I think this is the place where bananas come to die. We LOVE them. But no matter how many I buy, at least 4 are always in a state of decay. I’m not talking: eh, those are a little gone. I’m taking: if you pick it up, it will smush in your hand. Banana pancakes are one of the solutions to use such “smushy” bananas. 😉
I would have to buy only 6 bananas at a time – every day, for us to not have this issue. And I’m not sure about you, but I don’t wanna go to the store every day for bananas. And I sure as heck don’t wanna be the Bananas Lady for grocery delivery.
So, I end up buying 15-20 at a time and then we have extra brown bananas in like 45 seconds.
I like to make banana bread, banana muffins, and freeze chunks of bananas for smoothies. But sometimes, one gets tired of smoothies and banana bread (well, I hear it happens to some folks, but I am not sure about this phenomenon). So, banana pancakes is a nice alternative.
I’ve been known to smash a banana and throw it into just about anything…except scrambled eggs. Because I have to draw the line somewhere.
Side note, one time I tried to add vanilla to scrambled eggs because HELLO – vanilla is good in everything. Except scrambled eggs…just so you know. #disgusting
But these banana pancakes are a win every single time. They’re tasty, they’re filling (whole wheat for the win), and all the smushy bananas end up being used for a worthy cause. Side note: this recipe is a variation on the Bread Beckers Basic Pancakes recipe.
Whole Wheat Banana Pancakes
- 3 cups flour I use soft white wheat
- 1 tsp salt
- 4 tsp baking powder
- 1/3 cup coconut oil
- 4 large eggs
- 3 cups milk I use almond milk
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 2 ripe bananas, mashed
- Mix together: smashed bananas, oil, eggs, milk, and vanilla.
- Stir in flour, salt, baking powder, and cinnamon.
- Add more milk to thin, if necessary.
- Fry on greased griddle or skillet.
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