s Market. It was $25. I think I cried. LOL LOL
I am sure you felt pressured to buy it at the time. I am sure you thought of all the little chickens you could have bought with that $25. We all make mistakes but it would be never again. Plus, I can’t buy my Twizzlers if I spend it on one skinny chicken! LOL
I kept that chicken in the freezer for over a year. I was afraid to cook it. It kept staring at me.
Diff’rent strokes for diff’rent folks. We should all strive to just be ourselves – not what other people think or say we should be. Kudos for finding your own path! : )
I like that saying. It’s a keeper! I should have had that in there.
That was awesome! Thanks tor sharing. Your pantry sounds like mine. 🙂
Ha Ha! When I read this, I saw “party” not “pantry.” Yep – we’re at the same party.
Thank you Stacy for your honesty. I’ve grown weary of those who would make the rest of us crazy with all of the things we “shouldn’t” do or eat or apply. Ugh. What joy is in all that?
Life is just SO very short. I intend to spend it happily with my family. 🙂 Embrace joy!
Stacy, Your words are so refreshing! I love your willingness to be vulnerable and real. I too struggled/struggle with trying to fit other molds, often feeling overwhelmed and like my effort was just never enough. It got to the point that I didn’t even know who the authentic me was anymore. I’m currently fasting from Facebook and Pinterest to quiet the external voices I was exposing myself to, am no longer allowing myself to read blogs that leave no room for grace, and am trying to spend more time making real life connections and time in prayer trying to figure out who I am as a wife, mother, homemaker, friend. I’m still not sure where I stand in many areas, but I do know that none of those issues are salvation issues, so they needn’t be deal breakers when it comes to building relationships with others. I’ve still got so much maturing to do as a wife, mother and friend, but I no longer beat myself up over it. I’m finding contentment, I’m finding myself. I’m grateful for your words; they speak acceptance. When I come to your space, I don’t feel the need to fit a certain mold. I’d love to follow you on Instagram again. I used to follow you before you changed your account 🙂 My username is dtmichiels. Thank you so much for your honesty!
See you over on Instagram, my friend! 🙂 I enjoyed that picture of your littles shoveling snow. <3
I have been a follower for many many years. You and I have spoken on FB a few times about finances. You have a great blog and I never once saw any dishonest in it or you trying to be someone else. We all go through phases of trying different things. In the end we all do what is best. You are a great blogger and I’m very grateful for your advice over the years. We have paid off our vehicles after speaking with you. You and Barry are helping so many. Your budget sheet I have passed to so many others and I use it faithfully! You ROCK! Keep it up!!
That’s fantastic!!! I’m so happy to hear that! 🙂 It makes me smile my face off.
This is your best blog post ever. No, this is THE BEST BLOG POST I’ve ever read! From our cookbook addiction to our love of homemade baked goods, I feel that we are very similar. I love how open and honest you are. I too, vaccinate my kids and we eat too much (homemade) white bread. But I’m doing the best I can just like you. I’ll never be able to do 100% whole foods. I try to pick and choose what is most important to me and my family and let God take it from there. Thank you so much for this post! Love ya!
YAY cookbooks! I was just thinking earlier today that it’s been a while since I bought one. Hmmmmmm.
I forget how I stumbled upon your little corner of the ‘net, but to this day, even after this post, I am so glad I did. I wasn’t here for the “Coupon Queen” era – I think Annie was just past toddling (you’ve had two kids since then…wow! you’ve been busy!) when I first found you. I have no kids of my own, but have enough cousins and friends with kids and a nephew, that I’ve been around and babysat for more years than I choose to admit right now…I did the math…it was a bit frightening. EEK! I’m not here for parenting advice, but I love hearing about your kids and how you handle different circumstances that pop up. I’ve never classified you as a crunchy mama (sorry if you were ever going for that moniker), and you’ve said all along your whole foods diet had plenty of grace infused in it (homemade ketchup & marshmallows….really, who ARE these people?! LOL) Like others have said, I was sad when you stopped blogging but completely understood your reasonings behind it and continued to pray for you and your sweet family even though my inbox was a sad, sad place (it got over it – & not just when you came back, either 😉 ) I love your laundry detergent recipe…..my husband even enjoys whipping up a batch all by himself! It’s cheap (aka frugal) and doesn’t aggravate my eczema. I love your dishwasher detergent recipe – I just haven’t found the right container yet (it likes to harden into one huge rock…but I’ll figure it out.) While I would love to have gamma seal buckets full of grain and make my own bread from freshly ground flour, and ALWAYS crock out supper every night, I work full-time outside the home, volunteer at my church, TRY to get to the YWCA a few days a week (heated pool & arthritis get along so very well), have a husband I try to spend SOME distraction-less time with daily, that’s just not where God has me at during this time in my life. You are my sister in Christ and I have to love you – the Bible tells me so…..but I, like many here, stay because I/we like you – and that’s a (happy) choice I get to make. You keep it real with us (cuz that’s just how you roll) and we’ll keep it real with you. I love your “daily antics” – they let me know I’m not the only weird one on the planet. (I also think sometimes – in a completely non-stalker fashion – that if we lived closer, we’d be friends at some level…even if just in passing at church.) I’ve thanked you in the past for the reminders to give ourselves grace…..I now remind you to do the same. God didn’t call any of us to be perfect or to be all/do all/have all. And like I heard/read once, even the Proverbs 31 woman herslef was being extolled for her lifetime achievement award…not for what all she got done before lunch. 🙂 Take care, have fun, & God bless!
<3 Bless you. This totally made my entire week. 🙂 And yes – homemade ketchup is the pits. And speaking of pits, that homemade deodorant? Yeah – not for us. Ha ha!
That’s why I read your blog. Not because you’re a crunchy, whole foods, perfect blogger. Because you’re a “frugal mommy blogger” who’s just trying to do things as right as she can while trying to point her children to God. =) That’s what I’m trying to do, too. Just trying to do things as right as I can while trying to point my children to God. He is what’s important. Not whether or not you eat organic, non-gmo, free-range beans. 😉
You know something? Those free range beans are so hard to find. Especially when you live in the country. I could order them from Amazon I guess. Hmmmmm.
