Pinterest is full of thousands of different DIY projects. No longer are we allowed to “play dumb” and say, “Well, I don’t know how to make that.” NO. Pinterest has taken away our innocence. Now, in the span of 10 minutes we can pin a zillion things and learn how to do them all from our own home.
- Make your own toilet paper!
- How to kill bugs without stomping them!
- Make your own shampoo!
- Learn to quilt in 5 minutes!
- How to grow your own dirt!
- Make your own no-soy, no-scent, non-GMO, non-carcinogen candles!
- Grow all your own food in your bathtub!
- Get your kids to stop asking “why?” (Okay, so I haven’t seen that, but I wish I had…I would totally pin that!)
Now, I am not saying that learning to make all your own stuff is bad. I really enjoy making things here at home. I love making all purpose cleaner, bread from scratch, and mouthwash. Making your own stuff is cool, man.
What I AM saying is that if I have to learn one more new thing to make, my head is going to explode. I may actually mean that literally. If you tell me I must start making my own cosmetics on top of everything I do already, I will sit down in the floor, eat a bag of chocolate chips, and sing, “I’ve got to run away, I’ve got to get away…”
I bet there are approximately 1.5 billion women who have gotten bright ideas from Pinterest and set out to start making their own yadda-yadda. And after one time doing it, the supplies were stashed in their basement where they now currently reside under old issues of Taste of Home magazine. Is that you? I myself would never do such a thing. *Cough*
So, instead of stressing myself out over learning to make my own deo or chapstick, I’ve decided that instead I will support someone else. And I have a great idea. Why don’t we all do that? Why don’t we find ONE good thing we can do – and market that…and we can bless others with our talent – and they in turn can bless us?
We can’t possibly do it all. So, why not purchase from and support someone who CAN do what we can’t. I’ve heard the argument: “Well, Laura Ingalls likely made all her own stuff.” Well honey, she also peed in an outhouse and wiped with a Sears catalog. And I have a hard time believing she made her own makeup and chapstick. Back in the “olden days” people supported each other – they worked together. They SHARED SKILLS.
So, let’s quit letting Pinterest dictate the stuff we’re going to do. Instead, let’s do what we know – what we’re good at. And share that with others.
- I’m going to support Sara because she makes natural chapstick for adults and children alike.
- I’m going to support Lexie because her deo is awesome and doesn’t make you have sad pits.
- I’m going to support Jamie because her soap makes me smell nice.
Who are you going to support? When we support each other – that’s when we all excel.
Charlotte LeVaughn says
I wish I had the time and patience to make everything. I hate giving my money to big company that their CEO makes 100 times what I do.
DJ says
I don’t make my own dishwasher detergent (yet), or my own gluten-free bread, or my own crazy socks…. (okay, I’ll stop there). 😉
Mary Taylor-Lucero says
I don’t make anything . I have a husband , 8 kids, too many animals . I’m tired and some what lazy .
sonya hyde says
I don’t spin my own yarn even though I knit everyday of my life since 1985
priscilla says
I don’t make my own messes. I blame them all on my husband and 4 kids!!
Becky Walther Wulff says
I don’t make my own Chapstick, or any number of other things! Thanks! Hope to win! 🙂
Angela says
I don’t make laundry soap, dish soap, shoes, jeans, bras, light bulbs (ha ha)
Michelle Harrison says
I don’t make toothpaste or clothes:)
robin says
dish soap, toothpaste, shampoo, cheese, toilet or bathroom cleaner, among many other things, lol.
Janet says
I don’t make my own anything, except freezer to crockpot meals with help from Humorous Homemaking.
Elizabeth says
I don’t make dish soap, among a lot of other things lol
Amanda Bass says
Laundry detergent. There are soooo many pins out there for laundry detergent, but I just haven’t been able wrap my head around it!
Nancy Keziah says
I do not make my own anything. I also don’t do Pinterest because it makes me feel guilty.
Kimberly @ A Time to Freeze says
I don’t make my own bread! I’ve wanted a bread maker for so, so long. I finally got one for my birthday (12/4) and it is still in the box!!! 🙂 What is wrong with me?
farmingfolks says
I love you because you make me laugh. Man, you are funny. And yes, wholeheartedly agree, be good at something and support others, done.
Susan Hayworth says
Liquid hand soap – I was too much like snot.
Erin Boyd Odom says
Amen! I love this: Well honey, she also peed in an outhouse and wiped with a Sears catalog…bahahhaha .
