I’ve had so many requests for more information about what Our 24 Family Ways looks like and what it’s all about. Y’all know I’m lazy when it comes to A LOT of things. A family devotional has to be EASY in order for me to make it happen. And I just love this devotional! Our family has used this devotional 3 times – this is now our 4th time. Since the Watch Your Mouth challenge only runs for two months, you won’t completely finish it during the challenge. But I think once you get into this devotional, your family will grow and you will it so much that you will want to finish it!
Our 24 Family Ways is broken down into 24 weeks and 6 main categories: Authorities, Relationships, Possessions, Work, Attitudes, and Choices.
The lessons focus on loving one another, serving one another, encouraging one another, and forgiving one another. I like how each week is broken down into a specific topic in a specific category.
I should add, one reason I like this devotional so much is because it can apply to so many different ages. Each section has coloring pages for little ones, but it also appeals to older kids who love to get involved in the discussion with the question and story starter sections. We have fun and learn as a family, even if they don’t all get the same thing out of it.
Each lesson includes a coloring page with the topic for the week and a scripture verse.
Each week is broken down into 5 days and every day is broken down into 4 parts: “Ask a Question”, “Read the Bible”, “Talk About It”, and “Pray”. The last page for each week serves as Saturday’s devotion. It’s a summary reviewing the character we are working on and the scripture. Plus, there’s a cool section called Story Starter that gets the kids talking. We take off Sunday and we just do family prayer time before bed. There’s also a practice list section in the back where there are some ways to work on applying each of the 24 Family Ways in your family.
In the very back section there are more individual coloring pages. Which means technically, you don’t have to buy the coloring book if you don’t want to. Our family doesn’t have the coloring book because our Bible time is short and I just haven’t made time for the coloring pages. But I know some families like to have a coloring book for each of their children to keep the kids engaged.
We are so very excited about the Watch Your Mouth Kindness Challenge. But as I’ve said before, it’s hard to make a big family change like this without being in the Word often! Even if you don’t pick this devotional, chose something that keeps your family focused on God’s word. Make sure your devotional time is focused on the Bible and teaching your children scripture.
I hope this was helpful! And if you’re not using Our 24 Family Ways, I’d love to hear your favorite family devotional! Please take a minute and share in the comments below!
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