(Saving Mommy’s sanity since 2018)
I’m not sure about you, but the NUMBER ONE question my kids seem to ask is: Can I have a snack? I’ll be honest – this question drives me bonkers. “You just ate like 5 minutes ago. How can you be hungry again? You haven’t even finished chewing that last bite.” The snack basket idea has officially saved my sanity.
I have four kids – so when you multiply 4 times the amount of times they ask for a snack, THAT IS A LOT OF SNACK QUESTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought I was doomed to answering this question until they moved out. And then one day, a basket at Aldi called to me and I decided enough was enough. I made The Snack Basket on that day and haven’t looked back.
How it works
The snack basket is in a designated bottom cabinet, so everyone can reach it. Inside are snacks that are available to anyone who wants to grab a little something between meals. You are limited to ONE snack between meals, so you better use it wisely. 😉 There aren’t a bunch of rules, but is a big one.
The kids know where the basket is and they know they’re allowed to get a snack IF they follow one simple rule. The prior meal has to be finished. If you skip a healthy meal so you can have a snack, that doesn’t fly around here. If you left half of your plate, mama sticks it in the fridge and when you get “hungy” (aka “hungry”) your snack is already prepared. You get to establish the Snack Rule at your house, but around here, that’s how it goes.
What’s in the Snack Basket?
We aim for healthy meals, so some might say that the snacks in our basket aren’t super healthy. But for us, since we eat veggies and fruit at every meal, we don’t always want that at snack. However, you do you, boo. YOU choose what goes in your basket. You might even want a snack basket that’s on the bottom shelf of the fridge, full of carrots, cheese, and yogurt. Personally, I don’t want carrots for a snack. HA!
I fill up the basket weekly as a part of my routine and it usually lasts until the next week. Here are some ideas:
- Popcorn
- Granola bars
- Power bars/protein bars
- Nuts with dried fruit
- Pretzels
- Peanut butter pretzels
- Dry cereal
- Peanut butter crackers
Create your own snack basket and pave your way to freedom!
What are some things you’d include in your snack basket?
Peggy says
I have a snack basket for my husband’s lunches he takes to work. I also have fruit (in baggies if needed… grapes, cherry tomatoes, etc) in the fridge. He needs to take one of each (one crunchy snack from the basket and one fruit from the fridge fruit drawer) for each lunch. That’s our rule because if not, HE will just take crunchies. He must also take one yogurt. He can choose which type of sandwich he wants to make and I keep various things for him to pick from but he usually picks peanut butter. LUCKILY he loves whole wheat bread. Were it not for these rules he would just grab granola bars and fill his lunchbox with that alone. I fill his thermos with juice so he can just grab that too or he will drink work coffee all day. Kids AND some hubbies need help too. Lol. Just sharing…and thanks for everything!
Stacy says
Thank you for sharing!!!