I know there are some of you out there who are like me and fairly new to the “natural lifestyle.” By natural lifestyle, I do not mean that I don’t shave or wear deodorant…or live in a van down by the river. I simply mean a way of life that causes you to eat and use things closer to the way they were created – before The Man decided to make it “better.”
And I also know there are some of you out there who are intrigued by my new way of life. You’ve been with me since the beginning and you think I’ve lost my mind. You think this new way of life is cool, but not for you. Thanks for sticking around.
Then there are some of you here who have been at this game for a LONG time now…and you’ve totally got me schooled. And you’ve been quiet as I make all my mistakes and sound like an idiot. 😉
I’m very honored to have had the opportunity to guest post at Keeper of The Home – one of the most encouraging websites I’ve ever found. If you’re not subscribed there, you should be. My knowledge base has grown a lot just by reading all the fabulous material there.
I just happened to stumble on your post on Keeper of the Home and I’m so glad I did! I spent the first year of being a wife couponing and shopping sales and trying to spend as little as possible on our groceries. I’ve recently made the switch to focus more on the quality of our food and trying to live more naturally. I’m loving your blog!
Thank you! 🙂 It’s a slow road, but the tortoise always wins the race!
Loving your blog! Do you have a homemade baby lotion recipe or suggestions? I was wondering if castor oil and vitamin E oil would be safe for an infant.
Christy, I haven’t made any lotion yet, but I do have the book My Buttered Life so that I can try eventually. Right now I just use Vitamin E cream since our skin is so dry in the winter. 🙂
Love your pst! You’d probably be interested in the film my husband is directing, titled Unacceptable Levels….meaning the levels of toxic chemicals that burden our bodies as we come in contact with them daily. The website will available soon, but you can find the movie, Acceptable Levels on Facebook. I think it’s great you are blogging about the changes you’ve made so far!
That sounds like a fabulous educational movie!
Love your blog!! That is a great picture of your family. You all look so healthy.
Thank you Deborah! 🙂
I’m going to go read your article on that other website. it’s funny you mention coupons, because I used to use them, but I was never getting coupons for basic everyday things like flour etc… In any case, my dad and I have been really happy since switching to a more natural lifestyle…making real food at home, making our own DIY cleaning products etc 🙂 🙂 In any case, I’m being really random right now 🙂 🙂 Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather 🙂
That’s okay – I’m pretty random myself….so you fit in well. 🙂
I’m pretty new to your blog, but since I have started following you I’ve made chicken fajitas in my crock pot and amassed a large collection of cereal bags! I’m going to be making the homemade powdered laundry detergent soon, and lo and behold, I may just store the detergent in a cereal bag!!! 🙂
LOL You made me LAUGH OUT LOUD! 🙂 <3
Love your blog:) I too (a while back) started the transition to a more natural living for me and my family. Thanks to my sis in law, I have learned a bunch. I don’t know if you’ve heard of Kelly the Kitchen Kop…but she has a facebook page and a blog as well. My sis told me about her and she also has a lot of helpful info on natural living.
Can’t wait to get your emails.
Blessings to you and yours,
I used to read Kelly’s blog…but I had to quit because it was stressing me out. 🙂 I’m not that extreme…and I really prefer a Christian perspective like that from Stephanie. 🙂
Welcome! Please let me know if I can do anything at all to help you.
So when you start making your own dish detergent, will you use the natural soap or just a soap from the store? The reason I ask is because it will still be touching your skin and you will be absorbing it. I intend to look up the local store where you buy your soap from. It’s about an hours drive for me, but I would be willing to bet well worth it! Thanks for the info.
Sherri, she also has a website and does ship! 🙂 http://www.thistleridgesoap.com/
The stuff I purchased to make dish soap (which I haven’t gotten around to yet because of the move) was Dr. Bronner’s bar castile soap and vegetable glycerin.
Great post, Stacy! I like the encouragement you give about having healthy choices on any budget. Just using raw ingredients and avoiding processed food is a great step toward better living. 🙂
Thanks Brandy! 🙂 Plus, I think it’s more fun to create your own stuff…it gives you the liberty of taking out or adding what your family DOES like.