Trying to do it all is gonna kill you. Literally. Stress kills. You can’t do it all. Stop trying.
Recently, I’ve been pondering on the fact that society/social media, likes to point out when someone isn’t doing it all.
Eating healthy? Well, why don’t you filter your water too? Sleeping well Why the heck are you using a chemical cleaner? Taking your vitamins? Didn’t you know that you are killing yourself with EMFs? Kids in public school? Did you know they’re missing time at home with you? Kids in homeschool? Why aren’t you getting your kids some socialization and friends? So, let me remind you – you can’t do it all.
About 10 years ago, when Barry and I decided to go the “healthy route,” I literally tried to do it all. I tried to make EVERYTHING in our lives “healthy.”
And can I tell you something? I almost went crazy! It was NOT fun to be around me. I was driving my family berserk and wasn’t doing super great on the friend scale.
Where We Are
Let me tell you where the Myers family lands – how we feel about things. Maybe that will help you make the choice that works best for your family.
Without going crazy, without feeling like a failure, and without thinking you’re losing your marbles.
We do what we can (within reason) to be healthy. We eat well – we take supplements – we use healthy items – we filter our water – we sleep, and we exercise. I feel really good about that. There are going to be things that come up – other things that OTHER PEOPLE think we should be doing. But we have decided to live an 80/20 lifestyle all around. THAT is what keeps us from going crazy. Even though I might want to do all the “right things,” I know that I am not God and don’t have the capacity for that.
There are certain things we do that we love and bring us crazy amounts of happiness:
- My bluetooth EMF headphones
- A occasional soda
- Chocolate every day
- Cooooooooooooooooffffffffffffffffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Worry and anxiety over trying to make everything healthy will kill me before chocolate, coffee, or soda.
One Thing at a Time
So for us, we make one healthy change at a time – and we focus on happiness. A joyful heart does GOOD LIKE MEDICINE. but a BROKEN SPIRIT (worry and anxiety) DRIES UP THE BONES. (Proverbs 17:22…sort of)
Health is a journey – it’s not a teetotaler thing. You can make one step at a time and be confident in that without worry. <3
One day I might decide to do better with coffee or EMFs or soda. But right now? I’m not there. And that’s okay. It’s okay for you too.
You can’t do it all. I can’t do it all. Do you best – take one step at a time. And anyone else who tries to make you feel less than for not doing it all? They’re not on your life bus.

Thank you for this reminder Stacy <3
You’re welcome – sometimes I write things because I need the reminders myself. 🙂
Ok, I just wanted to say that you look super cute in this photo.
I did read the post too, and I agree. 😉
🙂 Thank you, friend. You’re the best.