I am sooooooo guilty of always saying “Man! I’d sure like to do blah-blah-blah…but I just don’t have the time!”
I don’t know how Suzy Sewmaker has time to make her own curtains.
I wish I had the time to bike 2 hours a day!
Read a whole book in two days?! What a pipe dream! Only people with extra free time do that.
She makes all her own bread – I just don’t have time for that.
A manicure?! Dude – ain’t nobody got time for that. I can’t even get my nails clipped!
Please raise your hand if you’ve ever said anything similar to the above. If you don’t raise your hand, you might be in denial…or tied up by your 5 year old.
In the past couple of weeks, I’ve found myself at a realization.
We all get 24 hours.
You. Me. Suzy Sewmaker. And Jane Readsalot.
We all decide what we do with it. The reason she can sew her curtains? She makes it a priority. The reason she bikes every day? She makes time for that. The reason she’s able to devour a book in two days? She says, “I’m going to read now.” And make bread or give yourself a manicure? It’s because something else fell to the wayside.
Someone else doesn’t do the things that you want to do because she has more time. She has the same 24 hours that you have. Nobody is special and gets more – we all get 24 hours. You’ve both just chosen how you’re going to spend that 24 hours differently.
I’ve always said I wanted to learn to sew. I lament and moan and groan because “I just can’t find the time!” But, the truth of the matter is, I DO have the time. I’ve just chosen to spend my time on other things right now. Maybe learning to sew will take up some of my hours when my children are older.
Some of you work a full time job – that’s a priority to you. So, you use that time for work which might cut down on other things you have time for.
We have decided to homeschool. That means it cuts down on time that I might have had if I sent my kids to school. But that doesn’t mean I can be jealous of a friend who sends her kids to public school and she “gets more hours than me.” No, she doesn’t.
We all get 24 hours to spend.
The problem comes when we compare, lament, and complain about the time that we do have instead of deciding exactly HOW to spend that 24 hours. And man alive, I am SUPER guilty of that.
Even now, I’m choosing to spend some time writing this because I love to write. I could be watching You Tube videos on sewing, or exercising on the trampoline while simultaneously trying not to pee. I just chose what I wanted to do with this time.
People say “I wish I had time to make bread like you do, Stacy!” Well, you do. 🙂 But maybe you do something that I don’t do. Like scrapbook, paint your toenails, exercise, craft like a rockstar or crochet.
Let’s spend our 24 hours doing the things we love. Let’s stop whining about our lack of time. And by “we,” I mean Stacy.
Do you need to re-prioritize your 24 hours?
Hi Stacy! I came across your blog through a pinterest post. I just skimmed through most of your blog and I want to say (without weirdness) that I’m so glad I found you! I feel like you just affirmed like, every decision in my life! We are on a whole foods journey and are currently at about 80/20…tried paleo and fell hard off that wagon so we went back to whole foods. We homeschool our four children. We went through Dave Ramsey’s program two years ago and are debt free except for home mortgage. We love Jesus and our kids and food and fun! Looking forward to more great posts! Great to “meet” you!
Nice to meet you, Erin! 🙂 Seems we have a lot in common! Let me know if I can help you with anything.
So true Stacy! I have a friend who does more in a day, than I do in a week! Difference is – she works fast and has not interest in social media 🙂
I work slow. Like a tortoise. LOL
And if life should throw a curveball into your carefully chosen plans, take a deep breath, forgive yourself when you trip over these new challenges, and figure out a new normal. I chose having children, home schooling, and my reading addiction. I did not choose autoimmune issues, and 2 car accidents (plus some other very challenging trials) to all hit at once. So, for now, time management is not the only issue, energy management is the higher priority. The old ways of prioritizing no longer work. Learning new ways of accomplishing the necessities takes practice, reliance on the Lord, and forgiving myself when I either screw up, or when my body lets me down. I cannot compare myself to anyone else, or even the me of yesteryear. I literally may not “have the time” before my energy spontaneously flags and I am sidelined for the day. My 24 hours are not always mine to choose. My family is learning to deal with this, as am I.
It seems like you’re making the best of your situation and doing an awesome job!
Yes! People tell me ALL THE TIME that they “don’t know how I have time for ___”. Duh. I MAKE time for it! If you want to do it, YOU will have to make time for it too! I don’t ever just wake up and have more time coming out my ears than I know what to do with! I choose to let the dishes wait so I can go build a bunk bed; you chose to wash the breakfast dishes so you’ll be done in time to dirty them again on lunch so you could wash them again so you’ll be done in time to dirty them for supper so you could wash them again before bed. I washed once before my husband got home, did a basic clean-up in the evening, pretended the house was clean all day, and got a piece of furniture built. It’s all a choice. And all choices have a not-so-pretty side! : )
Wow! You build furniture?! So totally awesome! That’s Barry’s job around here. Ha ha! I always make sure he has a long list. 😉
I agree . I have a full time job off the farm, I need to reorganize my time. I remember my grandmother saying the same quote. People all have the same 24 hours. they just need to know how to spend them. People live in a fast pace time. It would be nice to try to slow that down and enjoy what we do have. Thanks for your website, I enjoy it.
Thank you, Karen! 🙂
So well put. I think you do amazing things with your time. 🙂
Thanks – I’m trying to make sure I embrace the moment I’m living in. 🙂 It’s hard some days, though.
