When we bought this house it came with a microwave. It had its own little cubby hole and everything…and I determined that I was NOT going to use it. Now it’s sitting in our basement waiting for a yard sale. We’ll probably contact a residential electrical contractor or a residential electrical services company like the Dewaard & Bode appliances beforehand, just to repair some electrical problems it has, but if the electrical problem is coming from your home then you may need to get an inspection done so you know if you have to buy circuit breakers or not because yours could be generating more power than needed or maybe even not enough for your needs.
All along our healthy eating journey I’ve tried to make a few changes at a time, so that I wouldn’t lose my mind. I’ve switched to grinding my own flour, I’ve cut out caffeine (except chocolate), and I switched to healthy fats. But, I did these things one at a time.
I knew that eventually I would stop using a microwave. I didn’t really like them and they sorta give me the heebie jeebies…plus, you can blow things up in there – or so I hear from OTHER PEOPLE. *Cough*
You’re probably wondering why I got rid of the microwave. Why on earth would I get rid of something that brings such wonderful convenience? Well, I’ll tell you – for two main reasons.
1. I’m not convinced of its safety.
Some people will swear about the safety of a microwave. I mean, they’ve been around for years without anything happening, right? Actually, that’s not true. There are proven dangers to using a microwave.
For some reason, when I use a microwave I feel like I’m x-raying my food. While I was still using one, when I would turn it on, I made sure I moved very far away from it. After all, when you get an x-ray they make you put on a lead vest – I felt as though I needed to invest in a lead apron just to heat up lunch. You can’t even be in the same room with certain medical machines if you’re pregnant. Now, I know they’re not the same thing…but in my mind, they are.
It just doesn’t seem natural to me. Use electromagnetic energy to warm up my burrito?
2. The food just doesn’t taste great.
Let’s be honest…food warmed in the microwave just doesn’t taste as good as if it’s cooked in the oven. It’s chewy and has a weird texture. And if you cook it too long, it shrivels up into nothing…where did it go!?
I can’t think of anything that warms better in a microwave…except microwave popcorn. You can’t do that on the stovetop – it’ll burn. *Cough* But, homemade popcorn tastes the best anyway.
So, if Stacy kicked out the microwave how does she reheat her food? Well, we just eat it all cold. HA! Just kidding. 😉
1. I use the toaster oven. I love my toaster oven…if it died today, I’d go buy another one immediately. Coming from Cheapo Stacy, that means something.
You can re-warm just about anything in there. Does it take longer? Yes – about 10 minutes versus 2 minutes. It’s just something you’ll have to get used to, and it doesn’t take long. The food just tastes so much better; there is really no comparison to a microwave.
2. I use the stovetop. If I’m re-warming soup, I just plop it into a pot and warm it on the stove. It doesn’t take long at all. Pizza also re-warms well in a skillet.
3. I use the oven. If it’s a large casserole and I need to warm the whole thing, I’ll use my regular oven. I try not to use it if I can use the toaster oven, but some things are just too big for a toaster oven. Keep an eye peeled or set a timer so that you don’t burn your food. *Cough*
Lillian Gabler says
Hey, Stacy! I have been thinking about kicking the microwave to the curb, or more specifically selling it online, and I think you may have just convinced me. I was wondering if you could share what kind of toaster oven that is and where you got it from. I tried searching for it, but didn’t have much luck. Thank you! 🙂
Stacy says
It’s a Black and Decker and it’s about 10 years old. My mom got it for me when I got married…and I love it! I use it a million times a day…give or take. 😉 If it were to die, I would buy another Black and Decker – it’s the brand my mom prefers and what she’s always used for toaster ovens – they work well and have a long life. Hope that helps a bit! They don’t make my model any more.
Kescha says
You are the bomb dot com! I have been microwave free for about 2 years now, just because my kid was getting addicted to microwave popcorn and Ramen noodles. I’ve been hesitant about the toaster oven, if it can’t be reheated in a crock pot or on the Foreman it gets eaten cold. But now I think I’ll take the leap(at a garage sale)! Woot! Thanks Stacy!
Stacy says
A garage sale?! You’re a kindred spirit!! 🙂
bibliotecaria says
Another way to warm stuff up is a double boiler set up on the stove, so that you use the steam to warm things up. Obviously not workable for crispy things, but casserole type things or other wet dishes, it works beautifully.
Stacy says
I sold my double broiler in the yard sale – now I’m kicking myself.
Elizabeth says
I very rarely use a microwave, but my husband relies on it. If I tossed it, there would be a very unhappy hubby. Our toaster oven recently died, and I didn’t replace it. So, you can definitely make it without either!
Stacy says
🙂 Keep the husband happy.
MomLadyOR says
Thank you so much for your article!! I’ve been contemplating getting rid of my micro for years. It’s 25 yrs old and has been used so little it still has the original light bulb and works like new! The only thing I actually use it for is to thaw meat. I’m not always organized enough to lay the meat out the night before and to be honest, I love the result of thawed but just a tad frozen so it’s easy to cut (think chicken breast or beef for stir-fry). Any suggestions of how I could accomplish this? Especially if I don’t think about it until 3pm and need dinner by 6? Would the toaster oven work? I’ve actually never used one… they sound pretty cool though!
