I love when y’all send me post ideas. 🙂 Let’s me know you’re reading…or maybe you’re not reading and you’re like, “Stacy, could you please write about this topic because I’m bored out of my mind.” If it’s that second one, just don’t tell me.
Anyway, one of you (can’t remember the name, sorry!) asked if I would do a list post about healthy cracker recipes. My list posts are pretty popular with you guys, so I am happy to oblige. Check out 100 Days of No Processed Foods Crock Pot Style and 20 Healthy Granola Bar Recipes. If you have any more ideas for list posts, just holler. They’re fun to research and put together. And I really love lists.
See below my researched list of 25 Healthy Cracker recipes with some notes from me. 🙂 I hope you find this list helpful. And now, I want a cracker. Thanks a lot. My name’s not even Polly.
These crackers do not include any corn syrup or other unhealthy ingredients (unprocessed sugars might be included): pure and simple because that’s really what a cracker is. Something so simple that brings so much joy…I need cheese.
1. Spelt Thins from The Nourishing Home
2. Grain Free Almond Sunny Seed Crackers from GNOWFGLINS
3. Super Easy Nut Crackers from Raising The Barrs
4. Homemade Goldfish Crackers from Dinners Dishes and Desserts
5. Vegan Herb Crackers from Elana’s Pantry
6. Homemade Cheez-Its from The Imperfect Homemaker
7. Beet and Cheddar Crackers from Heather Christo Cooks
8. Vegetable Pulp Crackers from Purely Twins (great for those of you who juice)
9. Honey Oat Crackers from Oh Shine On (using butter of course)
10. Rosemary Crackers from Elana’s Pantry
11. Grain-Free Rosemary Raisin Crackers from The Nourishing Home
12. Easy Parmesan Basil Crackers from Lauren’s Latest (I would use white wheat flour)
13. Whole Wheat Cheddar Crackers from Texanerin
14. Basil Slice and Bake Crackers from Perfecting the Pairing (I would use white wheat flour)
15. Sesame Seed Crackers from Avocado Pesto (I would use white wheat flour)
16. Sweet Potato Crackers from Life’s Abundant Adventures
17. Homemade Crackers from Crunchy Creamy Sweet (I would use white wheat flour and sucanat)
18. Gluten Free Seed Crackers from Tasty Kitchen
19. Whole Grain Crackers from A Little Bit Crunchy A Little Bit Rock ‘n Roll
20. Homemade Matzo Crackers from Joybilee Farm
21. Homemade Wheat Thins from Kitchen Stewardship
22. Grain Free Multi-Seed Crackers from The Nourishing Home
23. Homemade Whole Grain Crackers from Just Making Noise
24. Parmesan, Sea Salt and Black Pepper Crackers from Girl Versus Dough (Using white wheat flour and sucanat)
25. Gluten Free Graham Crackers from Desserts with Benefits
AvocadoPesto says
Thanks for including my crackers in your round up!
Stacy says
You’re welcome!
Zoe @ecothrifty says
Brilliant list. I’ve been meaning to make my own crackers for ages and I have no excuses now. I have shared this to my Facebook page.
Stacy says
Well thanks so much! I appreciate that. 🙂
Stacy says
Anne says
Thanks for the list! Can’t wait to try them all!
Carla says
I have tried baking crackers (a simple flour/salt/olive oil recipe, run the dough through a pasta machine, then prick and bake) but gave up BECAUSE either they were not crisp enough or they were too dark – all on the same sheet pan! How can I get my crackers to bake EVENLY, in a consistent amount of time? Does anyone have any ideas for me?
Stacy says
I have read the trick is to make sure they are all the same thickness – but if you’re using a pasta machine, they should be. I would remove the ones that were finished and move the inside crackers around so they can get more air and finish baking.
Lauren @ Oatmeal With A Fork says
This is a great list Stacy! My daughters both love crackers, so I will definitely be trying some of these out. 😀
Stacy says
I love cracker babies! I have two. 🙂
Dana says
Any idea how to make a healthy Ritz cracker? I LOOOOVE Ritz crackers, and they are one of the few unhealthy foods I still buy because I can’t find a decent recipe for them! When I search, I just find lots of recipes using Ritz crackers as an ingredient. Help?
Stacy says
I found this: http://www.heathersfrenchpress.com/2013/02/homemade-ritz-crackers.html
Dana says
Thanks Stacy! I’ll definitely give these a try!
Stacy says
Keep me posted!
Sarah says
I pinned this one! I’ve been trying to find a cracker recipe my family likes!
Stacy says
I hope one of these fits the bill!
Stacy says
I would think that would work just fine – and yes, it would be an S. 🙂
Stacy says
Thanks for letting me use your pictures – when I didn’t even ask. LOL LOL
Stacy says
I haven’t either. LOL Just teething crackers.
Kim @ Soliloquy Of Food & Such says
Wow! This is an amazing list!! I have never made crackers…pinning!!
Karen Miller says
Would the Homemade Cheeze-Its be a THM “S” if the four is substituted by almond flour and flax like the THM Wheat Thins in the book (which are an “S”)? I am trying to make them that way now. I used 1/4 cup flax meal and 3/4 cup almond flour instead of wheat flour.
Nikki says
What a great resource! Thanks for this. I can’t wait to dig in once I’m done feeling exhausted 🙂
Stacy says
Crackers intimidate me.
Foodie in WV says
I absolutely love crackers! I like that you included gluten free recipes 🙂
Stacy says
Gotta keep my gluten free peeps happy! We actually enjoy eating gluten free most of the time. 🙂
Kelly@TheNourishingHome says
Thanks so much for the kind shout out on my spelt thins, grain-free rosemary raisin and multi seed crackers. I LOVE this round-up you’ve put together and look forward to giving some of these others you’ve found a try! Blessings to you, sweet friend! 🙂