Lexie says
Thanks, Stacy! I feel the EXACT same way about DIY! I LOVE making things for my family (and my husband feels very loved when he’s wearing my deodorant, lip balm, beard cream, and lotion..haha); however, sometimes I just have to break down and buy stuff on occasion from other local mamas! Great post.. and now I know why my counter is full with orders! 🙂
Stacy says
sherry says
I don’t make my own candles, but I confess to making my own jewelry and am about to make my own headboard. Now don’t be a hater! :
Kathy J. McNiel says
I don’t make my own deodorant or toothpaste!
Christy, The Simple Homemaker says
How do you make your own toilet paper? I make babies, messes, and dinner. Everything else I leave to the experts.
Jackie says
I don’t make my own shampoo anymore. I was spending so much time trying to find the ‘right’ recipe and was so frustrated with the bad hair days my experimenting was leading to. I gave it up and everyone in my house is happier 🙂
Lanie says
Yogurt and cheese.
Debbie (A Million Skies) says
Oh, praise the Lord, someone is telling the truth! I’m so OVER the “super woman” mindset! I’m going to join you on the floor with my own bag of chips (chocolate or otherwise)!
I don’t make my own deoderant, lip balm, cough drops from essential oils (although this one has tempted me), or taco seasoning. I just don’t.
5 minutes on Pinterest makes me want to hide in the closet and cry over the fact that I’m the least capable person on this planet!
Can you say BURNED OUT? The information age is frying my brain.
I. need. lipbalm.
Sarah Martinez says
I don’t make my own laundry soap. But I would like to learn to sew, but Stacy and I have discussed that before. Ha ha.
Rose Cole says
It’s really quite simple, I stick to a few ‘tried and true” websites like Stacy’s or rely on The Mother Earth News. I apply the same mindset I have with spending money { want vs need } to acquiring a new skill and if I can’t practically and realistically apply it to my everyday life I don’t bother.
Alexandra says
I don’t make bagels! I eat one every morning for breakfast and have considered making my own. But right now as a wife with a full time job, I have enough to make. Like dinner and baby blankets. I love to knit/crochet!
rachel says
I don’t making homemade baby wipes or deodorant.
Lori Palczewski says
I love your blog Stacy. You just make me happy cause you are so real… Anyway, I don’t make my own makeup. I love shopping on Etsy for mineral makeup and finally found some I really love. Madison Street Beauty! The shop owner is so nice and has answered any question I had and I just love the makeup 🙂
I also don’t make laundry soap or dish washing detergent or soap, sorry none of my attempts even slightly compare to the real deal :). I don’t my own bar soap or face cream or hair products.
Sarah says
I don’t make wine, but I sure wish I did!
Sarah D. says
I don’t make bar soap. I’m afraid of having lye around. A family story goes that my grandfather’s aunt drank some lye when she was 5 yo; she didn’t survive. I do make a lot of other things, but not yogurt, laundry detergent (I have the ingredients, though), lotions, deo, shampoo… Wow. What do I do all day?! Oh yeah, I have children. 😉 I’d love to try this chapstick, too. I don’t make that either. =)
Amber Dawn says
I don’t make anything that requires a gazillion ingredients. Or if it takes me forever and a day… like tortillas- tried ’em, they were good, but never again. 🙂 I also don’t sew or make my own laundry/dish soap anymore. I don’t can anything. Oh, and pressure cooking? Uh-uh. But I love making fresh flour, homemade breads, homemade (simple) cleaners… And I love supporting those who DO like to make all the natural products that I don’t want to make. 🙂
mrsdavis14 says
I do not make my own deodorant. . .I tried and ended up with sad, rashy armpits. . .all 3 times. I gave up and went back to buying it!
Jen says
I do not make toilet paper. Don’t plan to start either. My hubby would freak out!
Ranajoan says
There are so many things I don’t make myself but I do make my bread. I’m always putting something on my dry lips through out the day.Would love to try Sara’s lip balm!
Terrie says
I don’t make waves!
Heather says
There are a whole lot of things I don’t make…shampoo, soap, dog food (the previous person talking about this made me laugh!), anything that involves the sewing machine or knitting or oh, so many things! This was fun and I’d love to try these chapsticks…if I could get them away from my husband!
Tiffanie says
I don’t make yogurt or ketchup, probably won’t :/ but I’ve been making great bread and cinnamon rolls, something new I’ve learned 🙂
Jenny Sullivan says
I don’t make my clothes (I have repaired items: sew on buttons and such), instead support Goodwill and other consignment shops. Note: I rather enjoy shopping and it is great opportunity to exercise by walking around (so I tell my husband).
Gabriela says
I love reading your blog. I cook from scratch and just started making our shower cleaner, but don’t make make detergents, floor cleaner, soaps or toiletries. I also don’t sew my clothes or the grandkids clothes. I’m in the middle of a job search and there’s just not enough hours in the day.
