For those of you who don’t follow along with my videos on Facebook, this post was actually a part of a recent Facebook Live series about my top 10 lists. My Top 10 Favorite Online Stores was a big hit – as was my Top 10 Kitchen Gadgets – so I wanted to share this with y’all too! One thing you should know about me…
Hi. My name is Stacy, and I am a kitchen gadget and appliance hoarder.
Even when I Konmari-ed my house and got rid of ALL the things, I kept most of my kitchen gadgets because you know what…I love kitchen appliances. I’m not ashamed; I’m not embarrassed. And you know what? I plan to keep on adding.
But I do not keep my kitchen gadget and appliance collection on my counter.
That drives me crazy! Counter clutter makes me nervous. I keep them all down in the basement on a special shelf that Barry built me. Before I get going on the key top ten kitchen gadgets list, I am going to shock you by mentioning what DIDN’T make the list this time…my crock pot! You know I use my slow cooker ALL.THE.TIME. However, this list is a little less obvious than that. 😉
In no particular order, here’s my top ten kitchen gadgets and appliances:
- Hamilton Beach Brew Station. This is actually my second one – because I wore out my first one. LOL. I love how no glass carafe – I am ridiculously bad at breaking them. So Barry found this coffee pot with NO carafe to break. IF this coffee pot broke today, I would go out and buy another one. I love that the coffee maker stays hot for HOURS, and makes a decent cup of coffee.
- Blendtec – Here’s the thing – this puppy is expensive. I’ve had one for about 5 years. This is actually my second one. My first stopped working, but since it was still under warranty they replaced it with a brand new one! I use this all the time for smoothies, soups, ice creams, pie crusts, etc. I would buy it over and over again. And now I can also say that their customer service and warranty program are amazing.
- Grater – Ban shredded cheese – make America grate again. I shred cheese almost every single day. And I love this grater because of the different options. But I should mention that it is SHARP. Just to be on the safe side, I do use a Kevlar glove to protect my hands!
- Chef’n Veggie Chopper – I initially saw this on Breadbeckers. I knew I had to have it, but I tried to avoid my impulse to buy. I finally caved and I’m glad I did! I use it almost daily. Any time a veggie needs to be chopped it goes in here and then I get an exercise routine. It’s like a weed-eater for veggies!
- Waring Pro Double Flip Waffle Maker – I use this weekly. One of my favorite things to make when we have overnight guests is waffles. Our whole family loves waffles. I love that I can make two at a time.
- Ice Cream Maker – Ice cream is my husband’s favorite dessert. I keep my canister in the freezer at all times. I’ve had this for a long time and haven’t had any issues with it. I had an old school ice cream maker, but I didn’t really like it. It was labor intensive and the ice cream never turned out as good as it does with this. Plus, you don’t need ice cream rock salt for this – which is nice!
- Fold-able griddle – No link for this because sadly – it isn’t made anymore! I bought this one year at a black Friday online sale, but have never seen it since. I use it for pancakes, sausage, bacon, grilled cheese etc. Even though you can’t buy one just like mine (that I know of), I still HIGHLY recommend a griddle.
- Stovetop pressure cooker – I actually have three of these and love each one for different reasons! But this Presto brand is my favorite. I use it instead of an insta-pot. I grew up watching my grandmother and my mom use these. Maybe someday I’ll get an insta-pot, but for now I’m loving this!
- Grain Mill – I use this multiple times a week! I buy grain in bulk and use this to mill our flour. The grain goes in the hopper and then your grain comes out into the canister. Those of you know me understand why this is on the list! LOL
- Bread Machine – I put off buying this for a long while because I thought I wouldn’t use it…but turns out I do! This is a top of the line bread machine. It will last me years and years. This is how I make ALL of our dough and bread. People ask why I like it better than my mixer. Honestly, it is because I was using my mixer almost exclusively for dough, and this works better. Occasionally I will use the bread machine to actually bake the bread, but most of the time I just use it for dough prep. I like to take the dough out and make cinnamon rolls, dinner, rolls, or two smaller bread loaves so it’s more manageable for kids sandwiches. If it died today, I would buy a new one and have it shipped overnight. LOL. I love the model with the heating elements in the list. I even love it so much I bought my mom one because her arthritis was keeping her from making bread by hand any longer.
If your number one kitchen gadget didn’t make my list, comment below and let me know what it is!
Also, this post was a part of my top ten week – which turns out y’all loved! These are all my Amazon affiliate links – you are in no way required to use these links to shop. I just like to provide them for ya because everyone always asks!
Is the double waffle makers really $1000??!!!! This is what shows on Amazon.
Yikes – it is pricey on Amazon now because that model is discontinued. I would never pay that much – no waffle is that good:) Definitely do NOT pay $1000 for a waffle maker – LOL. There also looks like there is one by Cuisinart that is much more affordable. Good luck shopping!
Julie, Humorous Homemaking Team
We have a rice pot/veggie steamer combo. It gets used several times a week. I love that I can make my husband rice and steam veggies for me all in one with 1 button.
I cant live without my Tfal Active fry! I use it ALL the time!