Hi Stacy,
This could not have come at a better time for me. We are buying a mattress for
Our three year old and I am struggling with all the chemicals in mattresses.
Somehow God used this post to speak REAL to me tonight.
God bless you lots and lots!
I recently went through the same struggle. My head wants to buy something like that. But my budget says HECK NO, WE WON’T GO. Yep. True story.
so what mattress did you end up buying if I might be so bold as to ask… 🙂
A used one from a consignment sale. :-0 But I did get a Babe Safe mattress cover. It was the cheapest option. 🙂
Ok . . . I just re-read this. I about choked at the “Toxic Babe” thing. I missed that the first time. I love the part where you say you’re not going to freak out about how everything is going to kill you. Yup. We’re all going to die. The thing is . . . as much “control” as I think I have over that . . . well, I don’t. God knows. I’ve stopped stressing over EVERY.LITTLE.THING. I read on the internet because it made me insane. I stopped reading blogs. I got off of FB for awhile. I unsubscribed from pages. I’ve struggled with anxiety all my life—I don’t need to ADD to it.
In recent months my mantra has become “God is bigger . . . “. There’s a song “God is bigger than, the air we breathe, the world we’ll leave . . .” I’ve decided God is bigger than my spinach. As you’d alluded to in a FB post the other day—it doesn’t matter if I’m eating organic spinach or “regular” spinach–I’m eating spinach. If I want to take my kids to In N Out occasionally . . . fine. God is bigger. I’m not going to smoke 12 packs of cigarettes a day and think I won’t suffer the health consequences, but neither am I going to raise my blood pressure and lose sleep over what type of cracker my kids had.
We sing the Veggie Tales version. “God is bigger than the boogie man (insert Toxic Babe)! He’s bigger than Godzilla or the monsters on Tv!”
I struggle with control issues. Bigtime. My best friend is always calling me on that. Most recently dealing with Eli’s problems. So, yeah. I get that. I have to learn to just let go and do the best I can.
That was pretty awesome, Stacy, really 😉
I call my cousin Haley Ray! 🙂 If this is my cousin, I totally knew it was you. If it’s not…cool name.
I have never read your blog until right now. I found you from a th ‘like’. But I really want to read more. Because about 80% of what you said is me. Thankful to have found you in this confession post. Stop by and say hi…I post semi-regularly ;).
Oh! So nice to meet you!!! 🙂 How exciting! Holler if I can help with anything at all.
Perfect. 🙂 Sounds just like I do things – if it makes sense for us (or I simply like doing it), I do it. If we can’t afford it or it doesn’t make sense for us, we don’t. I definitely feel like I don’t fit into one camp or the other – conventional or totally crunchy – but I dabble with natural things that I like. And that’s awesome, for me and you. I love common sense and reading about how real moms are doing things, not how they’re doing things insanely perfect, but just realistically. You got me sticking around. 🙂
Yay! Let’s do this ride together. 🙂
You are loved for just being you! You make this old woman smile. Keep being true to yourself and family.
Old woman? Pshaw! Whatevers.
Love you.
Stacy, you have no idea how much freedom and relief I just felt after reading this. It’s like I was given ‘permission’ to just feed my family. I have been tying myself in knots to avoid sugar and flour at all costs lately. Needless to say no one wants to come to the dinner table. Yes, use your brain and don’t raise them on sugar but my goodness it IS okay to have regular peanut butter in the house! Thank you for your honesty.
I think one day I just had this breaking point and I actually yelled in my kitchen I HATE STIRRING PEANUT BUTTER! Yeah – it happens.
Great post! After several years of striving towards a more natural lifestyle I’m comfortable where i am & have found grace & peace in several areas I’ve beat myself up for in the past; not making from scratch or using non organic produce, etc. Would love to follow you on instagram again. I’m kristinahgraham
I fixed it. Love your two little cuties in the grocery buggy!
Thank you!
Your honest! How refreshing! Just keep on doing what you’re doing. I enjoy your blog and posts. Glad you decided to continue writing.
Me too – I needed a long break. But I’m happy to be back.
As I have always said, you rock !!!!!! <3
Well thanks – most of the time it’s just my head that’s like a rock. Or at least that’s what I’ve been told. 😉
I seriously love you Stacy! I feel like any time you write a post about keeping it real I can totally relate! It is so easy to get bogged down by all the blogs telling you what’s good for you, what’s going to be the death of you, why you are a bad person if you do this or don’t do that, why you should be making every.single.thing from scratch etc… It’s so easy to feel guilt about it and get overwhelmed. If I did every thing that every blog suggested I do, I would end up being a frazzled, burnt out momma and my babies need more than that. Thanks again for an honest post- I feel like if we knew each other in real life we’d be friends 🙂
I’m sure we would! 🙂 It’s so nice how the internet makes the world a smaller place so we can be friends online.
I thought I liked you. Now I know why! 😉
Why?! Don’t keep me in suspense like this!
Just for being so honest and NORMAL! 🙂
Normal? No one has ever called me that. I must tell my sister!
This is just too too funny! I was just talking to your sis-in-law today about how I love to read your blog and how I secretly want to be like you in many many ways! And guess what? She said ‘Amber, she is human too!’ And I realized then, ‘yes she is certainly is!’ And that I am so thankful for! 🙂 Your The bomb.com!
Yeah – Misty knows…she’s seen me in real life. She’s likely even seen me pitch a fit or fight with Barry. Bahahahahaha!
Sounds like we would be very good friends. I tell people I’m a mom just doing the best I can everyday. I fail then I do it all again tomorrow. 🙂 Thanks for being real.
Every day is a new day – thank the good Lord for THAT.
I love reading your blog…and while we’re opening up about the “real me” may I introduce myself as a non-whole-fooder, a non-homeschooler, and a not-so-frugal-mom. But, I’ve occasionally tried to be those things. It just hasn’t worked out for me. It’s OK to change. That’s life. We love you for being human – and sharing it with all of us. It helps us feel more ‘normal’ if there is such a thing. BTW, please don’t call yourself ‘weird’ when you’re really quite like the rest of us…just doing what we have to do to get through the day!
Well, maybe that just makes us all weird? LOL
Thank you so much for your honesty!! I have always loved the fact that you are frugal and are not afraid to talk about it. God bless 🙂
🙂 Definitely not.