Faith Storms says
I don’t grow any of my own food. But I love to support local farmers!!
rebecca says
I don’t make my own detergent. ..yet! I bought the supplies 2 years ago.
Brittany R. says
I don’t make any of my own care products 🙁 everytime I try – disaster ensues!
Jenny K. says
I don’t make my own laundry soap or dish soap. I have had the items to make my own bar soap for almost 2 years now & still haven’t gotten to it!!! I love pinterest but I am right there with you, my head may explode also! 😉
RubyRedCachers says
I have to be honest. I don’t make anything except food from scratch. I love Pinterest for crafty projects that I find fun making, and for ways to improve the house. I’m all about buying my cleaning products, hygiene products etc. I want to enjoy life and not worry about trying to find “natural products” on Etsy, websites etc. Local stores are good enough for me.
Stephanie says
ummm, this would be easier to write something I DO make 🙂
Your mouthwash was the first thing that I decided I could make. One thing I DON’T make is toothpaste. I use Earthpaste for my daughter and still use the mainstream stuff for me and hubby as we had it and are not just throwing stuff out willy nilly, but will try something new, maybe, as we run out of stuff. Thanks Stacy, I am a bonafide chapstick addict, started when I was old enough to hold the tube and I have been slathering it on ever since and I need some new ones!!!!!!
Carol Schultz says
I don’t make any of my own makeup or laundry soap (yet), but I hope to give the laundry soap a try sometime soon! Thanks Stacy, you Rock! Keep on smiling (then maybe your head won’t explode!)
Debby V says
I don’t make my own clothes.
Andrea says
I don’t make candles or body wash anymore. Time is a much needed factor in all that. I’m sure you know what I mean :). I agree we all need to get back to the bartering network, when life was so much simpler!! We’re not only supporting each other, but building relationships in the process.
Beka says
I don’t make my own homeschool curriculum. Someone way better than me who has already been through it all has already done it, and I’d rather pay them and reap the benefits!
Trina Holden says
I’ve wanted to make my own chapstick for years…and have been saving my old tubes…for years…
Winning these sounds like a great alternative plan.
I refuse to make my own ketchup.
And this post rocks.
Stacy says
🙂 You make me giggle.
Kim Janak Norwood says
I don’t make my own laundry soap!
Michelle says
I’m not yet making my own yogurt/sour cream etc. I also don’t make my own soap but truly love hand milled soap.
Stacey says
I don’t make my own laundry detergent (anymore) because I have four smelly teenage boys, and the homemade stuff just Doesn’t Cut It. I tried. I really did. I make loads and loads of canned/dried foods.
Carol H says
I don’t make my own soap or gluten-free bread. We tried the cosmetics, I don’t do that any more. I do try to make my family laugh but I don’t always do a great job if I’m focused too much on my “to do” list. Your post lifted some of the weight off my shoulders . . . I don’t have to do it ALL. Thanks!
Tami Matz says
I do not make my own powdered sugar.
Jennifer W says
I don’t make my own soap–yet. Or maybe ever. Some serious respect/fear of lye going on here.
DRDD says
I don’t make my own laundry detergent, but it’s on my to do list!
Andreja says
Given the way my day is going, I don’t seem to be making up my own mind!
Sheila says
I don’t make any cleaners. I do make most of our food from scratch! There’s only so much time!
Carole says
I don’t bake cookies for my dog anymore after my husband declared after sampling one that they were the best cookies he has ever eaten. I thought…why does the dog get the homemade cookies while we were eating store bought ones?
Ariane Huba says
I don’t make ketchup, nut butters, or makeup.
Marjie K says
Unfortunately, I don’t make much of anything :O I work full time and take care of a 3 year old so we bake cookies and muffins 🙂
Terry says
I don’t make peanut butter. I should. I don’t.
Katie says
I don’t make my own clothes or cosmetics.
Katie Nice says
I don’t make my own clothes (or those of anyone else in my family). I only wish I was so talented as to be able to sew, knit, crochet, quilt, etc.
Brenda Thompson says
99.9% of stuff I don’t make. I’m now in the process of finding all natural products that work. How does the deodrant from Lexie work? What I’ve found so far doesn’t work!! End of day I’m in deep trouble.
Elena F. says
I do make my own lots of things but don’t make my own perfume, paper, essential oils, furniture polish, swiffer type dust rags, lye or ink. Not that I wouldn’t want to try one day, but no time. 🙂
Jennifer Stark says
I don’t make laundry or dish washing detergents. I do make household cleaners and lots of food!!
