Potato soup is the perfect meal for those cold, blustery, winter days. Add a little spice via Pepper Jack cheese and you’ve got a real winter winner! This is a recipe I got back in 2011 from a friend of ours, Kim. It originally came from her sister, Martha, and we’ve just sort of adopted it as our own. So, let’s make some pepper jack potato soup, shall we?!
[Read more…]Cheeseburger Pizza
It was love at first sight…me and this cheeseburger pizza. Okay, so Barry and the kids ate some too. We were all quite smitten. It makes you do crazy things and act all nutso. However, the deliciousness makes it all worth the weirdo behavior. And because I love you, I’m sharing the recipe – so that way I won’t be nutso alone.
[Read more…]Homemade Pizza Rolls
I have made fresh bread for our family for many years now, and the recipe I use (the Bread Beckers’ Basic Dough recipe) makes two, one-pound loaves. Depending on the week’s meal plan, sometimes I only need one of the two loaves. Sometimes I share the second loaf with friends or neighbors, and sometimes I use the other dough on something a little different. In this case, I decided to make homemade pizza rolls!
[Read more…]Crock Pot Cheeseburger Soup
I have an obsession with all things cheeseburger. It’s a problem sometimes when it causes me to wake up at 3 am and seriously consider traveling somewhere to get one… And I’m always dreaming up ways to create dishes that taste like cheeseburgers…things like Cheeseburger Pizza and Cheeseburger Meatloaf,or the Pioneer Woman’s Cheeseburger Salad. And of course, this amazingly delicious Crock Pot Cheeseburger Soup.
[Read more…]Crock Pot Chicken Enchilada Casserole
I think I enjoy Fix and Forget Friday as much as you guys do. It seems these days my schedule is totally full. It’s nice to have a meal in the crock pot so that I know when I get home dinner is ready to go…..as long as I have remembered to turn the crock pot on. In my defense, that only happened ONCE. And maybe it wasn’t even my fault. Maybe the cord somehow wiggled itself out of the outlet. It could happen. Today we’re making Crock Pot Chicken Enchilada Casserole. Yum! Barry gave this a 9 out of 10 (and that’s impressive ladies. Usually I only get an 8). Barry saves his 10 for Tiramisu and Berryhill Baja Grill in Texas.
[Read more…]Crock Pot Cheeseburger Meatloaf
You might recall that I already have a recipe on this site for Crock Pot Meatloaf, but it calls for potatoes and carrots…this crock pot cheeseburger meatloaf is like one big cheeseburger patty. It’s just heaven on a plate.
I first came across a recipe for Cheeseburger Meatloaf somewhere on the internet and I changed it to suit our tastes…and then I knew I could re-create it to be fixed in the crock pot. It is literally the best meatloaf I’ve ever had.
In fact, when I made it the first time, Barry was out of town. I got up from the table and got my phone to text him. I said “I just made the best meatloaf of my entire life.” And then we ate it all without him. Sad how things work out that way for him. Oh well. I was happy and so was Annie.
[Read more…]Crock Pot Lasagna

Holy Moly. How can something so simple be so good? Usually I make lasagna from scratch (my Mama’s recipe), but I wanted to try this one because it just seemed too easy to be true. The reviews were great, so I went for it. And I was blown away. This crock pot lasagna is AMAZING!
Even Annie, who hated noodles AND meat when I first came up with this recipe, ate her entire plate of this. I liked it because I was able to start it during the day and have dinner done later when things were busy. Nice. On the 8th Day, God invented Crock Pots. Amen.
[Read more…]Crock Pot Chicken Enchilada Soup
I love soup…that should be evident by all the soup recipes on here. And I have to warn you – more are coming. It’s inevitable. Something about a hot and spicy, or thick and creamy, soup just gets me all excited. I’m a huge fan of enchiladas, so putting them in soup form just makes get all giddy. Add in the crock pot and I don’t quite know what to do with myself. I’m not sure where this obsession with my crock pot might take me…but wherever it is, I hope you’ll visit me. Put this crock pot chicken enchilada soup on your next meal plan. You’ll thank me later. 😉
[Read more…]10 Portable Meals On-the-Go to Save Time and Money
It adds up going through the drive-thru. Don’t deceive yourself thinking that you are buying something from the dollar menu. Each and every dollar adds up. You get in debt dollar by dollar, and you also get out of debt dollar by dollar. You can go buy a pack of tortillas, and a can of beans for a couple of dollars. And even though you can buy these foods pre-made, if you use these convenience foods to make burritos, it is WAY cheaper than buying a bean burrito at a fast food restaurant. You could make about 10 burritos for the cost it takes you to buy 2 or 3 in the drive-thru.
[Read more…]Crock Pot Cheesy Chicken and Zoodles
I’m not gonna lie – I’m running a weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee bit behind this week. Not with anything except blog work, which is a huge bonus. Yay for scheduling!
So, I don’t have time for a long and elaborate post – it’s already 6am and I need to make breakfast, finish yogurt, and pack lunch. Sooooooooooooooooo, here is your short, condensed version of Cheesy Chicken and Zoodles.
It was easy. It was yummy. It was even yummier left over. It should have been 6 servings, but we really liked it and it was only 4. *Burp* Oops? [Read more…]
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