As a general rule, I am not a quitter. Even if I start something I don’t like, I usually have to finish it or it drives me nuts…..except that one cross-stitch thingy. I am NOT talented at that….I just stick myself and get blood everywhere. But guess what? We quit the Sugar Detox Challenge. Yes, it’s true. I know you’re astonished…….or relieved. One of those. I think Barry was relieved. Sometimes it just feels good to say “I QUIT!” Try it….I’ll wait. See? Sometimes I like to say “I quit!” even when I don’t really mean it – but I mean it this time. We quit. We’re done. Adios amigos. Hasta la bye bye. |
Why you ask? Well, this week was supposed to be to give up ALL forms of sugar except 1 teaspoon per day. ONE TEASPOON PER DAY! Do you hear what I’m saying here people? That would mean: no honey sweetened yogurt, no granola, no granola bars, no breads, no smoothies….no NOTHING. Good night. We would have been eating plain meat, veggies, and fruit for three solid weeks. Sure, I could go a couple days like that, but three weeks? I’m not sure I can eat that much meat. I cannot eat plain yogurt. It makes me pucker and want to yak. Un-sweetened oatmeal? No thanks. Honestly, I couldn’t ask Barry and Annie to do this…..I couldn’t ask myself to do it. It would be like I was putting us all through useless torture. Why useless? Because we really don’t suffer from sugar maladies. Yes, Annie gets a reaction if she eats too much white sugar – but I don’t cook with it and I monitor her intake very closely when she’s out. Should I tell her no syrup to sweeten her oatmeal? Nope. If you really need to rid your body 100% of sugar, then this is for you…..but I don’t see that our family needs this drastic measure. |
But guess what? I’m totally happy with how the detox turned out. Really. It helped us rid our system and our house of high fructose corn syrup, white flour, and all refined sugars. They will not be coming back here to live. We feel great! We both lost 3-4 pounds each without even trying. Not that I wanted to lose weight – it just happens when you give up dessert, soda, and white flour. Try it. I feel like the Detox accomplished what I set out to do and I am very pleased with how it all went. If you need to rid your life of High Fructose Corn Syrup and refined sugars, I can highly recommend this Detox.Oh, and you know what else? We’re having pancakes for breakfast. |
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Comment Policy: I love reading your thoughts and input on what you read here. I'm sure we'll disagree sometimes and that's okay! In those cases, do what's right for you and yours. As with any form of communication, only post comments that move the discussion in a positive direction.
If this post is a double, I apologize. I wasn’t sure if I hit “submit” and doesn’t appear to be… so here I go with my comment once again.
First off, your blog is so informative and helps me into a direction that I’ve been vaguely wanting to go to for me and my family. I’d like to go as far as you’ve gone on the detox and have a question about it. Well, first off, congrats on going as far as you did. It’s quite an accomplishment. I hesitate to start because I don’t know what I’d do if I get my chocolate cravings. Did you have a go to food for times like this?
This is off topic but I was also wondering if you have suggestions for where to look for bulk buying for Los Angeles. We live near the ocean and there is no Amish village near us but I’d love to find ways to save money on raw ingridients (or unprocessed). Thanks so much!!
Thanks for the lovely comment. 🙂 I didn’t really have any cravings. If I thought I wanted dessert, I’d eat an apple or a peach. I’ve heard lots of people say you can satisfy your sugar cravings by drinking a glass of milk. The lactose in milk satisfies those cravings. I don’t like milk, so I didn’t try that. 🙂
As far as bulk buying, I know there is a GREAT co-op out west called Azure Standard. I would check it out. They have high quality items and it’s a great place to buy organic foods.
It’s ok to quit some things. You know what’s right for you and your family.
I couldn’t do it either… but the good news is ~ I’m much more conscious of “white” flour in the things that we eat. We discovered some great “sprouted whole wheat products” and we are trying to stay away from eating things we can’t pronounce. For us it’s been little changes, because overall, we were already eating mostly whole foods. We’re saving the white flour & sugar for treats!! 🙂
Baby steps also turn into miles. 🙂 Good job Dianne!
What a refreshing post! It is great to know you can make improvements but not beat yourself up over not being perfect!
Thank you for the encouragement Cheryl. 🙂
Great job! My husband and I did the Atkins diet back in March. We gave up all that junk in just 2 weeks (with the help of Splenda)–it was still hard.
Girl, you did it WAY longer than I could have! Life is just toooooo short without something sweet ever now and then..
I think you guys did great! Like you said you are using natural and healthy sweetners, and no white flour…I think that is a huge accomplishment!
Thanks Sarah!
You did good. Now go enjoy your oatmeal!
Good job, guys! Mmmmm brownies…
Ha! Enjoy your breakfast. 🙂
Every little bit helps, you guys did well!