Jenny says
I don’t make my own sandwich bread. No one will eat it around here for sandwiches, so what’s the point? I do make rolls and breads for dinner, though…just not for sandwiches.
Brenda says
I just LOVE your sense of humor, Stacy! This post is so relevant to me today, as I struggle to find a way to whittle down my email inbox filled to overflowing with so many great ideas that I just HAVE to read them all. Never mind what happens if I stray over to Pinterest to browse around after I pin something! This information age we live in is causing a whole new form of stress and there is no possible way to take it all in. But I digress…although I am making more and more things, I do not make my own dishwasher detergent. I also usually reject a new “recipe” unless it requires ingredients I already have or will use in other “recipes” to try to avoid having so many ingredients that may go to waste. For the same reason, if a recipe has more than 5 or 6 ingredients, I usually reject it for something similar that is simpler.
Wendy says
I was going to say the stuff Brenda said. Oh well, she beat me to it! Let me just say that I hate HATE sad pits and actually mixed up another attempt to get the odor under control without the rashy/cracking skin just about 2 hours ago. 🙁 I have 4 failed recipes sitting on my counter waiting for me to bit the bullet and toss them out. I’m sure there’s a formula out there that will work! Just a few more pins on Pinterest and I’m sure I’ll find it… o_O (You can’t hear it, but my brain is exploding…)
Nicci says
I don’t make jack.
Kathy says
I don’t make my own homemade cough/cold remedies. But I need to thank a great friend for bringing me her moms miracle, homemade throat elixer this morning! My throat is no longer on FIRE!! 🙂
rachel whetzel says
I don’t knit. I also have no intentions of learning how. 🙂
Cynthia Combest says
I don’t make quilts. All the piecing, cutting and calculating might send me over the edge.
Linda says
I don’take my own soap or laundry detergent, but I purchase it from a local artist who sells organic soap products. They are heavenly!
Heather says
I don’t make my own laundry detergent or yogurt or ketchup
Lyn says
Uhhh….anything? I don’t make any products from scratch…!
Abby says
I don’t make my own soap or toothpaste :D.
Mary Smitley says
I don’t make my own laundry detergent (insert gasp). I know it is “easy”, but I just don’t (:
Hmotil says
I don’t make any personal hygiene products (shampoo, body soap, deodorant….). As a homeschooling mom of 6 children, I’m just grateful to actually find time to USE these things occasionally. 😉
Kristen L says
Loved this post, especially the part about Laura Ingalls…laughed out loud! I do not make my own Elderberry Syrup. It is great stuff for when we get sick , but I just suck it up and pay $12 per bottle at our health food store. My husband files it under medical and we take it off our taxes!
Melissa Alder says
LOL, well said…I DON’T make a lot of stuff. I do make my own laundry detergent and bread and shower cleaner. I agree though Pintrest makes you wanna do so much. I have tons of pins. We should all support each others talents. I suppose people are wanting to save money so that is why they try to make everything themselves. I just bought Barry’s book from Debtor to Better so I am hoping to save lots of Moo-lah here soon 🙂
Theresa says
Most things I don’t make, but I am proud of my homemade cleaning supplies! I feel the exact same way, I have neither the time nor inclination to diy a lot of things, so I will support the ones I like. I have never tried any homemade chapstick, would love to win!!! Thanks for the great post.
Amy Blattner says
I don’t make my own soap or chapstick but I love to support others who do. I would love to try Sara’s chapstick. Thank you!
Amy P. says
I don’t make my own toothpaste. :~)
Rachel says
I don’t make my own cleaners or beauty products. I love the idea of supporting each other. I know a local woman who makes some great cleaning products and this inspires me to try them out!
Nancy H says
We currently do not make dishwasher detergent or bread. Although I’d like to learn how to make bread someday. We’re still trying to perfect laundry soap, so I’m not ready to start tackling a new thing yet.
Elizabeth Kotulski says
I do not make any of my own personal care products!
Beth says
I don’t make my on bread anymore. I gave up bread, so now it’s just my husband who only eats bread so I buy bread from the discount bakery. Sometimes I am sad because I enjoyed doing it.
Maria says
I don’t make yogurt.