Love it! I love when people are real and balanced and honest! Thank you!!
🙂 Thank YOU.
I’ve said it once I’ll say it again…I love ya girl!! My pantry looks a lot like yours except I think this week I have a bag of mini Butterfinger bars, some brownie mix, and gasp…karo syrup!!! Glad you are keeping it real.
*Cough* M&Ms *Cough*
Yep. We are all just moms tackling a day at time. 🙂 It’s not easy. My philosophy is always to just do the best I can with the knowledge and resources I have. (And yep, resources including not only things like money but also energy/sleep (or lack there of ha ha) and TIME.) I have this ideal way of living and then they way life actually happens because of those resources, and you know what I can’t beat myself up for it. IT’S OKAY!!! Great post and reminder to be who we are and to do what’s right for our families not for our lofty ideals or friends.
I’m going to check out your Instagram too – Deanna_michaels is my user name.
Thanks, Deanna! I’ll see you over on Instagram. 🙂
Just when I think I can’t enjoy your blog anymore… Thanks for being you!
And thanks for not throwing tomatoes.
If any of us threw tomatoes, either you (or someone you know) would can them in your fabulous mason jar collection anyway… 😉
See! You do know me! Mason jars are taking over my basement!
Glad to meet the real you. 😉
Your name is totally awesome. 😉
Thank you, thank you, thank you….for being the honest person that YOU are! I wish more people especially women would stop blindly following any one person, blog, celebrity, fashion etc, etc. My husband and I have changed our diets to suit our needs as we are growing older. Blood tests have changed our way of eating, living etc. Our kids (adults now) are eating healthier now to save off having to drastically change their diets later. We are living life to be happy and healthy in our old age instead of a handful of pills and sittin in a rocking chair all day. Life is to short to be a follower…trailblaze yourself and enjoy the life you were meant to have.
Hey now, I like to rock. LOL 🙂
I love it Stacy! You are probably the first blog I started reading and I appreciate the fact that you are real. Salmon and green beans for supper sounds good, but not everyday. This article was written so well and honestly. You’ve taken a load off my chest, too! Thank you!
Kerry Backes
It’s quesadillas on store tortillas today! 🙂 Taco Tuesday you know. 🙂 I love themes.
Stacy, I love you just the way you are. We do things in our house to try and be as healthy as possible without breaking the bank. I make a lot of things (soap, laundry detergent, etc.) I cook almost all the time. I do alot of these things because I am cheap and frugal. But I actually do kinda enjoy doing those things. I feel more like Lucy Ricardo than June Cleaver. But hey, we’re all doing the best we can for the ones we love. Thanks for being you.
Fun fact, my nickname in college was Lucy – after her. 🙂
I follow your blog because you’re real, you make me laugh & you love the Lord!
Because He first loved me. 🙂
AMEN, Thanks for your honesty, Stacy! My hubby and I are more senior than citizen, snd thank the Lord, with Him is our true citizenship. Therefore we eat foods we like, very similar to your way, meats in bulk, we are able to get pastured meat from someone we know, but otherwise we pick the best foods possible from the grocery or farmers market. In the Bible, Paul (?) sez – food for the belly and the belly for food but God will destroy them both. I thought that was hilarious! I printed out one of your crockin’ cookbooks, and I just love reading all your funny captions w/ the recipes. BTW, I love your new photo w/ your new little fuzzie bean!
Yay! Crock on! And isn’t he just the cutest? I love making babies.
Whoops. I didn’t mean to say that on the internet. I meant I like HAVING BABIES. *Cough*
Ok, had no idea what “crunchy” was other than the sound that I hear when I walk across my floor on many days 🙂 I have also tried the gamut and if money were no object then I would only buy organic and have a chef to prepare it. But our resources are limited. But more than that my time is limited. I cant make everything!! Thought I could but contrary to popular belief, stay at home mom’s(I also homeschool) don’t have any extra time and I sit down often at 10pm. And reading too many blogs can make you paranoid so I’ve limited to a few-and “normal and real” are essential.
No chef for me. I’d hire someone to clean my windows. And dust. Yep – those. 🙂
I follow your blog for these exact reasons, I love that you are real!
Reallllllllllllllllllllllll ornery? 🙂
I have stopped being consistent with my blog reading. There were so many blogs I used to jump at the chance to read as soon as they would post something new. As I have gotten away from reading so many I have found myself only drawn to the ones were I feel like I could be friends with the blogger in “real life”. I love your blog, thank you for being real!
I feel the same way about you guys!
I like your blog because you are normal, (er weird?? lol) like me. You take what works for your family and go with it. Plus you have some great recipes that truly are healthful, easy, and are generally eaten by the kids and husband with no fussing 🙂 Realistic frugal posts/thought are also fantastic since I’m the tight wad in our family lol. Also, I about choked in laughter at your mention of “toxic babe.” I’m a food scientist by training and sometimes the food blog internet can really get to me… 😀
Wow! A food scientist! That’s so awesome!!!! 🙂 I have like a gazillion questions…..
No surprises here! That’s why I read this: you are frighteningly like me. I’m happy, you seem happy, you make me laugh, you have some good ideas in areas that I’m interested in (and don’t care when I’m not) ummmm, yeah, that about covers it. I guess I just like weird people… but not too weird. Just weird like me. : )
Weird is cool. Our bumper sticker says “Debt is normal. Be weird.” FIST BUMP!
I’m loving your honesty! Especially since I’m the type of (almost) mom who still thinks baked goods are delicious (mmm, bread), also hates homemade toothpaste and deodorant, and haven’t exercised in months because it’s all I can do to not be nauseous on a daily basis, despite being almost at the third trimester. (And I’m still having the occasional ginger ale for the same reason, so yes, I have soda around!) Honestly, I’d rather read a blog like this than those preachy blogs who think their way is the only way to go for any family. So please, keep it up!
Ohhhhhhhhhh girl. I’ve been there. Have you tried taking Vitamin B 6? It’s the only thing that helped me. 🙁
B6 and magnesium helped me through several pregnancies.
