Our third child, Eli Benjamin, was welcomed into our family on September 20th, 2014, two weeks before his due date.
He has stolen our hearts already and fits in as though he was always here. This is his birth story.
My contractions started at 11:00pm on Friday, September 19th. It was an answer to prayer. For about 10 days, I had been monitored by the doctor because my fluid levels were dropping daily and Eli was considered to be very small for my late state of pregnancy. There was a bit of concern that he wasn’t getting enough nutrition – I knew that if I made it until Monday, they would induce me. I was okay with that, but I preferred to go into labor on my own. Since Andy had arrived three weeks early, I knew I had a good chance of going early.
I stayed in bed until 3am, trying to nap in between contractions. But yeah right – who really does that?! The only time I can nap during labor is toward the end when I am so exhausted that my eye lids can’t physically stay open. At 3am I got up and did what any normal woman in labor would do. I took a shower, shaved, got dressed, and put makeup on. That’s what everyone does, right? It seemed normal at the time.
I was praying the whole time to make it until 7am so that Barry could take the kids to my parent’s house without waking them up. I let Barry snooze in the bed…and I did what any normal person would do. I worked on the 100 Days of Christmas Gifts in between contractions. Everyone does that, right?
Around 6am, I laid down on the couch and my contractions were 5-7 minutes apart…but they quit and I took a nap for about an hour. When I woke up, they began again – I went to go wake Barry and tell him to get ready. Barry said “Do I have time to haul off a load of brush first from the trees I cut last night?” (Barry comment: in my defense, the truck was loaded down so full that it HAD TO BE emptied before I could take it anywhere.) Sure honey – that’s what every normal person does during labor, right? I called my Dad and asked him if Barry could drop the kids off.
While Barry was outside working, I got the kids ready in between contractions. Annie kept asking me “What’s wrong with you, Mama?” I told her my tummy was hurting and the baby was coming soon. She was perfectly happy with that answer – which was a blessing from God because her new favorite phrase is “Why?”
By the time Barry was done, I had the kids ready but my contractions were only 3-5 minutes apart. As he left, I gasped out “Hurry.” He did. He’s efficient. Plus, my Dad was waiting outside…so maybe he just shoved them out of the car as he was driving by.
Let me tell ya – contractions in the car are no picnic. Especially since I was experiencing back labor this time – which is also no picnic. It wasn’t a good day for a picnic. It takes about 21 minutes to get to the hospital from our house.
We arrived at the hospital a little after 9am – by that time I had been in labor for about 10 hours already, with very little sleep and no food. (I know they always say to eat, but I had NO interest in eating during labor. None.) When I was admitted, I was found to be at 6cm dilated…and my contractions were getting worse – I couldn’t find relief in any position.
I very confidently asked for an epidural and waited for it to arrive. Sweet relief – even though the technician had a bit of a hard time getting mine in because I couldn’t relax…let’s just say, Stacy finds difficulty in relaxing. “Relax.” “I am relaxed!”
Pause story for a side note
Once I had my epidural, I was able to relax and rest. I enjoyed the rest of my labor – had intelligent conversation – didn’t scream bloody murder or beg for my Mommy. That’s something that still bothers me about Andy’s birth. I don’t like losing control and feeling like a crazy woman. I’m not the type of person who finds it easy to relax under stress. I progressed quickly with an epidural and delivered quickly after that. It allowed my body to relax and do its job. Some women can do this on their own. I’m entirely too keyed up.
I enjoyed this birth more than any other. I knew what was coming – I was relaxed. When Eli was delivered into my arms, I was joyous – not still in intense pain and wondering what was going on.
I am very glad I had a drug free birth experience with. But I have found that having an epidural is right for me because I can rest and enjoy what’s happening. My labors are faster (my drug free birth has been my longest labor) and my recovery is a lot easier. I had some major complications after Andy’s birth.
At first, I felt like a failure for wanting an epidural – then I realized that’s dumb. Every mother’s goal is to bring a happy, healthy baby into the world. If I can achieve that with an epidural, then Hallelujah! Yes – women have been delivering epidural free for years…but years ago you also had to have dental work drug free or boozed up. No thanks. No guilt – I will not carry Mommy guilt. I will just carry my babies. 🙂
Resume story
I progressed quickly once I was able to relax. This is the first time my water has broken during labor – and that was pretty cool. 🙂 My doctor was fabulous (Hi, Dr. Long!) and my nurses were exceptional. I only had to push through two contractions! Eli was born at a “whopping” 5 pounds and 13 ounces. He was laid on my belly while Barry cut the cord. He latched on to feed within thirty minutes. There were no complications at all, praise the Lord. This was my shortest labor yet at only 14 1/2 hours.