Jennifer says
I don’t make anything. No, that’s not true… I make a living, a happy home, husband and pets. I also make a MEAN chocolate chip cookie and homemade chicken stock. I love living naturally and frugally, but at the end of the day, it’s worth me spending the money I would have saved by making my own [fill in the blank here] to spend the time with my husband that I would have spent making my own [fill in the blank here]. I’m not saying those of you who make your own are wrong or somehow have more time or whatever other controversial thing I feel like this post is about to start. In fact, it’s just the opposite. I wish I did make my own stuff. But I don’t. And I have accepted the fact that I will never win the wife of the year award if that requires me to make my own deodorant, hand wash all my dishes to avoid the chemicals of dishwasher packs, or start my own compost pile. It’s not happening. And I’m ok with that. I also will gladly pay for someone else to do it for me. Especially if I can pay in chocolate chip cookies. 🙂
katharine says
oh i love this post — i gave up making kefir. i know it’s super healthy and easy to make, but sheesh, it was like having a pet. i always needed to feed it. between our rabbits, goats, chickens, worms, and kids — enough is enough. oh and i don’t make my own lip balm. i’m really glad sara does, i’d love to try it. thanks. katharine.
Shawna Yeomans says
We don’t make our own shampoo.
Elena says
Such a great idea! I am all for supporting the ladies who make these fine products. I would try it once for myself but probably not keep it up. So why not help others stay in business creating these awesome products and benefiting from them as well?
Sarah says
I don’t make my own yogurt-although I was feeling like I should maybe try, because my brother does. He also is roasting his own coffee beans. I think I will just stick to buying them 🙂 I love your idea of finding one thing we are good at/have time for and then supporting others in their endeavors!
Robynne Catheron says
Hmmmm, let me think… Oh! I don’t make my own dry cat or dog food! I’m really lazy, and it’s so much easier to have my hubby pick it up on his way home. I know it’s probably way less healthy than any homemade version, but I can’t even get myself to look it up on Google or Instructables. I draw the line at pet food. Okay, that’s not quite true. I drew the line after laundry detergent, both the powder and liquid. I do make those 🙂
I’m addicted to lip balm, that famous yellow tube made (in part) by bees, so I hope I win this homemade lip balm!
Becky says
Tortillas! I used to make them, vowed to never buy a tortilla again…and then got smart. I ain’t got time for tortilla manufacture! : )
I really like your idea. Support someone else!
tessa says
Annie is so very cute!!!!! I love the rest of the post but kept going back to Annie’s pix……too cute!!!!!!
Ronda says
I make laundry soap, I make my own clothes, I made soap once in the far-distant past, and I’m planning to make my own Truvia soon 🙂 but I’m pretty sure that I have never and will never make my own toiletries. But if I ever do find a natural non-aluminum deodorant that actually works for me, I will joyfully support the maker of it. I have been extremely disappointed in every single one I’ve tried. :/ (now debating with myself on whether to try one more…)
Christina says
I don’t make my own laundry detergent or deodorant.
starletblue says
I don’t (yet) make my own mouthwash or mascara. But they are both on my list! : ) I like to make a big batch of something and then stick it in a drawer so I feel I’m really well stocked up on deodorant, soap, etc. That way it doesn’t feel like I’m constantly having to make something every day. This way you can make soap, lip balm or deodorant once a year! It does take time and effort to perfect the skill / recipe, however.
Sharon says
I don’t make my own laundry soap.
little_ditto says
Well, I recently tried my hand at homemade tater tots. Two hours later and I had an exploded potato in the oven to clean and (burnt on the outside mushy on the inside) lumps of something that resembled a fried potato. I really should have taken a photo. At any rate, I’d say- no, I DO NOT make homemade tater tots.
Marly says
Hi Stacy,
I make my own powdered chicken bouillon with absolutely NO MSG. I love it because it makes everything taste so darn good! For instance, I add a teaspoon of it to my soaked quinoa when I cook it and it is fabulous–takes away that slightly bitter taste of quinoa. I worked on my recipe for several years to come up with just the right ingredients to make this chicken bouillon. It’s perfect and you don’t have to worry ever again when a recipe calls for chicken bouillon because you know this bouillon won’t kill ya. Actually, it’s healthy. Is anyone interested? I could go into business. What do you think, Stacy? Is there a market for this out there?
Stacy says
Totally. 🙂
Tamara says
It is a long and sad list of what I don’t make, tamales, laundry soap, deodorant, chap stick, lotion, mouthwash, toothpaste, quilts, candles, etc. but I am okay with that because I am busy making productive (one day) adults (I hope).
Nicole says
I don’t make bodywash anymore! Too much soap grating!
chleo2112 says
I have entertained the idea but have never done it….I don’t make my own baby wipes. I realize this may save money and it may be absolutely worth it, but when your kids are 16 months apart and running in opposite directions, I do not have time to do so! 🙂 On that note, I would love to try Sara’s lip balm! I use chapstick all day long and my kids are always needing it. Since we have gone artificial dye, fragrance, and flavor free it is hard to find products we can use and enjoy.
