We’ve shared with you guys about how we celebrate at the Myers house with a 3-Gift Christmas. This has really simplified Christmas here – and we really enjoy deciding on the three gifts. 🙂 We put a lot of thought into each one.
Last year I shared Annie’s gifts with you, so I thought I would continue that tradition. This year with our new addition, Andy, we’re having even more fun. 🙂 Even though he’s not 4 months old yet and doesn’t participate much, we didn’t want to leave him out – don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater…or something like that.
I just realized that this is only a tradition that I’ll be able to keep up until Annie can read – after that, the post will come AFTER Christmas. Because I have this feeling she’s going to be a snoop like her Daddy…are you reading this honey? DO NOT SHAKE THOSE BOXES!

Let’s start with Andy, shall we? For his gold gift, we decided on a Raggedy Andy doll. By now, you’ve likely figured out that yes, I did name my children Annie and Andy….and yes, I do like Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls. And no, I will not name my next child Do It All For You Dolly.
I know he’s a boy – but hey…a doll is still cool, right? It’s not like I gave him a Barbie – and plus, this is decoration only. I hope it’s something he’ll always keep – and pass on to his kids, like I did my Ann doll to Annie.
We purchased this vintage Andy from Etsy from $15.

For his frankincense gift we decided on a Nativity as a keepsake. We got one for Annie last year and she loved it! So, I decided it was a tradition that I would continue for each child – each child can have their own nativity. 🙂
Again, we purchased this from Etsy. I splurged and spent $27.95 on this one. I realize that’s a LOT. But I wanted to get a nice, handmade nativity…one that will last for years. And it’s wooden, so it can take lots of play and still look nice. Wooden toys are where it’s AT.

For his last gift, the gift of myrrh, I decided on a paci holder. He doesn’t really need anything in the area of clothes or body products, but dude…these things are a back saver.
No longer will you hear this from the kitchen: “Plop! UGH! Plop! UGH! Can’t we just put some super glue on it!?” Now our paci is attached to us at all times…and plus, it feeds my sock monkey fetish.
Also purchased on Etsy for $9. Dude…I shop at Etsy a lot, don’t I? I might need a 12-Step program…and I should likely delete the Etsy app from my iPhone. Yeah – not gonna happen.

On to Annie! 🙂 She was so much fun this year. For her gold gift, we decided on a stash of dress up clothes. She has recently decided that she likes to dress up – and it gives her hours of fun play time….and it gives Mommy time to take a bath. That’s worth a million dollars right there.
Don’t pass out, but guess what? I bought these used. I buy a lot of gifts used. Looking around, I found that I could EASILY spend a ton of money on dress up clothes. I hadn’t successfully found anything that would work at the thrift store – and I didn’t really want her wallering all over the floor in her Sunday best.
Purchased on eBay for $25: 6 dresses, Minnie Mouse ears, Tinkerbell wings, 3 pairs of dress up shoes and 2 pairs of toy earrings. That’s a deal, I’d say.

Two years ago we purchased the Veggie Tales Bible Storybook for her frankincense gift. We’ve read through it and we were ready for another. I found this Bible Stories for Curious Kids at Allume and I knew it would be good for her spiritual gift this year. We’ll use it at night for our family devotions. It looks FABULOUS.
Annie has a deep love of books, so I enjoy buying more for her collection. She’s a bookworm like her Mama.
I paid $15 for this from Vibrant Faith Ministries.

