If you’ve followed me for any length of time, you know that I’ve regularly used the term poorganic.
I’ve written a post before discussing eating poorganic and what that looks like. I’ve even got a decals and t-shirts you can buy in the shop that say Eat Poorganic (Cook From Scratch). I am really into teaching and helping people cook food from scratch, so they can avoid unnecessary preservatives, additives, dyes, sugars, and more. I think a lot of times we get too focused on buying organic foods.
My opinion is that the focus should be less on organic foods and more on local and homemade foods.
If you had asked me 4 years ago how I felt about organic foods and non-GMO, I would have confidently given you an answer. But last year, I would have told you something completely different. And now? Well, now, I’m about to give you another answer altogether. And I’m sure if you ask me in two years, my answer will probably be different again…but that’s how it works when you learn new things, right?
That’s one reason I hesitated to share this with y’all. I told Barry it bothers me that I change my mind so often. But like he often does, Barry gave me some great advice. He said, “That’s normal. You are supposed to change your mind. We grow when we change our minds based on new information, what we have learned, and in this case, how our bodies feel. It’s not something to feel sorry about or something that you’re doing wrong.”
Know better – do better.
A long time ago, I started on this healthy eating journey and before long, I burned out in a big way. In fact, I burned out in such a big way that I just quit. I gave up eating clean and eating well, and I went back to the Standard American Diet. I was overwhelmed and I couldn’t handle anything else on my plate. Do y’all ever feel like you are in the kitchen literally all day long? That’s how I felt, and I couldn’t do it anymore. I just puttered out.
For a couple of years, when I was overwhelmed, I would have said I don’t care if it’s not good for me. How do I possibly avoid all the things that I hear are bad for me? I can’t make all these food decisions. I can’t handle being in the kitchen all day and making drastic changes to our eating habits. I’m just trying to get thru the day and feed the people.
But now, that has changed.
I have friends who eat a processed food diet, think GMO foods are safe and believe canola oil is perfectly fine. Then I know people who say organic is the only way to go and only buy non-GMO products. But we all know labeling laws are seriously messed up (you do know that, right?!). Sometimes, I’m not even sure whether organic is better or not. But I think the biggest problem comes when we feel so high and mighty that we think that everyone else who doesn’t do things the way we do is wrong. #keypoint
To answer your question, what do I think about organic foods?
I don’t know. I just don’t know.
But, I can tell you that I make poorganic choices every day as I feed our family the best food that fits our budget. And I can tell you I will continue to have my kitchen and baking day where I make and bake as much as I can from scratch. I can tell you that someday, I would love to buy all local (that’s available local). That’s one of our goals. We aren’t there yet, but that’s a goal.
Would I want to buy all organic? I’m not sure. You buy organic, and then you think, “oh, now we’re safe….” But I’m not sure you are. I don’t trust labeling laws and I don’t know want the government to decide what is safe and healthy for me and my family.
Do you have to do exactly what I do?
No way! You have to do what you are comfortable with. You have to buy what you feel safe buying. Please don’t look at me or anyone else and just copy what they’re doing. Make up your own mind. Learn, grow, develop, and ask questions. Then make up your mind.
What do I think about organic foods? Do I have some newly released concrete evidence? No, I can’t give you a scientifically backed answer. I just don’t know. What do you think about organic foods?
I just found your site
Was so glad to read about poororganic!?
I too am starting to question the organic labeling
It helped reading your blog
So wonderful to hear that Stacy’s post about organic foods (and eating poorganic) was helpful! Thanks for the comment 🙂
Julie, HH Team
PREACH! 🙂 We change up our eating at least once a year – life seasons, time, budget, knowledge, and balance are all factors.
And you’re right – as soon as I feel like one particular way is right, something happens that sends me back to the drawing board. Yay for progress and learning.
I was spending too much money trying to eat “clean”, organic, non-gmo, etc., as much as I could. And constantly worrying about putting some “evil unclean” food into my body. After resolving to get the other perspective and not buy into the fear-mongering, I started reading farmers blogs and following them on social media. I made up my own mind that for me, buying organic and non-gmo is just a waste of money. I feel as long as I try to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, and really limit the processed food then I can feel better in my body and in my pocketbook. This is what works for me. And I am just like you, Stacy. I change my mind a lot too, but it’s because I’ve considered another side or a new idea and I prefer to think of it as growing and changing just like your husband said. 🙂
Well-said, Aileen! I like how you put it – better for our bodies & pocketbooks! I agree plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables with minimal processed foods is key. Thanks for your thoughts,
Julie, HH Team
I find your poorganic approach a lifesaver! The whole “real” food movement left me frustrated and broke, and your commonsense words are a huge help.
SAME! Real food movement is helpful but also overwhelming.