Deborah Cook says
Awesome post….no I am not going to start making my family use the cloth toilet paper, just not going to happen. But, I love to crochet!
Cindy says
I don’t make candles. I tried once in 8th grade and have all the supplies to prove it, but never again!! On the same note, I won’t dip pinecones in candlewax either. That is a mess:-)
Rebecca says
I don’t make chapstick, deodorant or soap or crackers or cheese or yogurt (gasp)!
Deanna Michaels says
I don’t make tomato sauce, quilts, bar soap.
Kathryn says
I have realized lately that I put too much on myself… I am always thinking I’m I can make that myself I’m not going to buy that. I love the idea of finding someone who already does it the way I would if I just had 60 more hours in my day or never slept. There are way too many things I’ve been neglecting around here and I can’t do it all.
Erin Capron says
I dont sew…I think the exact measurements and stuff required might make me crazy…
Loni Gofran says
I love this post, Stacy! I make a LOT of things, but one thing I don’t make is my own cloth diapers. Sure, I crochet wool covers, but, despite being competent at sewing, I refuse to make anything with PUL! Fortunately, I know some great WAHMs who make them!
I also find that people who have a specialized skill are often up for trades- it’s so frugal and everyone gets something they want!
Marla says
I don’t make bread! I make my own yogurt, sour dough starter for my waffles, kombucha tea, all our food from scratch but the bread! It’s definitely on my list of things to do as well as read my Taste of Home magazines. I really would like to start making my own bread again and tortillas but I can’t do everything. I’m betting Laura Ingalls couldn’t navigate around the internet to find specials/coupons for toilet paper. I want to win the chapstick! it’s a sign because I have a daughter named Sara spelled the same way Ha!
natalia says
I dont make my own pie crust. I refuse.
Sarah B says
LOVE LOVE the freedom I find here! I’ve tried to reconcile our budget and living free from chemicals by purchasing or making lots of things, especially with an autoimmune thyroid disease…
God has given me peace to do only what I can and within our means (including having enough to give/share). We live in a world that is fallen and we must suffer the effects of sin on the earth and in our bodies…
OH the FREEDOM found in Christ – our salvation in Him is everything. Anything extra is icing on the cake. Make that a chocolate cake. 😉
I do make much more from scratch than I used to, but no longer on the list: shampoo, deodorant, lip balm, and some seasoning mixes. I even bought a couple of boxes dinner mixes when we had the flu – because they were cheap and easy. And I didn’t feel even a smidge of guilt! 🙂
Love all your ideas, and the fact you make me laugh out loud nearly every day. Thank you for your much needed and appreciated blog. And thank you for the giveaway – I have bought soy free lip balm from a company but would prefer to support a gifted person like Sara. 🙂
Brenda McAlister says
I don’t make my own undies! My grandma did and when she passed she left me with all of her sewing stuff! I sold all of her panty making products and bought some.
Sara says
Hi Stacy!
I DON’T make my own toothpaste… anymore. I tried it once. Thankfully, I was able to use the supplies for other items, so they didn’t all go to waste (sadly, some of them did). Thanks for all your helpful posts!!
Michelle Rogan says
Oh, I love this post! Yes, I agree wholeheartedly. I do not make cosmetics. I have made tinted lotion, but other than that, I haven’t made any powders, lipsticks, chapsticks, eyeliners, etc. I love the idea of supporting others 🙂
Jenni Mullinix says
My thoughts exactly! I don’t make anything really… lol
Amanda B. says
I don’t make my own makeup. Nope, I’m not going there. And I don’t sew…anything. I look at a sewing machine and my blood pressure rises. I make kombucha and crochet rugs because that’s what I like to do!
SueAnn D says
I DON’T make dishwasher soap! I’ve seen how to do it on Pinterest, I just don’t do it. 🙂
Leca Good says
diswasher detergent
Fanny says
I do not make homemade deodorant. And a lot of other stuff either!
Johnnie Mathieu Keating says
I don’t make any of my toiletries … Get soaps,toothpaste, lip balm and stuff at the local green market…I like to support local when I can.
MO2B says
I don’t make my own laundry soap…I barely have to time to do the laundry with the store bought stuff.
Karlie says
I don’t make deodorant and got linked to your Lexie with a past post of yours. She’s on my order list for when I run out of my current deodorant! Woo!
Mallory Decker says
I gave up on making hair products. My hair is difficult enough to manage and nothing I found to make smelled as nice as regular shampoo. I want my hair to smell nice and I don’t need any extra bad hair days 😉
Janet says
Now I have to admit, I’m just starting my “journey” of diving into
making my own “stuff”. So, there are a LOT of things I don’t make
myself, YET, but, I am trying. Having said that, of the few things that I
have tried & LOVED, there is one that comes to my mind right away
that I don’t make…..home made washing machine detergent!!
tonyah says
I don’t make those fun artsy coffee mugs with stenciled sharpie designs, because I tried to make them as Christmas gifts but they turned into smeary, bleeding disasters.
