How do you keep house when you are sick or pregnant?
I have four kids. That means every day is tiring, and some days are downright exhausting. But then there are those days where I’m not only tired, but I’m also sick. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean my kids are cool with me calling it a day and staying in bed resting and recuperating. “The show must go on!” How do I get it done…and how can you? Read on…
I don’t know about you, but when I am pregnant and worn out from growing babies… which I am not currently, so don’t be starting any rumors! Anyway, when I’m pregnant, I am pretty much down for the count. I’m practically useless. I spend most of the day on the couch. I definitely don’t want to think about food. Basically, for the first 20 weeks or so, I want everybody to leave me alone so I can lie curled up on the couch in the fetal position.
Let me start by saying that feeling this way is totally normal; you are not alone!
Most, if not all, women feel like this throughout their pregnancies at some point or when they are struggling with the flu or a bad cold, and trying to keep up with everything around the house. My solution to the problem is so awesome, but I can’t take credit for it. What I’m sharing with y’all today is a piece of information that I picked up from Large Family Logistics.
How can you keep house when you feel sick as a dog?
Whenever you’re sick or pregnant, and cannot be on your feet, set a timer for every 15 minutes. That’s right – 15 minutes. Each time the timer goes off, get up and do ONE thing. Now, I’m not talking about getting up and deep-cleaning your closets, girl. When the timer goes off, maybe you walk to the kitchen and load the dishes in the sink into the dishwasher. And then you go lay back down and set the timer for 15 minutes.
When it goes off again, maybe you go match some socks and put them away. Maybe you go wipe off the kitchen counters. Maybe you sweep under the breakfast table. Even when I feel like I’m going to die, I can get up and move the clothes from the washer to the dryer. You may think, Stacy you’re crazy; I can’t keep my house clean doing just one thing at a time! But do you know how much you can get done getting up every 15 minutes to do one thing? I just want to remove all the dust and declutter some items.
This works when you are sick, pregnant or even exhausted from being up all night with a newborn!
Some days, I am just sprawled out on the couch, feeling like crap – literally. I look at my list and see all the items on it, and I end up feeling so overwhelmed that I think I can’t do it. But when I set the timer, I just rest! I don’t have to think about my list and all I have to do. I just rest. Specifically when I’m pregnant, this is the only way I know how to get through the first few months. It was a game-changer for me with my pregnancies with Andy and Eli when I was really sick.
Is it even possible to keep house when you are sick or pregnant and can’t eveget off your couch?
YES! If you can get up every 15 minutes (or maybe even 30 if you’re really, really sick) you can keep your house in order. And I think you will be surprised at how much you can get done! Taking on your list one item at a time, 15 minutes at a time, will help you be able to keep house when you are sick. No, you may not get everything done, but you will at least have a handle on things.
What about the kiddos?
This is why training your children to be useful human beings is so critically important. They are capable of much more than you may give them credit for. While you are still in charge, despite your sickness, your kids may jump at the chance to help mommy when she isn’t feeling well. The older ones may want to take the chance to make a fun and creative meal of their favorite snack foods like raisins, nuts, fruits and raw vegetables. The younger ones can handle minor chores or tasks that maybe you normally do for them. Worst case, find something educational and entertaining online and alternate between that and fun but simple activities offline. Don’t try to hide that you aren’t feeling well. Ask them to help!
I hope you remember this, and give it a try the next time you find yourself too sick to move off the couch!
Jamille Atha says
Thank you so much! This is brilliant. God bless you. 🙂 As a SAHM I struggle with Fibromyalgia and I needed this advice.
Julie Chittock says
Glad it was helpful!
Julie, HH Team
Christine Martin says
I love this! I’ve been struggling with health issues, and lately just making my to-do list overwhelms me because I know I won’t get a lot of it done. Then I spend time trying to figure out what to do when depending on how well I feel. This is so much simpler since I can just make a master list and just start setting the timer.
Thank you so much 🙂
Julie Chittock says
Yes! This really is simply, but works so well:) Good luck!
Julie, HH Team
Angela says
This is great advice! I wish I had thought of that through my 6 babies.
Julie Chittock says
Ha – so true!
Julie, HH Team