Yes! Magnesium! I use the magnesium lotion from Real Traditions. 🙂
This is the best. I feel exactly the same way: I’m not a real-food blogger. I write about marriage, but my marriage isn’t perfect (although it is AMAZING). I write about homemaking, but my house is not spotless. (Not by a long shot.) I write about cooking, but we’ve had take-out at least three times in the last two weeks, and I am NOT ashamed of that. (I work forty hours a week! Sometimes I’m too tired to cook! So we have Chinese. Or burgers. So sue me. 🙂 )
I kinda want to write a post like this. Because, like you, I want to be real, honest, and transparent with my readers.
Way to go, Stacy. 🙂
Do it. And send it to me so I can read it. 🙂
I like exactly who you are, to live life well takes flexibility and humor. Families do better on that than on strict regiments of proper diet. My kids are older so the walk through little kid land is fun reminiscing and the recipes are useful today.
By the way, I am no longer allowed in places where cookbooks are sold unattended!
Oh, you’re a fellow cookbook hoarder too, huh?
Oh yes, definitely, unless my husband reads this, in which case; Nope, that is all just normal research number of cookbooks. Everyone else has that many. Only twelve are on the counter…
It’s perfectly normal to have more cookbooks than shirts. Totally normal.
Hee-hee. Truth.
So wait, you’re just a normal mom?! And that is why I like your posts 🙂
Well….normal isn’t exactly a word I would use to describe myself. LOL
Each post along the way you have shared your thinking with us. That has been part of the value in your blog. Besides that you Are funny. You have indicated what you use in your family. As changes in your thinking have occurred you gave us details of why and also what course you were taking. I’ve enjoyed the ride!
I’m glad – good thing you aren’t prone to motion sickness or you’d be in trouble here.
Dude. It’s okay. Nobody thought you were some hairy armpit, permissive parenting, crunchy mama. LOL
We homeschool, and I do cloth diapers because it’s CHEAP. I breastfeed because it’s CHEAP (free). I make my own laundry soap because it’s CHEAP. I mostly cook from scratch because it’s CHEAP. But I also buy frozen pizza (gluten free… husband has Celiac), or canned beans and wieners, so I can stay sane some days. Ya do what ya gotta do. I also refuse to co-sleep or wear my babies all day, and we *make sure* they’re sleeping through the night at about 1-2 months… otherwise I’ll go CRAZY. I hate all this crunchy mama stuff. Especially the child rearing. It’s really anti-biblical and it gets on my nerves. I mean, if the pagans are doing it, whatever. But Christians? Not good.
I’m not the most organized person in the world… I like to think of it as organized chaos. But I just really enjoy reading your blogs because you seem to be the kind of person that just wants to be a homemaker and mother and wife with a Christian worldview and want to honour God with your finances and the way in which you raise your kids and take care of the home. That’s totally cool. We might disagree on little picture stuff (like demand feeding… *wink* *wink*), but we agree on the big picture stuff! 🙂
I like how you think. Let’s be friends.
Amen!!! Some people hold themselves to ridiculously high standards. I am glad that you are real. Weirdly, it makes me feel better about myself and then I don’t beat myself up for having a throwback Pepsi! lol!
I’m glad. LOL Your comment made me giggle.
This post made my heart happy. You win the internets today, Stacy, because being real helps ALL of us who try these these things and find they just. don’t. work. for our families — helps us all breathe easier and let go of the feeling of failure and the guilt. Sometimes I pray that God will just gently let me forget some of the things I’ve studied and learned, not because they are bad, but simply because they aren’t sustainable for me and yet I feel the burden still there.
Whew – I need to borrow your prayer.
Ditto…..I need to borrow your prayer, too. Of course, turning 50 just 2 short months ago is helping with the “gently forgetting” so that may not continue to be so much of an issue…lol 😉
This is exactly why I read your blog… you are real 🙂
That’s so open ended. Real crazy. Real nuts. Real bizarre. I could go on….
I have always enjoyed your blog posts, etc. I have to say, now I love you even more. Thank you for being REAL! It is so exhausting trying to be the perfect mom, which doesn’t exist.
Why do we try to do that? I’m so guilty.
I remember reading an encouraging article once about motherhood/homemaking being like any other career – the first few years are toughest because you haven’t mastered your craft and don’t even know what kind of mom you are. My kids are just a couple months away from each of yours, so maybe it took me more than a few years (some of us are slow), but it has been so nice lately to feel like I am settling in to what kind of mom/wife I am and not feeling the need to perfectly replicate any particular lifestyle! It has made me a much more confident mother (even though now I am so eclectic that EVERYONE thinks I am doing something wrong . . . And they are probably right.) Sounds like you have done that too.
Also, where do you buy bulk sucanat? That would save me some trips to the grocery store.
I get mine from Bread Beckers, but I’ve also purchased it in bulk from our local Amish store. 🙂
Each time I read a blog from you I feel like I’m reading about me. You try it, you stop it, you try it again or you don’t but in the end your heart is in the right place and you do it all for the right reasons. I love your style of sharing and often times while perusing your latest missive I find myself thinking “Wow, honest and funny” (love it). Don’t ever stop being you and I wont ever stop being me and in between if you get the urge to prattle on about this or that PLEASE do, as I love to read your prattlings. Good, bad or otherwise I’m a true fan and am so glad to have you back in whatever capacity works for you. Blessings.
It’s a relief to know I’m not the only woman who tries something and it doesn’t work – I have to tell Barry. Bahahaha! 🙂
Stacy – I love this post! I can relate to so much of what you said. 🙂 I follow you because I feel like you’re real and down-to-earth and someone I’d love to chat with over a cup of coffee while the kiddos wreck the house. Do I agree with everything? Nope! I like to think we’re all individuals who can read a slew of things and form our own opinions without judging everyone around us. Do I succeed in that? Nope! I can be as judgmental as the next person, but I’m trying my best to realize it quicker these days and remind myself that I am so not perfect and shouldn’t expect anyone else to be! I try the whole food stuff, and would love to get into essential oils, and am trying to homeschool… and wish I was better at all the above! But I take it one day at a time and do the best I can with what I have! Same as you. So be encouraged – there are lots of us out here just like you… or at least enough like you that we’re completely OK with all our differences and still plan to read anything you post because you make us laugh and make us feel like we are not alone in this journey! 🙂
Even Barry doesn’t agree with everything I say…and now that I think about it,maybe I don’t agree with everything I say. BHAHAHAHAHAHA! 😉
Hi Stacy,
I’ve been following you for a while now and love what you have to say! I love that your authentic and honest and funny and REAL and I really missed you when you took time off!
