Why I’m back to blogging
In November 2021, our family experienced a business loss that left us shell-shocked. If you’ve ever gone through a tramatic event, you know it changes how you view things.
At the time, I couldn’t see it, but God orchestrated those things and actually led us down that path for our good. We wouldn’t be as strong as we are now, or as close, if not for hard times to push us there.

BUT, when you go through stuff like that, it can jade how you view things. For me, that meant I had a total distaste for anything “influencer,” “mom boss,” or the like. I didn’t want anything at all to do with making money online – I ran away from that type of life like Jonah ran away from Ninevah.
I took a 400 day break from social media to heal, and when I came back, I still didn’t want anything to do with being an online entrepreneur, aside from our Etsy store. I just wanted to share Jesus and our family life, but soon I realized it was a time-consuming hobby. I thought I might need to leave social media behind.
So our family took the month of December off, to rest and just enjoy Christmas. If you’re seeking clarity, being away from the internet is a great exercise. And clarity was what we received.
I didn’t have to throw the baby out with the bathwater on a ship to Ninevah. When I started working online 14 years ago, I LOVED blogging and writing and sharing – it was a great outlet for me and a nice way to earn side money from recommendations and our Etsy store. It was something I truly loved. So, I’m returning to my roots.
I can work a few hours a week on the internet without it consuming me or taking too much time away from my kids or being a fake mom-fluencer – I started there and just let it get out of hand. I have a great support system to keep me from over-doing it.
So, this is my return to “work,” and I hope you’ll come along for the ride.
Soli Deo gloria

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