I love this Stacy! So, so very true. Which is why I stepped away from social media for a bit. Do I miss it? I surely do! Especially Instagram. But I am finding I have more time for other things.
And I am further encouraged to even look more closely at what I am currently spending my time on. Kinda like spending time on things that spark joy. I’d like to make the time to do those things. Yes I have 11 kids and a house to maintain, grocery shopping to do, homeschool to prepare (just had to reorder a printer cable this morning… grrr), etc.
BUT! I so agree that you spend time on what’s important to you.
Thank you for writing this!
Love you sister!
Janet… countrylivingmama
Miss you, Janet!
Like another blogger said, “We don’t make time, we take time”, to do the things we do. I sew and knit, I don’t have a spotless house or bake much. I’m happy with that:)
Well that’s a fantastic quote!!
Katie, that is a great phrase! I’m going to practice saying it, thank you! This was such a good read this morning, thanks Stacy!
You’re most welcome! 🙂
I lovelovelovelovelove this!!! I get weary of people saying they couldn’t possibly (x) because they ‘just don’t have time.’ A friend and I have begun saying, “I just don’t take time for that.” There are lots of things I *wish* I would take the time for, but in the end, I do take time for the things that I truly want to do the most!
I think we all do – and sometimes it’s easy to get wrapped up in stuff we don’t really enjoy doing and it can be cut out….say YES to what matters. 🙂
I love this post. I totally agree. I am completely responsible for how I prioritize my days and how I choose to spend time. I think it is so important to accept who we are in Christ (part of the Body) and what season of life God has us in. I need to focus on my season and what part I am and live in obedience. If someone else is a different part of the body or in a different season they are going to be doing different things. I don’t need to judge them or be jealous either. And on the flip side … I do not need to apologize for who I am or where I am. I am so thankful that you are real … you share what you are doing and admit what you are not … so refreshing. Thank you for being you!
Having several young children can sometimes leave me feeling sorry for myself of my current season – because I might be wiping butts instead of learning to sew. But I’m trying to realize I’m being cray-cray and instead I should enjoy wiping tiny hineys…because one day, they’ll be big hineys and I’ll miss them.
Love it! It’s all about priorities. The most important thing is to be a good steward of the time God has given you.
And that’s what you teach, right!? 🙂
These are such simple but really wise words. I will remember this when I am tempted to complain about needing more time in the day! 🙂
We’re all tempted to complain – so if you see me doing it, make sure and virtually kick my behind. 😉
Well, slap me upside the head ?. I needed to hear that right at this moment. Not that I didn’t know it, but a good reminder in the midst of a pity party.
Well, I don’t like to slap people – how about a behind kick instead? LOL 🙂
I’m seriously cracking up at the trampoline line! So true!! Oh and I needed to read this. Thank you!
I’m glad you think I’m funny – my kids look at me weird. LOL
Great post! Makes me rethink my time. Like last night, while I waited for the “hub” to get home. I started shucking the 2 dozen ears of corn that had been staring at me for 2 nights after working all day. Yes, I wanted to chill out and watch TV or read, but corn waits for no woman. I was pretty happy when it done and I had 7 bags in the freezer for later!!
Oh man – fresh corn. LOVE.
Thanks for your thoughts! I have been reading this book, and while I don’t personally care for the title, I think you may appreciate it from what you are saying here. She talks about life for a Christian being under the Lordship of Christ and how He wants us to spend our time, and how to stop blaming or making excuses. http://sallyclarkson.com/ownyourlife/
That book is on my reading list! I haven’t “made time” for it yet. LOL
I need to be folding laundry and I realized I hadn’t read anything of yours lately (because I hadn’t made it a priority) I get online to read something of yours and BAM! I’m hit with the realization that I really need to get back to doing laundry. LOL. But…as I always, I truly enjoy your blog. (I just never comment, but I ALWAYS enjoy!)
Yep – laundry first, blogs second. 🙂 Or maybe even 10th or 20th.
Marius knows his wife has many talents but sewing and gardening ain’t two of them. My sisters can knit or sew up a storm. But hey guess what! I raise our meat milk and eggs! I’m the farmer in our family that’s for sure.
I knew we were soul sisters – #blackthumbofdeath
I agree. I have a full time job,still bake,cook. I would like to learn how to learn how to make sour dough starter,
I just have to do it. Thanks for your website!
Good luck, Karen! I hope you can “take time” for the things you want to do. 🙂
I totally agree with this. We all need to take responsibility for the choices we have made (including having children) and how that effects how we spend our 24 hours. Yes, yes, yes! Nobody has more time. Some people have fewer time commitments or fewer responsibilities and so they have greater flexibility and freedom. But not more time. I do think it’s fair to say “I don’t have much spare time” or “leisure time.” But we all get to decide what to do with the exact same amount of time (now money, that’s another story!).
I have tried to start saying “I don’t make time for that” or “I don’t give time to that” or “That’s not something I spend time on.” But no excuses! As a Christian I am convinced that I have time for everything God has for me to do. It is empowering to believe that I am able to do what God has for me. Great post!
What a great way to phrase it! I might have to steal that. 🙂 In good Christian love, of course. LOL
I love the statements …”I don’t make time for that”, ” I don’t give time to that” and “That’s not something I spend time on.” They are so truthful and state that we are taking responsibility for how we spend our time.
Thank you!!