I’m a Grammi now, so I don’t have to do all the crazy mommy things that are floating around the internet and am sometimes thankful that this wasn’t available to me when my children were growing up, but at the same time wish it was, as there is so much I did wrong when they were little. I’m trying to live a frugal, more natural, less commercialized life now without compromising myself. I believe that God wants us to follow the path that makes us happiest! I love natrual cleaners (their cheaper, I mean more frugal) and essential oils smell wonderful, but I’m NOT crunchy by any means (not even really sure what that means, becuase i think of peanut butter when I hear Crunchy!). We eat in, because we prefer homemade and don’t like to spend money when we don’t have to. Dinning out is a treat to us! Besides, we really enjoy leftovers! I’ve discovered that I don’t need the latest and greatest to survive – my grandparents didn’t and lived a great life.
My hubs & I are working towards paying off our house in 15 years, so we’ll be able to enjoy a real retirement!
Thank you for your honesty and humour.
I would say that you didn’t do anything wrong when your kids were little. You did the best you could – that’s what we’re all doing. 🙂 And YES. I love me some leftovers! Leftovers make this house a better place to live. Ha ha!
I have to say I don’t even remember why or how I found your blog but once I started reading it your personality more than anything made me subscribe. Haha! To be honest I almost didn’t because I’m like, oh here we go again with a skinny, beautiful perfect wife and mother there to tell me how I’m doing everything wrong and will never measure up to all those “good” moms out there. But, you being so honest when it isn’t easy is awesome and commendable. My son has autism, sensory difficulties, speech delays and other delays. Most days I’m happy he eats at all, even though none of it can even begin to be described as healthy. I, like most moms had all these great plans for my child and my family until the rug was pulled from my feet and when I hit the ground my whole world changed. I may never get to be the mom I envisioned but like you all I want to do the best I can and ENJOY my life, not just agonize how I could be doing everything better. So thanks for being real Stacey, it means a lot.
“…a skinny, beautiful perfect wife and mother…” Dude. You should come visit sometime. You’d see that’s not the case. 🙂 I’m a total mess.
Lol dude…..=) I couldn’t drop by and “see” anything though, cause I’d be too busy chasing my son from one thing to the next! Ha ha, your secrets wouldn’t have to stay safe with me, I’d never know them to begin with! He he. =)
Nah – I’m pretty sure Annie would keep him busy. 🙂
I am so happy for you and praying for you as well. I am devoted to your poorganic crock book and love your blog. I found it only 6months before you stopped blogging, so I was very sad. I’ve always pictured you two being something my hubby and I are not. But now I see we are so similar. I make a lot of homemade things because I too am worried about what is in them or because it is cheaper!! Not because I am dedicated to whole foods or a crunchy. What is a “crunchy” anyway?! Love love that you are real and make your own decisions about your family. We homeschool and girl it has been a struggle. Starting with the kiddos and of course, the in-laws!! Man, people get so preachy when they think they know what they are talking about only to find out they are just using info society has taught them and not doing the research. So sad to live your life how other people tell you. I was suprised you didn’t mention our Heavenly Father in your decisions, since I’m positive that’s where you get a lot of your inspiration. Your family is living exactly how it should, by ways you feel are relevant, just like mine. I’m a Yeller and crier too and also fail daily. So glad to meet someone real! Ps, if you haven’t read it yet, Lies homeschooling moms believe, by Todd Wilson is awesome!!!
That’s funny – because I thought I did mention my faith in this post. 🙂 But because it’s how I live life, I kinda feel like it comes out with every post. 🙂 I hope so anyway. To God be the glory.
I hope you know I did mean to harp on you. I only want to be encouraging since that is what I always get from your posts. Thank you again for all of your thoughts.
No, I totally knew what you meant! 🙂
I totally meant to say “didn’t” not “did, but I u figured that out. Thank you again for blogging when you aren’t blogging. There are obviously those in your same boat. “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.”
Stacy, I’m so thankful that you share things like this with us! There are so many people who would never admit the things that, deep down, they know aren’t right. They keep up the facade so their blog can continue to grow and make more money. I have done a lot of the things you have, and found they did not work for me and my small family. But how would I know if I never tried? I’m certainly not mad at you for all the changes you’ve made, I’m proud of you! Just keep being real. I love the real Stacy! Your kids are so cute! I follow you on Instagram under Felecia Cofield. Thanks for sharing! Blessings from Bama!
Yes! That’s so it! Try it and see if it works. That’s what I’ve been doing…thanks for putting it into words for me. 🙂
I love this. You can only be you! Like they say, everyone else is taken.
I’ve never heard that! I must live under a rock.
Thanks for this post! I relate to you SO MUCH. I have thought of starting a blog…but then I start thinking that I have nothing to share because I’m not an expert and I’m just a mom trying to survive each day, like you! I’ve been wrong. I think there’s a real space for blogs like this. To make us laugh and help us to be sensitive to others and relate to each other. We’re all in this together and should accept each other with all of our quirks!
Yes! Do it! If that’s your heart – no one else can speak exactly like you.
Hi Stacy, I’m a little ahead of you in life. I too tried different eating trends with my family. It has provided plenty for us to laugh about as we move through life. Basically these days, we’re with Barb. We eat fairly healthy meals most of the time at home. That’s it. Outside of that, we just take it day by day and don’t stress. The stress will make your family more unhappy than any health benefits from eating semi whole foods or convenience food will.
I’m grateful for anything that you write. I love articles on saving money or budgeting, but there are heaps of resources for this in your archives. Also articles from Barry. He has the heart of a teacher.
Thanks, Helen
Yes he does. He’s a fabulous teacher. I love him very much. 🙂 I’m so glad we partner here.