We’ll finish out Annie’s gifts with her myrrh item: Boots. This was a needed item. She need a pair of boots to wear out in case this winter gets cold and nasty like they say it’s going to – the shoes she currently has weren’t acceptable for the snow – unless you like cold, wet feet.
Hey guess what? I bought these used too. 😉 New boots were EXPENSIVE. Considering she’ll only wear these for a few months, I didn’t want to buy brand new boots. Found these at Once Upon a Child for $8. Score.
So, that’s it for us! Now you can pretend that you’re with us on Christmas morning – except keep your paws off my sausage gravy.
Happy New Year! This was my third year of the 3-gift idea! Love it and wonder why I never thought of it. It is wonderful in planning he gifts for the 5 grandsons as well as the adults. The boys know they receive 3 gifts from us. I also do 3 gift idea for their socks and with the same meaning as you have done. I go a step further as I am into recycling, reusing in that I purchase red (frankincense); white flannel (myrhh)& gold fabrics, sew quick fabric gift bags for each of their gifts; using same colored ribbons as gift bags. No paper wrapped gifts under our tree. Also, none of gifts are battery operated; and are mostly handcrafted/sewn gifts. What I love the most about the 3 gift idea is that I can all year long be thinking of ideas which makes Christmas enjoyable and we can focus on the true meaning!
You speak my language! Me and batteries – we’re not very friendly.
Wish I’d read this earlier, but Christmas is on its way out over here! Love the 3 gift idea and after the craziness in my living room today – I’ll say no more! Out of all those gifts, she loved the $2 shop dress up shoes and the sweets. Next year will be different – Meri Kirihimete from Aotearoa (New Zealand)
I hope your Christmas was fabulous over there! Our day is just starting – I’m the first one awake and I can’t stop giggling. LOL
Used gifts are a wonderful way to save. did this many times when my kids were young esp., even now do used. it’s the thought that counts anyway not how expensive it is. Love your choices. Sure they will too. Merry Christmas to your family.
It’s definitely not about the cost- you’re right.
My husband and I knew that we wanted to do 3 gifts for each child to keep our kids focus on the meaning of Christmas. We liked 3 gifts because Jesus got 3 gifts but the Gold, myrrh, and frankincense gift is a great idea and we will be doing that in our home from here on out! Thanks for the great idea!
You’re welcome! Y’all have a Merry Christmas!
Love the idea for three gifts-gold, frankincense, and myrrh. This is why we are so blessed, why we have a marvelous afterlife to come!! Thanks for the reminders. We don’t have kids, but strive to make “cents” of our lives.
🙂 Merry Christmas!
Stuffed “Bert & Ernie” dolls went to Sunday School with my son for quite some time when he was small. Boys like dolls too. Merry Christmas.
I think it teaches them to have a nurturing spirit. 🙂
Perfect. 🙂
🙂 I hope so! They’re getting opened in only a few more hours.
I love Etsy too! I bought most of the birthday gifts for my mom on there 🙂 My son and little sister (she’s 6) are getting two Bibles for Christmas. The Jesus Story Book Bible and The Brick Bible which is illustrated with Lego people!
Wow! I bet the Lego Bible is awesome! I might have to get that for Andy eventually. 🙂
Are you sure Andy’s not surfing the web at 2 a.m. and checking this out? Really nice gift selection. Your children are blessed. 🙂 I like the nativity idea. We have several kid-tivities, but I never thought to give them their own.
It won’t be long. He’s growing tooooooooo fast!
Your gift choices are really great, thoughtful, practical and useful. Perfect combination.
🙂 Thanks!
Stacy,I’m like the above reader. I would like to know the Etsy shop you purchased the nativity set. I’m thinking that would be perfect for my grandson next year. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
I bought it here. Love Etsy!! http://www.etsy.com/shop/RAcreationsunlimited
Hope ya’ll have a very Merry Christmas!
Ditto, toots!
Great gift ideas! We do the three gifts too,plus one gift for all 3 girls (like a family gift) . We also buy them all a new calendar each year. They know which gift is the calendar but the fun is in seeing which one they got! Usually I can find what they would love at the dollar store, but sometimes I splurge…like on this year’s yoga kitties for one of my girls!
I love little gems from the dollar store!
I feel silly. Somehow I never realized that your kids were named for the dolls until you pointed it out. I wish I still had the ones I grew up with. A couple of sweet old ladies in my dad’s church gave them to us.
I still have mine!! I’m so glad my Mama hung on to all of that stuff.
I love the way you shop – you’d fit right in with our family!
Merry Christmas, Stacy and God bless you and your family.
🙂 Smart family. Ha!
As a Granma of 5 I love the simplicity of your celebration. So original and thoughtful. This is where it’s at to bring Him back to our celebration. Thanks. I been following you for the last 8 months or so and am truly impressed with your Christ centered life.
🙂 Thank you, Melissa. Merry Christmas!!
I love the whole 3 gift idea! We decided a few years ago to really pare down our gift craziness. The kids get the ONE big thing they REALLY can’t live without. Then a few other items like books for our son and nail polish for our daughter. They get so much other stuff from relatives that we just didn’t want to give them stuff just to give…stuff. We wanted to give them something they would enjoy and use.
Merry Christmas to the Myers family!!!! May your new year be filled with lots of love, health, peace and joy. And a whole bunch of posts because I love reading you every morning!
Thank you, Tracy! I love spending my mornings with y’all. 🙂
Love it! We do something similar at our house, though we do just four gifts – something to wear, something to play with, something to read, something you need.
I absolutely adore the nativity. Would you mind sharing the Etsy shop you purchased it from? (Etsy is such a terrific place to find nice handmade gifts–we purchased a few gifts for our boys from there this year, too.)
Sure! I bought it here and he has another one: http://www.etsy.com/shop/RAcreationsunlimited?ref=seller_info