Kristina says
I don’t make a lot of things-soap, candles, or my own toilet paper 🙂
Tiffany says
I honestly don’t make anything homemade (yet) except for our meals. 🙂 I will get there with certain things (not everything!), but in the meantime I do my best to buy things that don’t have harsh chemicals, etc. and support others who do make their own stuff!!
Teri W. says
She looks so much like you Stacy! She’s gorgeous!
Alison says
I don’t make chapstick, laundry soap, dish soap or detergent! I am not winning many pinterest brownie points here 😉
Joanne Gardner Duke says
Agree!!! And if you find the how to get your kids to stop asking why answer, please share!
I do NOT make my own laundry detergent… At least not yet. 😉
Kristie says
I don’t make my own shampoo. 🙂
DebC919 says
I know what you mean about exploding – I think we’ve all used that old Lenny Kravitz song as our motto of the moment! What I DON’T make? I don’t make anything but food! That’s it!
Wendy says
Stacy – you are so on target here. I have really supported using etsy not so much for selling but for buying. I see all of the wonderful things out there and all of the accompanying tutorials and then think how I wish I had the time to do that. Then I realized I do, I can search for someone else who will gladly sell their hand made products. It’s awesome. If I can I do it local, if not with the internet EVERYONE is local. Great post today!
KathyB says
We’ll I’m proud to say that I DON’T make my own toilet paper. And I don’t want to learn how. Also, I tried the liquid soap from a bar once. No more.
Jill says
I tried making my own shampoo once and it was a disaster! I couldn’t even use it on the dogs, it smelled so bad. 🙂 Great idea. I will start looking for local producers and support them rather than try to do it all myself. I love reading your posts. Always starts my day with a laugh.
Katie Glomski says
Hi my name is Katie and I do not make lovely cute signs that have cute words or phrases on them, I do however know someone who does and pay them to make me the same exact sign:)
Susan says
I don’t make lots of things! LIp balm is one of them, shampoo is another! I do like to make some things but have come to the realization that I can’t do it all! I would love to weave and do all the things involved in that—shear sheep, clean and card the wool, spin, and then weave but I also like to quilt. I think I need to focus my efforts on one (or a FEW) things and support others in their niche. Great post!
Jennifer Stanley says
I don’t make bread. Yeast and I don’t get along. Apparently I have no sense of “warm” when it comes to water. Want to make me some bread and send it to me and I’ll send you some laundry detergent? 🙂
Melanie says
. I don’t make anything organic. You’ve inspired me to try.
Shannon says
I do NOT make Chapstick…….which means I would LOVE TO TRY SARA’s!
Kathleen says
Ha Ha! What do I NOT make? I can answer this! I saw someone on tv talk about making their own mustard…I don’t do that. Never even thought about it!
Maria says
I needed to read this! I am the queen of “to many coals in the fire” (whatever the heck that even means….wouldn’t that just make it extra warm??…well anyways, that is the saying)…I feel the need to do it all. I want to save money, and be sustainable. The problem is I end up with twenty half finished projects… not the money saving strategy I set out for.
Pinterest is awesome, but can make you feel like loser in a hurry when you see how “Jane” built a three story craft room from toothpicks while her daughter took a nap…and all you managed to do is finally get a shower…or is that just me?? lol
I think that is a great idea to support others. And, as I get good at one task..maybe venture out to another. Who knows?
Becky says
After reading some whole foods sites I started feeling guilty for not making my own saltine crackers. Then I decided I could ditch the guilt because how often really do we eat them? And no one I know has died from crackers. 🙂
Mitzi Osborne says
I support a woman who I work with sell a Product called Epicure Selections. Its a spice and herb company. I love their stuff because it is gluten free and low to no sodium. I love to cook & all things culinary. I don’t have to worry or read about what is in the mixes.
Jeni H says
I don’t make my own disposable baby wipes. OH – I’ve looked at it and looked at it and looked at it. But I’ve decided that I really, really like having those wipes ready to go when I need I them. Most days now I need to try to remember to do too many things and wipes are just one of those things that I don’t want to ‘forget’ to make and be stuck without. If I forget to make bread, we’ll survive. NOt for long, but we’ll survive. Same thing if I forget to run the dishwasher – but wipes – we’re in trouble.