I like to read your blog, but that doesn’t mean I “follow” you in the true sense of the word and not the online slang usage. I may do things differently than you and make different choices for what we eat or how we live and for different reasons, but that doesn’t mean I cannot be blessed by what you share. The things that don’t apply to me (we choose not to do some of the things you do and may do some of the things you choose not to) I simply skip. No biggie. I don’t agree with every blogger I read and I don’t believe the blogger should expect every reader to agree with their personal choices.
We do prefer homemade whole foods, homemade toothpaste and deodorant, homemade ketchup, natural cleaners, we buy in bulk and make from scratch whenever possible and I work hard to provide that, but due to circumstances and yes, sometimes choices, we vary from that. However, it is still my overall goal, we’re just not legalistic about it, or feel as if we are less than wonderful or less than someone else if we make other choices or have to choose other options. For that reason, I appreciate what you wrote and how you’ve simply let yourself BE yourself and not giving in to the disturbing trend in “crunchy” whole food bloggers who sometimes, perhaps unintentionally, perhaps intentionally, set a bar and make readers feel that they have failed if they don’t match that set bar.
I do understand that your main focus was money-saving and I subscribed and continued to read your blog because of those and other things you have written that I like to read. The things I don’t care for, I simply delete.
My reason for writing is not to extol my virtues or defend my practices, or criticize you for yours, but to simply encourage you to be yourself, blog as G-d leads and share what makes YOU passionate, disregarding the pull to try to be someone else, or fit into the whole foods, crunchy blogger genre that is so pervasive and yes, even intimidating. I cannot read some of those bloggers, but I don’t paint them all with a wide paintbrush either.
I would say that if you’re trying to be yourself and not an ANTI-whole foods blogger, great, I can skip the parts that don’t fit with my choices, but I am put off by taking pride in not being whole foods (anyone can buy and use convenience foods and there’s nothing I care to read about it) or by taking pot shots at those bloggers who are. I’m not saying you are, but I have seen some who did. To be honest the “Sorry not Sorry” sounds a bit like that.
I just hope that you can be yourself and not to go over to the other extreme (anti-whole foods, anti-natural health etc.) in your efforts and thus with end up a narrow focus, just in an opposite way. I appreciate that you’ve said for people to find what works for them and go there, and I hope you continue to write in that mindset that even if it is not what you personally do, such as your choices on vaccinations or sodas or anything else.
Long response, but I really do want to encourage you and I hope you continue to blog.
🙂 I plan to, and you’re right. No one will agree with everything a blogger says. Even Barry doesn’t agree with everything I say. Ha ha! Thanks for your comment. I do still consider myself “whole foods” but in a way that works for me and not really the way the world would define it. 🙂
Stacy- just another reason I have always followed your blog. You’re willing to give a go at anything that could be beneficial for your family and no problem stopping if you realize it’s not. You have some my true mom essentials at heart – Jesus, ways to be attentive to money, some tasty food recipes that aren’t too ridiculous or complex to try with health and taste both in consideration. I originally found your blog thru THM but agreed with you wholeheartedly on that journey as was relieved when you said your thoughts that no one else was saying but I was thinking. It’s still the one blog whose email I actually open vs delete most of the time. That said, I could never home school so my hats are off completely to you!! 😀 Your attempts at all aspects of just trying to make things better for your family in realistic boundaries is what makes your blog unique and worthy!
Sometimes I think I pick up too many things and then drop them quickly…but I try to learn each time I do that. 🙂 Thanks, Karlie.
Teaching our children to serve and honor the Lord is what parenting is all about, everything else is just personal opinion. I appreciate your honesty and sense of humor about real life! I love your blog and pray that the Lord blesses you!
Yes, it is. And it’s the biggest job of all. God give us the strength we need. 🙂
Amen sister! I’ve had all of these great aspirations to be this awesome crunchy mother nature type but once I actually became a mom (a whopping 9 1/2 weeks ago) all of that went to the wayside. Now it’s just about what makes us work as a family. Sometimes that involves being crunchy like baby wearing and sometimes it means fishsticks for dinner because mama can’t find the energy for anything more. I like to say I’m a “Soggy Mom.” 🙂
BHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh my gosh! I must be able to use that term! Please?! 🙂
It’s all yours! Love your posts!
Soggy Mom!
I think it is great that you are honest with yourself first. You answer to God before anyone else. We all want to be good wives and Moms and we make the best decisions that we can. I eat both ways but just try to make the best decisions that I can for the family. I coupon to save money and make home made things when I can. I do cook at home more than we eat out. Just keep being real to yourself. I do think you are funny sometimes (and I don’t mean funny looking as you commented in a post), and we need humor in our lives to keep up from going crazy. I love seeing what you have to say.
Better to laugh than cry, right? 🙂
Stacy – your post was a breath of fresh air… as most of them are! I think if most people were honest, they truly don’t fit completely in any mold! Most “crunchy momma’s” have SOMETHING that they do not fully embrace! Most attachment parents have SOMETHING they don’t do or love. And I have yet to meet a homeschooling mom… or any mom for that matter… that has never lost their patience, yelled, or cried… or didn’t deviate from their normal schedule to have a fun down day (or week or month)! God is leading us down different paths… the ones He has chosen for us and the ones right for our specific families! Thank you for always being HONEST and FORTHRIGHT!
God is molding me every day – one of our favorite family songs is He’s Still Working On Me…and man alive, does it apply to me!
My kids are older 26 and 20 and I tried to be the “ultimate mom” back in the day, but all it eventually got was one grouchy, frustrated mom, kids and hubby ? Needless to say, lesson learned. Be who you are and that’s okay. Everyone is different but that’s what makes us who we are. Love your posts with the honesty and laughter. Keep up the great blogging!
I have a book called I’m Going to Be The BEST Mom Ever – Even If It Kills Me. Ha! 🙂 It’s a funny view (but encouraging) at motherhood.
I agree with you. I can get so caught up with the newest “healthy” trend that it becomes an idol. Thank you for helping me to clear my head. No crunchy gal here!
I’m trying to keep off Facebook and other social media too much because otherwise I get muddled with too many healthy trends. It’s overwhelming to me.
I just love the way you keep it real! I started following you because of that, the fact you are who you are and that will never change. Too many times others will try to scare you to be this or that, but make me feel like I am a failure and killing my kids for giving them soda (only to keep them from killing each other). Thank you. I love your recipes, your realness, and you. Don’t ever change, then I might have to unfollow (not a word) you!
