Well, you told us you liked this whole Stacy + Barry video thing so I’m throwing another one at you this week. I promise it won’t be an every Saturday thing, but we had the opportunity for some peace and quiet and so we took it. A few of you asked about how we approach household chores – how we decide whether Stacy or Barry is going to do certain tasks. You asked…we answered. As with last week’s post on marriage, this is raw, unedited and totally off-the-cuff.
You’ll think we sound like the Cleavers being interviewed. Picture it with me: Ward and June sitting on a lovely couch, interviewed by a nice early 60’s reporter. It goes something like this:
Reporter: “Mrs. Cleaver, why don’t you let Ward do the cooking?”
June: “Why ever would he want to cook? He doesn’t even know where to find the pots and pans *chuckles*”
Ward: “June, you make a good point. I don’t do any cooking around the house, but I sure do like it when you make that special pot roast of yours. Mmmm, delicious.”
Reporter: “There you have it, folks. What every person wants to know about the Cleavers.”
Okay, okay – maybe we’re not that traditional. As this video points out, we work in our strengths. In our case, it just so happens those strengths also happen to mostly fall along the lines of where traditional male/female roles are. So, before you get up on your high horse and call me sexist – Stacy is welcome to mow the yard, fix the cars, do a home renovation or any other “manly” activity whenever she wants. She just doesn’t want. 🙂 Same goes with most of her duties – I know how to change a diaper, wash laundry, iron and I’ve even been known to make a pretty mean dish of fried rice. Here’s what works for us…since you asked. ;0)
🙂 Ironing Sisters.
Loved this one! My husband and I are pretty traditional/weird, too. We both work outside the home (and his mother takes care of our toddler), but most of the household chores fall on me, which is fine. He does all the yard work and most of the garden work, and we both feed our slew of farm animals. I am blessed with a husband who loves to cook and is excellent at it, so thankfully I don’t have to do all the cooking. (I HATE to cook!) We don’t have a schedule or anything, but it works out to about half the time I cook, half the time he does (and when he cooks, the food is much better, haha!). Oh, and Stacy, I love to iron too! What is up with that??! I don’t do it often anymore since I’ve figured out how to keep our shirts from being wrinkled, but when my husband asks me to iron a shirt for him, I jump all over it. LOL!
🙂 This really made made me smile. Thanks!
Dottie is Barry’s baby. 🙂
STACY YOU CRACK ME UP!!! I don’t know where yer from honey but ya don’t talk funny to me (I’m a Carolina girl myself, born & bred) Would love to sit down and have a Spark w/ ya…I’m sure we could go for hours 🙂 Apparently what works for us is ME DOIN IT ALL, per my hubby but I’m very blessed to have him! He DOES mow the yard (maybe not as often as I’D like) and he plays Barbies w/ our 5 yo just about every night before bed. Now, I’m off to fold laundry…AGAIN~ God bless and keep it up girlfriend Love Love Love ya
I love the video posts. I loved both, you are both too cute! We a weird too, but I do love to push mow the yard. I think because it drowns out the noise of my three boys:) Anyway, keep ’em coming. It will be something else to look forward to on Saturday. Btw, let me know if you ever need help digging that hole, I live in Va. I will let you know if I ever need help throwing a heavy bad into the river…. or do I need Barry for that???
The holes are dug! 🙂
We do the same thing, I;m home all day and he works nights so it works out that I do the “womanly” chores and he does the “manly” chores. and…. I LOVE TO IRON TOO!!!!
It’s nice to meet another ironer…I thought I was the only one. LOL
My hubby and I also work as a team and he helps me out with chores cuz where we live we both have to work full time to make ends meet. We are lucky to have family that love to watch our son. We decided a long time ago I would do the majority of the cooking and cleaning if he could help a little bit on his days off. I never do the trash, he does, I don’t fix things when it’s broken or put furniture together he does. He helps vacuum and cleans the dishes. We both work off each other to keep our house running smoothly. I think they are called dust bunnies maybe because when you leave them alone they somehow multiply fast like bunnies do 😉
That’s SO great that you’ve found what works for you – so many people fight about it…good for y’all! Keep up the good work. It always takes teamwork.
I love you guys. We’re dry stereotypical as well. Only chores we do split and take turns on is milking (he does morning I do evening), putting dishes away (he does it half the time) and if hes home he changes dipeys!
Barry won’t let me have a cow…but I’m not bitter. Okay, so yes. I’m bitter. My dad sides with Barry. What’s that about?
Pffft what is with them. We have two 😛 They’re actually my husbands babies. We don’t get dust bunnies. Nu uh, those are too small, we get dust JACK RABBITS.
Because they look like cute little bunnies!! Just like the 2 of you!! Thanks for a great site, I look forward to it daily. God bless you both.
CUTE?! They make me go nuts.
I LOVE this! What a great team you both are. We are hitting 16 years married next month and i have yet to figure out how to divide the household chores. He works, and brings home the money and i (attempt) to keep the house up and running smooth. however its a big job for one person! The kids are old enough now and they have been a big help. Kudos to you both!
I look forward to when Annie can help! She does a little now. but mostly makes more mess than cleans. LOL
Cute video. We split chore along gender lines, as well. Although my hubby does pitch in more when I’m sick/pregnant, etc so I’ve made an effort to teach him a few simple meals as he normally likes to “cook” with his wallet. I’ve also taken out the trash when he forgot to. We approach things more as a team — and if you have played any team sports you know that each member plays to their strengths but also needs to pitch in when necessary.
Oh my yes. Barry does a LOT more when I’m down with morning sickness….all day. :-/
I don’t think you’re weird….sounds exactly like us. My hubby LOVES riding his 0-turn and pressure-washing anything that doesn’t move and just about anything else outdoors….it’s therapy for him and definitely works to get out some of his work stress. I, on the other had LOVE to iron and cook and clean house and wash dishes too.
…hmmm…maybe we’re not so weird….
Barry wants a 0 turn!!! Don’t tell him you have one. 🙂
Love this video. We divide our chores exactly like you do. I don’t think that you are weird at all. I think that dust bunnies are named that because they are fuzzy and multiply.
I think so too…multiply like BUNNIES. 🙂