All of us have something we’re passionate about. For you, it might be any one of the following:
- Real food
- Natural medicine
- Homeschool
- Faith
- Exercise
- Politics
- ANYTHING else (you can be passionate about anything, you know…)
And when you’re passionate about something, it’s hard to accept when other folks don’t share the same passion. You want to tell the world!!!!!!!!! But you feel like you’re talking to an empty room.
For Example…
Let’s say you’re crazy passionate about reducing GMOs in the food supply. So on Facebook and Instagram, you share stories and facts. You find amazing graphics. You tell about your experience. And you get…zero feedback.
Or maybe you want the WORLD to know how far you’ve come in your faith! You regularly post scripture and object lessons – graphics with encouragement. You send your friends cards in the mail with scripture you picked exactly for them! And you get…zero feedback.
When you’re in that place, it’s easy to want to quit. It’s easy to say: NO ONE IS LISTENING AND ALL MY PASSION IS IN VAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!
Doesn’t it feel hard when other people seem to want to remain ignorant? Doesn’t it sting when no one seems to care about your GMO facts or your Bible verses? Yes, it’s hard to swallow. You may even start to doubt yourself.
When you’re passionate and driven, it’s your greatest desire for someone else to JUST GET IT!!!!!!!! All you want is for someone to come along with you!!!
So, here’s what I’ve learned: folks only listen when they’re ready.
Let me say that again for the people who weren’t really listening:
People only listen when they’re ready.
If you’re educating about GMOs, folks who are regularly eating out and don’t cook much, really won’t care…until something happens to make them care. <3
If you’re educating about natural medicine, folks who haven’t had a reason to look into it, won’t care much. <3
If you’re educating about scripture, folks who haven’t had that heart change, won’t care. <3
But friend, here’s what you need to know – keep on with your passion, Keep talking about it, Keep speaking to folks. Keep learning.
Because when folks ARE ready, they know who to come to – because while they may not comment on your scripture verse – they DO see it. And they WILL remember.
Fight the good fight. <3
I’m not sure who needed that today, but someone did. You got this.

Loved this! Thank you 💕
I needed it
I’m so glad. <3 Not that you needed it, but that it was said.
In my house, we call a non response “listening to crickets”. I hear it (the crickets) a lot and it can be discouraging. Thank you for bringing up the subject. You just have to keep at your own thing regardless. I think it is part of “person building”. :):):)
Thank you for the post,
LOL I love that word story…..talking to the wall. 🙂
Love this!
Thank you, Sarah!
It’s also okay to just like something for yourself because it makes you feel good. no need to drive people crazy with your thing you love. imagine everyone singing their own favorite song aloud at the same time all day every day.
Yes, it sure is okay – but some folks are also led to share. 🙂 <3
Me. It was me who needed to hear this today! Thank you so much for sharing this. Really encouraged my heart.
Gloria, I’m praying for you today. <3
Needed that today!!!
I’m so glad it was helpful!!!