Wait – unfollow is not a word?! You’re right! Who knew!?
Yes who knew. The thing kept underlining in red. I hate spell check. I thought it was but then my OCD kicked in and I had to look it up.
Spell check is forever telling me I’m wrong.
Stacy, I am so thankful that through some other bloggers whose pages I do not even read anymore that I found your blog. You make me laugh and want to try some things that maybe I wouldn’t have dreamed of before. You are not a poser- you are an honest mom who is trying her best, just like most of us. I have enjoyed your rants as well as your raves about people and products. You are brave to “put yourself out there” in this age of anonymous hate mail. I am hoping my small encouragement will help you to look past those who would criticize just because they may disagree. I think that if we lived closer, we might be good friends. My kids are a little older and I am delighted when you post about the things that I have lived through. The good news is, I survived and so will you.
Praying for you and your sweet family,
I will be honest again – I was afraid when I published this post. I was afraid to read the comments. I didn’t want anyone to think I was bashing crunchy moms or whole food bloggers…because some of my best friends are that way. I just felt like I needed to be honest with you all – because honesty is the best policy. So, thanks for commenting. I appreciate it more than you know.
Stacy, I love you just the way you are.
Cynthia, you are so nice to me. 🙂 <3
Love you Stacy!!!!
I love you too! And your name is awesome! 🙂
Don’t have anything to say, but (((Stacy))).
Thanks – even though I’m not a hugger, I needed that. And hugger isn’t a word. Sheesh. Spell check needs to get it together.
Hi Stacy, I love your blog and appreciate your honesty! I subscribed to your blog when I was a stay-at-home mama, homeschooling 5 kids and trying to be more frugal and more healthy. Now all my kids are in school, I’m back to work, and I still love your blog because I just like the way you share with wisdom and humor. I still need to grow in being more frugal and more healthy. I enjoy cooking, so I make time for it each night and really like your recipes and ideas. I had an epiphany with that last meal plan you posted that I should do more prep the night before – and that’s really helping this week. I’m not crunchy, though I too tried to be for a while, and my husband still thinks I am, since I won’t feed the kids typical American food (most of the time). Keep us up to date with what you’re learning, your victories and your failures too 🙂
I know!!! The prep the day before has really changed everything I do in the kitchen – I’m so glad it’s helping you too! 🙂
Can I throw something in here?
I’m 61, a mother of 2 grown sons, a Gramma (oh, joyous season of life!), and a retired public and private school educator who homeschooled some special needs children after retirement. I stayed home with my children when they were preschoolers back before “Stay at Home Mom” was a badge of honor and a standard that pointed out your failure if you weren’t.
Michelle, I hope you don’t feel like you failed because your kids are back in school and you are working. We beat ourselves up so often because of labels held up as standards. “Stay at Home Mom,” “Homeschool Mom,” “Crunchy Mom,” etc. We each are accountable only to God, not to self- and society-imposed labels and expectations. And guess what? He knows our hearts. He created us the way we are with certain talents and without others. He is the standard, NOT society’s, our church’s, or the “militant perfect-moms-by-our-standards society.” And He loves us unconditionally. Whether we homeschool or not. Whether we buy organic whole foods or not. If we seek Him and not pressure ourselves to be what we think we SHOULD be, He will lead us to be the person He created us to be.
It has taken me many, many years to learn this and to begin to learn to live it -I’m STILL learning! It hurts my heart to see so many young mothers living stress-filled, rather than joy-filled lives because they measure themselves against all these externally imposed standards.
I am thrilled to read so many comments here from women who have figured it out and are learning to live the best way they can and understand we won’t always be perfect by other people’s or even our own standards!
When it starts smacking of the legalistic tone “this is the only way that’s right, and if you don’t do it this way, you can’t possibly even be a Christian,” it’s time to take your recycled shopping bag somewhere else to shop.
(IF you remembered to take it, which I often don’t. True confession!)
All of you beautiful, honest, thinking-for-yourself women ROCK!! Especially you, Stacy!
Wonderfully put, Debbie. 🙂
Bless you, bless you, bless you and did I mention……BLESS YOU!!! Who the heck needs ONE MORE person telling us what all is going to choke the life out of us? I quit reading the blogs like that because it started messing with my mind and bordering on FEAR. We are not called to live our lives in FEAR! So, THANK YOU for just being a regular ole mommy who writes about what works for her! Now go have a coke (that’s the way we say soda in the South 🙂
Nooooooooooooooooo. I live in the South. I say Pop. Yep – throw tomatoes now.
Hi Stacy. Do you realize what you’ve done? Woohoo! You’ve taken a load of pressure off those of us who don’t even realize the burden we feel trying to do it ALL, and do it perfectly! Your post was a very welcome relief. I can’t even remember why I was first drawn to your blogs, but you have always brought me joy and I’m so happy to see you continue and have this opportunity to watch your journey. Oh, btw, I’m headed toward 60 with 3 grown sons. I love reading you and watching your family grow!
Whew – the first part of your comment kinda scared me…but the rest was cool. LOL “Do you know what you’ve done?!”
I love your blog and was so excited to see a post in my mailbox after the drought! Your blog is the only one I read faithfully. So glad you are back!!
Here I am! I just needed a break. 🙂
I love you Stacy!
I love y’all!
I follow you because I like your wit, your honesty and those lovely kids you post pics of .I taught in a Christian school for 30 years where Bible study was a priority at the beginning of every day. So happy to see you following a Godly curriculum in your home schooling. Keep up the good work!
Aren’t my kids just stinkin’ cute?! 🙂
I started following you because I liked your coupon seminars. But the honesty I found in your writings was really a bonus. Stay true to who you are, Stacy. Your honesty has always been, and will continue to be, refreshing. I’ll keep reading!
Wow! You’ve been here a while! 🙂 God bless you for not screaming and running away. HAHAHAHAHA!