I was doing so well and felt so wonderful that I asked to be let go early – so I only stayed 24 hours as opposed to the normal 48 hours. I can always sleep better at home. 🙂
At almost 6 weeks old, Eli has gained 3 pounds and 3 inches. Annie and Andy have adjusted very well. They are both smitten with their baby brother and our life has settled into a new normal.
3Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. 4Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. 5Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. Psalm 127:3-5
Nikki Hughes says
I love this. And I love Eli. And I love you have found peace and comfort in your approach to child bearing! Love you Stacy!
Stacy says
<3 <3
Michelle says
Your stories are wonderful and your babies are all really beautiful! I have been catching up on your family, your budget and your cooking all day now that I have rediscovered your blog (I think I got a recipe here before). Congratulations on your growing family and your smart planning. You are setting a good example for them in your balanced lifestyle. I’m glad you didn’t stress out about “birth plans”. WIth 3 of my own, I truly learned the truth of the saying “Men plan, God laughs”.
Stacy says
Amen – that’s the truth. lol
OBPI Mama says
Sweet! I went to my sister’s birth (after having my first son at home and having it end badly, but during was no picnic either… back labor for 30 hours) and she had an epi and the birth was SO PEACEFUL! I was like, “What the heck?!” haha… I wanted that peaceful birth, but all I did was scream that my butt (well I used a more colorful word) was breaking in two. Definitely felt out of control and I was NOT in the moment… I felt very out of the moment. I had c-sections after and it shocked me how much more peaceful it all was, even for being a c/s. More controlled, more peaceful… which my sister’s (and aunt’s) births have all been with epi’s too. My mom (who had all of us naturally) said the same thing as me (she was like, “Had I known epi births could be like that, I would have used those 7 babies ago!”). So funny how that can happen. A mom I know wanted an epi with her 7th baby, but did not want to feel judged by our homebirthing friends and while I talked some sense into her (because she wanted it, but was embarassed) I mentioned how much more calm and with it a mom can be during the birth after having one, That talked helped her and after calling me to tell me she had her baby, she thanked me and told I was so right! She felt much more together and with it (vs. her non-epi baby).
-All that to say, I’m so glad you mentioned your little rabbit trail! Too much judgement from some moms and it’s time to stand up to that!
Your little one is ADORABLE! Makes me anxious for #5 to arrive in the Spring!
Stacy says
#5!!! Congratulations!!! 🙂 Back labor is the worst.
Elaine says
Yay! Congratulations!!!
Children are Such a blessing! So glad for ya’ll.
Stacy says
Thank you. 🙂
Susan says
Congratulations! The lil’ Peanut is a cutie…especially all curled up there! Glad to see you back again. A) Glad I’m not the only one who didn’t realize you were pregnant and B) like above (below) poster, was wondering the other day how you were all doing.
Stacy says
Thank you, Susan! 🙂
Kate says
Such a cutie!
I just wanted to say thanks for sharing your thoughts on an epidural. I had one with my first baby (after having to be induced) and people still give me grief about it. I’m due with baby #2 now and plan to probably have an epidural again this time. The time before I got it was horrible, and the time after was lovely and peaceful and controlled (I agree with you, I really liked the fact that I felt in control of the situation again). I hate when people make me feel guilty about doing what was best for me just because it wasn’t best for them.
Oh, and I also just read Andrew’s birth story and think it’s funny because today I happen to be wearing the exact same shirt as you have on in your 37 week pic in Part 1. 🙂
Stacy says
I loved that shirt! 🙂 Congratulations on your #2!
Carla T says
Thanks for sharing your story. I was recently thinking aobut you and your blog and hoping all was well in your world. Enjoy as I know you will!
Stacy says
We are great!!
Becca Carroll says
So happy for you and your family! <3
Stacy says
Thanks, friend!
Tracy says
Congrats on the new little family member…and the day after my birthday too! I’m all for the epidurals. My kiddos were born 24 and 21 years ago and I’m still thankful they had them “back when” :). I became a grandma a few months ago. I think it is a movement of sorts for this generations of new mommies to tough it out so to speak and even have home births. I don’t think they are wrong any more than you or I would choose to go to a hospital. There is always another way up the hill…enjoy the way you choose. Enjoy your healthy, happy family and remember to not blink to much….they grow up waaaayyyy to fast.
Love that you are writing again too.
Stacy says
I hear that being a grandma is awesome! 🙂 Thank you so much.