Lisa Suit says
I don’t make my own cosmetics because I barely have time to put ON makeup with three littles three and under, let alone make my own! 🙂
Jenna Carter says
I don’t make my own bread. I tried, valiantly, and it was wonderful and everyone loved it. I loved it, I absolutely loved making it and kneading it and spending the time with the girls helping me. Then I went back to my full-time stressful career, shuffling three kids to various activities, laundry for five people, keeping the pets relatively clean and our house un-gross. Since my breadmaker hates me and I was wasting ingredients hoping it would suddenly work right, I gave up making all our own bread. I read labels and religiously avoid bread with processed ingredients or HFCS, but I cannot keep up with my family’s intake of bread by baking it. Especially because my hubby and oldest child won’t eat anything for lunch unless it’s in sandwich form. So I troll bake sales/farmer’s markets or buy the stuff made in my home state.
Kimmie says
Love this!! I don’t make my own vegetable broth because Trader Joe’s sells a great vegetable broth!
Natasha says
I don’t make our deodorant…. not for lack of empty deodorant tubes in the bathroom closet, or plenty of Pins with instructions on how to do so, but because I haven’t the time. 🙂
Teresa Roys says
I don’t make my deodorant, but would like to try some time. : )
shannon says
I don’t make homemade noodles. Used to make my own deodorant but something has happened that my armpits now burn like fire when I do. When company comes over, I don’t use my homemade cleaners because I want to be really clean.
Kim B says
So true!! I dont make jewelry or candles. I do make handmade cards and crocheted items.
Cristin Callahan says
I don’t make my own lotion, I get a wonderful goats milk based one from a local crafter
Winona17 says
Great idea–chapstick is one of the things I have never before made! 🙂
April says
I don’t make my own deodorant….but I have pinned several recipes to do so! 🙂
Carmen Mobberly says
I don’t make shampoo or body wash. I buy castille soap and use that.
alicia says
I don’t make chapstick 🙂 Or shampoo and conditioner…
CW says
I don’t make the guys’ deodorant. They like Old Spice.
Christine K. Thompson says
Hilarious. I don’t make my own yogurt. I’d rather buy someone else’s.
Mindy says
I don’t make my own pet food.
Erinn says
I don’t make my own laundry detergent anymore. I do soapnuts (or Ecos).
Bama Girl says
Hi Stacy! Hope ya’ll are staying warm. Did ya’ll get snow? We did! I don’t make tortillas. I’ve tried, but they take too long. I am going to try again, soon though. Thanks for the post! And the giveaway! Blessings from Bama!
Stacy says
🙂 We’ve had a good bit of snow – and very cold temps. I’m ready for July, Bama.
Cari Duffy says
I do not make my own raw organic yogurt!
Karen Gouvin says
I don’t make health and beauty products…at all.
Ashley Yates Turner says
I don’t make anything that requires sewing! I have tried and I just do not have that talent!
Dawn Wynkoop says
I DON’T make lots of things…and had gotten into the frame of mind that I really need to start making more things. I already make my laundry soap, a fabulous body butter, hand soap, and body lotion. However, that mindset just took a MAJOR leap out into the freezing cold polar vortex because what you said makes a TON of sense. I haven’t ever even thought about trading or selling my own stuff…but if I can work on that and in turn trade or purchase other things from people…I see that as a total win for all! Thanks Stacy for once again screwing my head on straight!
Michelle says
I do make my own Deo but just told my hubby I wanted to try some of Lexi’s because mine is hit and miss! I don’t make my own cosmetics: lotions, hairsprays, lip stuff- I have it pinned but haven’t gotten there yet- I have a habit of making stuff once and then never again.
Cherie says
I DON’T make my own shampoo. 🙂 Great post, thanks!
kckat96 says
Thank You SO MUCH for this post. I have been going crazy thinking of all the things I read in post that I should be making. I love this idea better, so I will support others who do things better than I do and I will post this information so that others I know can add their support. If you find any others please pass them along. 🙂
Johanna Scott says
I don’t make my own spaghetti sauce. I feel like I’m drowning at this life stage (4yo, 2yo, and a cluttered, chaotic home…sigh!) so I just buy the organic jarred stuff. One day I can grow enough tomatoes to make some. One day!
Beth Anne Beckenhauer says
Ugh! Now I am going to be singing about ‘getting away’ all day! I don’t make my own dish soap. And all of the ingredients for deoderant have been sitting in my pantry for months. I also don’t make my own bacon, 🙁
Lisa Young says
Toothpaste, I will not make toothpaste 🙂
Melissa A. says
Laundry soap. I know it’s fairly easy, I just can’t bring myself to deal with it!
Amanda says
Well…I certainly DON’T make my own toilet paper!