Instead of a “stay at home Mom” I an the caregiver for our 95 year old mother…24/7…so sadly, its kind of the same as the stay at home Mom…I love that you try things and will admit when they don’t always work…at 95 my Mother just sits back and laughs sometimes ( like when I make fresh pasta that takes me half the afternoon instead of buying a 1.00 box of it) but she is a great source for what works and what doesn’t. I am so glad you also get the crazy feelings after reading so much info…I love technology but sometimes I have to stay away…too much info. just keep being real…and loving the Lord…that’s what it’s all about!! Thanks for always making my day!
🙂 We need moms to laugh at us. My mom laughs at my antics all the time. Ha!
Thank you Stacy!! I absolutely love your blog. I love your realness. Thank you for being a Godly example we can all look up to!
Heavens no – don’t look up to me. LOL That’s a recipe for disaster. 🙂 Keep the faith!
Thank you for being real!!!
I stopped reading most of those whole food/crunchy blogs because I was stressing myself out too much. And some of those people get downright nasty if you don’t agree with them…
So keep doing what works for you and your family. You have many people who agree with you!
Um yeah they do. Scary nasty. *Insert scary eyeball icon here*
I follow you because you are just you, not a fake. I currently homeschool my 3 munchkins, we try to eat healthy…..mostly homemade, but we also like convince foods….and PB and Kelly is my favorite sandwich. And I love cherry Pepsi once in awhile–or a root beer float with the kiddos.
Fun fact, I’ve never had a root beer float.
You’re not a poser! We all go through stages, and try things on. Some things fit, some don’t. No need to be sorry, but thanks for this! It’s nice to know that I’m not alone in feeling like a fake at times! 🙂
No – I’m right beside ya.
Hello, Stacy! Nice to meet you, I’m Jill. 🙂 I have been reading your blog for atleast a year now, I enjoy your honesty and your humor. Thanks for putting it all out there, (figuratively, of course! Lol), so us mommas can feel free to walk our own path, the one God has set for each of us. 🙂
Hi Jill! 🙂 Thank YOU for the comment.
Thank you! Finally, I think I found someone who is NORMAL!! Who has time for all that other stuff? NOT ME!!
Wellllll, maybe not normal. LOL 🙂
Hey, Stacy, I LOVE real people. I am also an older Momma. I tried to be crunchy. I tried to homeschool some of my kids–for 4 years– and ended up sending them back to public school (except for the one who didn’t want to go to public high school — he attended college,and now owns his own successful landscaping business). I tried to follow this or that nutrition plan. Ultimately, I have decided that God wants us to become closer to Him, not closer to the earth, not closer to what cavemen ate. Above all, listen to God’s promptings. He’s REAL, and will guide you well.
That was a sermon – and I loved every word. Preach it, mama!
I didn’t mean it to be a sermon… “Mom, I like talking to you, but do you have to talk so MUCH?” said my oldest child at age 9. Now HE’s known as the one who talks so much! Lol
I wasn’t trying to sermonize… “Mom, I like talking to you, but do you have to talk so MUCH?” said my oldest child at age 8. He himself is now known to enjoy extended conversations.
That sounds like my Annie. LOL LOL
That was a sermon……….. I love it and totally agree! :o)
I appreciated your comment Barb. I am a homeschooling momma who also works part time to make ends meet. I have tried to follow all the things you mentioned above trying to “do the best by my family”… just to find another website or friend that talks against what I am trying to do. My biggest question lately has been: What IS the right thing? And you just nailed it – come closer to God, listen to God’s promptings and allow Him to guide. Thank you for reminding me of that!
Stacy – Thank you for what you’ve been posting. I love your blog!
Stacy, I just came across you this morning when I looked up a recipe for making pancakes with muffin mix. Your recipe was delicious and funny and I wanted to read more. The next thing I read was that you were switching over to whole and organic foods – no more processed foods. I’m an older mom, too (actually a Gramma!), and I knew I wasn’t going to become a crunchy mom, but your writing is so honest and real and funny that I wanted to read more. Besides, I react badly to sugar (I have fibromyalgia), I want to make healthier snacks for my grandkids, and I’d like to make better use of local farmers’ markets. So, I kept reading. And the NEXT one I read was THIS one. Haha!! I LOVE your honesty and “realness.”
Bottom line, I believe wholeheartedly in what Barb said. God wants us to grow closer to HIM, and He wants us to be dedicated to HIM, not to any particular method or school of thought.
I will gladly follow your blog after reading this!! I’m all about honesty, realness, and simplifying life!
Keep up the good work!!
I eat a lot of crow. 🙂 I’m glad you’re here and I hope you’ll stay! Let me know if I can help with anything at all.
I love your honesty! You are not trying to be something you aren’t. You are a wife and mother doing what’s best for your family. You share what has or hasn’t worked with us…and it makes me feel normal! LOL. I’ve tried lots of different things for my family and I always feel like a failure when something doesn’t work for us, yet others just go on and on about how one ‘has’ to do something. I don’t make my own bread or laundry soap (anymore) and you know what…we aren’t starving and we don’t stink!! We budget with envelopes, eat a mix of whole foods with easy convinent foods and we are doing great! I no longer stress out over daily household things and we are living a much happier life! I’m not a crunchy mom..and it’s nice to see I’m not alone. Thank you!!
🙂 It’s nice to meet you, Kristie. Thanks for your wonderful comment. It was perfect.
I follow you because I think you’re funny. Soooo I guess I’ll stay 😉
🙂 Funny or funny looking? Ha ha! Regardless, you can stay. Heehee!
Me too! 🙂
Hon, you have always been “real” to me. That means that you’ve been honest about how your opinions evolve. I love reading what you write, and I was devastated when you stopped since I had just found you. I may be an older Mama with all my kids grown up, but you still wonderful ideas.
Keep up the good work sweetheart. I love your attitude!
🙂 Well, thank you. That makes me feel good.
Guess I’ll just have to unfollow you, then. If by “unfollow” you mean “give you a great big hug”. 😀 I do not like soda, but I do like the way you think. I’m not crunchy, either. Not by a longshot. Don’t even get me started on essential oils.
Cindy, you’re awesome. I want to be like you when I grow up. Except I think we might be around the same age. Ha ha! 🙂
ME TOO! Well, except for the blogger part, because I don’t blog. :). Blessings!
🙂 Sometimes, I don’t think I’m a real blogger either. Ha ha!