Dawn says
He Is Adorable! And Might I Add That You Look Fabulous-You’re Glowing!
I Can’t Wait To Read Your New Posts! 🙂
Stacy says
Thank you! 🙂 That’s so nice.
Cheeryshirley says
Congratulations Myer’s Family! It was lovely hearing your newest’s birth story! Stacy, you look great and Barry looks like he’s lost some weight in the last 7 months! You both are doing something very right! 🙂
I have a personal financial question for y’all. Are you still giving assistance in this way? So glad you’re back! Hugs, Cheeryshirley (& hubby)
Stacy says
Yes, Barry is always available to answer questions. 🙂 Thank you for the lovely comment!
Alix says
What a sweet little pumpkin! Congratulations!!!
For comparison, did Annie and Andy have small birth weights or is he your smallest?
PS- love the protective big brother in the last picture!
Stacy says
Annie was 7 pounds and 1 ounce. Andy was 7 pounds and 5 ounces. 🙂 So yes, Eli has been the smallest one…but I always carry small.
Elizabeth Schlitz Hull says
He’s beautiful. Congratulations. Everyone should make the birth decisions that are right for them as long as they have done a little research. I gave birth drug free twice (technically 3 times) including home birth for my twins. The first time they gave me stadol and some kind of block to numb me and although it helped, I sore I would do whatever it took not to need something the next time and I did it. Had I been at the hospital with my twins, I would have been begging for something, lol, but since I knew I couldn’t I just did without. But there should never be any shame for your birth choices. It’s your birth, your baby and your experience. Whatever we can do to make birth as good of an experience as we can is a good thing! Praise God for babies!!! 😀
Stacy says
Twins!!! 🙂 Twins are awesome – my mom keeps praying for me to have twins. Ha ha!
Helen says
Stacy and Barry, What a truly beautiful child you’ve been blessed with. Welcome back Stacy….absolutely thrilled to see you in my inbox again.
Stacy says
🙂 I’m tickled to hear you say that.
Grammiejan says
Wow!! Congratulations!! I didn’t even know you were pregnant!! (Duh). I LOVE getting your posts and have missed getting them tremendously!! Thank you so much for including us all in your life. God Bless!!
Stacy says
Surprise! LOL
Sheila says
Beautiful! So glad of your new healthy boy! I wanted to be focus on my babies rather than pain. I am so glad you did what was right for you. I love seeing the new posts!
Stacy says
That’s what we are always praying for – a healthy baby.
Jana says
Many congratulations!! He’s gorgeous! 🙂 It sounds like you had the birth experience you were hoping for, and that’s all that matters. That, and that everyone’s healthy. I don’t think you need to justify anything!
Also, I have to tell you that there’s been a definite void in the blogosphere without your posts…I too am very happy to see you back! 🙂
Stacy says
Yes! Exactly! 🙂 And thank you.
Angela Bailey Coffman says
Congratulations! What a little sweetie. I had an epidural with my 6th delivery and it was lovely. I would never choose to deliver without one again. I felt guilty about it at the time, and it was a waste of energy. There are no medals for an unmedicated delivery :). I love how peaceful you felt about going into labor. That’s how it was with my 5th–really my only normal labor. I was able to clean house and get ready knowing I was in labor the whole time. I agree car contractions are terrible! My husband got excited with that one and was driving a little crazy. Aaak!
Stacy says
I wish I could just magically appear at the hospital without that whole car ride thing. 🙂
Shelley says
Congratulations on your new addition! He’s adorable.
Stacy, I think MOST people labor/deliver with an epidural (most people I know have used one). You don’t have to justify it, and there’s certainly no shame in it!
Stacy says
Thank you! I think so too. 🙂
DJ says
Congratulations; what sweetness!
I completely agree about the epidural; each one of us is different and needs to be able to labor in the way that works best for us, with NO mommy guilt. 🙂
Stacy says
Thank you! He’s a sweetie for sure. 🙂
Paula Cameranesi says
Congrats on the new one!
Stacy says
Cynthia Combest says
What a beautiful story. Eli is a doll.
Stacy says
🙂 Yes he is – but it’s nice to hear other people say it.
Willie says
Congratulation, Stacy! Glad to see you back!!!!
Stacy says
Thank ya! I’m glad to be back.
EK says
The Lord made women and mothers to take care of things – even when in labor! With my children (I have six) I would always shower, shave, fix my hair and makeup. I would also cook a big batch of food so if I had to stay over longer than expected, everyone would have plenty to eat. While that was cooking, I always made sure the laundry was caught up with everything folded and put away. I have a friend who, after having 4 births at home, had to have a c-section with her last child. She, too, had some feelings of guilt. I share the same thing with you as with her – don’t let satan condemn you for choosing what was best for you and your family and put a shadow on your joy. Everything that happen did not catch our Lord by surprise. He knew exactly how everything was going to be and blessed you and your husband with another precious baby. Y’all have a beautiful family. As a side note, in the pictures you look like you could have gone home in your pre pregnancy clothes.
I cannot tell you how excited I was to see you in my inbox again! Please continue to post when you can. Family first though. Your readers understand that.
Stacy says
Thank you. I appreciate that. 🙂 It makes me smile.
Lisa says
Congratulations on your little guy! Thanks for sharing his/your story. I’ve got number seven due in a couple of months and really enjoy reading birth stories. I enjoy your blog and am glad that you are posting again as you are able!
Stacy says
Wendy Briscoe says
I know all the focus is on the new baby, but can I ask how you are feeling? How’s the emotional hormonal roller coaster? I remember after our son”s birth, crying for no reason what so ever, and finding myself crying at the simple things in life, and those things that were so easy for me, seemed so hard. 🙂 Is it a big adjustment from 2 to 3 kids?
Stacy says
I’m doing very well. 🙂 No baby blues at all. The adjustment to 3 has been easier for me than the adjustment to 2.
Thank you so much for asking, Wendy. 🙂
Tammy Y says
He’s precious!! I have missed your posts so much. You always have a way to make me smile and this was no exception. I agree with you on not having mommy guilt..every woman is different and that’s okay, the important thing is getting baby safely within your arms 🙂 I’m rejoicing with you in the birth of your new son. Please consider posting more as the Lord leads…I truly have missed you!
Stacy says
I hoping to post a couple times a week. Thanks! 🙂
Sarah says
Pffffttt… I never bothered to go drug free for both of my kids. I was a little concerned about narcotics because I was told it can affect the baby’s breathing when they come out, so I opted for the epidural. I know some women can breath through their contractions, but I get back labour, so it’s way too intense for me. Epidurals are like a miracle!!! I guess they used to be the “I can’t feel anything below my waist” kind, so people like my mother in law tried to convince me that they’re horrible. But they’re not like that now. It’s like magic that takes the contraction pain and pressure away!
Stacy says
Narcotics makes me think about pot. Bhahahahaha! Okay, maybe that’s exhaustion talking.
Allison says
He’s beautiful! All the best to Eli and the Myers family!
Stacy says
Thank you!
Beth Dodds says
Congrats! He is amazing. I tried to go natural with our second child and it was not pleasant at all. After 6 hours, I had to have an epidural. I should have just began the day off with one. My kiddo was induced and the pain was much worse than going into labor on my own. My sweet girlie was born 22 hours later. A nurse told me at one point, “no one gets a medal at the end, so get the epidural!” Man was she right on.
Stacy says
She’s right – being a mom isn’t about earning a medal. It’s about making sure everyone survives and isn’t running around naked – outside the house.
Anna @ The Measured Mom says
Congratulations, how wonderful!! I LOVE a good birth story! We had our fifth in January. She was 12 days late and 11 lbs 12 oz! For the first time I actually signed the paper work for an epidural because the end of that pregnancy was so wretched (I’m 5’2… not a lot of place for that baby to go!). I ended up sticking it out, and it actually was much less painful than my other labors. But I was pleased to get to that place where I didn’t feel like a “quitter” for wanting an epidural. I say, whatever works for you. (And my labors average about 10 hours each, which is plenty long enough for me … go you!)
Stacy says
Annie was 16 hours (my first), Andy was 22 hours (my second and natural) and Eli was only 14.5. So maybe the next time it will be even shorter. 🙂
Nj says
LOL. This reminds me of my second child’s birth 44 years ago. He was overdue so the doctor had me to take castor oil because he was going out of town soon. (yeah, they did that back then.) After running to the bathroom all night, I finally figured out I was in labor. I called the doctor, woke my husband up and told him to shave and get ready. Thought I had plenty of time but by the time we got to the hospital, it was almost too late. The doctor wanted to know why we took so long. My husband told him he had to shave and get ready. I heard them giggling and talking about how they couldn’t believe “the husband had to shave first.” (I was also too far along to get the epidural so they slapped the gas mask over my face. I woke up hearing someone screaming bloody murder until I figured out that someone was me! Not a pleasant experience.)
Stacy says
Barry didn’t shave – I did. LOL So funny!!