Stacy says
I have never thawed meat in the toaster oven. I like to meal plan, so I usually get my meat out in advance. 🙂 You could try making a weekly meal plan (http://www.stacymakescents.com/couponing-101-meal-planning) and (http://www.stacymakescents.com/more-on-meal-planning). If you knew in advance, you could get your meat out.
Also, thawing in cold water works. (http://www.fsis.usda.gov/Fact_Sheets/Big_Thaw/#2) 🙂
MomLadyOR says
Thanks for the links, Stacy!! I’ve been telling myself I need to plan meals in advance. One of the worst things is trying to figure out what to fix when you’re already tired and hungry! 🙂 I’ll give it a shot and maybe for Christmas I can replace my micro for a toaster oven! They sound pretty cool. Thanks again! 🙂
Stacy says
If I can answer any questions or help you with anything, you just holler. I am a meal planning junkie. 🙂
Becky says
My boyfriend got rid of his microwave nearly two years ago. It was supposed to be temporary, but it has since become quite permanent. Funny how I’m the one pining for a new one! However, it has led to a certain resourcefulness. Making leftover rice dishes into stir fries, softening butter on the stove-top, thawing frozen fillets in our pockets. Brr! He’s taught me the joys of using steam to reheat. In fact, a rice maker with a basket does a great job for single serving dishes in short time.
Stacy says
What a great tip on the rice maker!!! 🙂
Alison says
I love reading about others who have kicked the microwave habit, too!! When we moved into our house 3 years ago there wasn’t one here and we didn’t bring our old one, which I was barely using anyway. I was a little scared to go cold turkey, but I knew if we had one in the house, it would get used more then I was comfortable with. Now, I can’t even remember how I used it! Well, not true, I do miss melting butter in it – so fast!!
Stacy says
Sometimes going cold turkey is the best way. 🙂 That’s what we did!
Stephanie says
I was starting not to use it because I started looking up health concerns about it. Then when our microwave died I just didn’t replace it. My husband misses it and makes fun of me and isn’t convinced that there is anything wrong with it. But I agree that our food tastes MUCH better when heated up in a pan or in the toaster oven. And i gained a bunch of counter space which is a bonus.
I actually wrote about it on my blog a while back. I don’t miss it and I actually feel guilty using one when I’m at work or at someone else’s house.
Stacy says
Extra counter space is always a plus!
Nal says
I do agree especially with # 2 food definitely does not test great when microwaved but what does one do when at work? I just think like everything else should be used in moderation if you are at home use other methods of warming food, and just don’t cook with a microwave.
Best way for warming baby food is to steam and by this i mean use baby bowl or whatever baby uses to eat and use small pot with 1-2 cups of water on stove top let water boil place bowl with food in it cover and lower the heat in 2-5 mins it’s ready depending on how much food. Oh also cover bowl, and it does not have to be tight just to keep away the small drips of water to get into the food making it watery :/
This tragedy makes it very apparent that there’s much more to “heating” with microwaves than we’ve been led to believe. Now this is from the link above about dangers of using microwaves. Normally with blood transfusion the blood being given is cold and there are standards for that. So definitely using microwave to warm the blood is WRONG! they rarely warm blood only in certain cases and if so they have blood warmers again set with standards. Now I don’t think necessarily because the nurse used a microwave and the waves caused the problem, even if she used a top stove or convention oven there would be a problem because that is not the proper
way to do that. This nurse must have been up to something microwaves blood?? Just had to throw that in there.
Stacy says
Barry takes leftovers to work and has to use a microwave there – sometimes he takes a sandwich though. I figure we’ve cut out a majority of the use by not doing it at home, so a few times a week for him isn’t too bad. 🙂
Melissa says
Instead of using a toaster oven, I use a steamer more often than not. I just take my left overs and steam for 20 minutes. Heats everything up nicely, cooks raw vegetables at the same time if needed, and keeps it all moist. So for instance, I wrap a left over baked potato and a hamburger indivdually in foil, and then I put loose raw carrots and steam. All done at the same time and nothing is dried out. Just in case anyone wants to try 🙂
Stacy says
Good tip! I might have to look into a steamer. 🙂
Julie says
I bought a toaster/convection oven over a year ago to replace my microwave with. I, too, have a cubby that nicely fit the microwave in. I finally replaced the microwave with the toaster oven and we all have adapted just fine. Yes, you do need to plan ahead a bit, as it takes a little more time. I recently bought a larger stone pan that I can put in it and if we are reheating several different leftovers, each person has there own corner. That has helped us to all be able to sit down to meals at the same time. I won’t go back and also would replace it right away, if something happens to it. I may even upgrade to a higher end one, next time.
Stacy says
I love my little cubby hole….and mostly, I just like saying cubby hole. 🙂
Lynette says
I agree with you, I am not a fan of food warmed up in the microwave. I would much rather have a toaster oven… but I just can’t convince my husband. So If I have to reheat something I usually stick it in the crock pot, or the oven… I still don’t understand my husbands issue with us owning a toaster oven, he doesn’t warm his food back up! The only thing I use my microwave for is the timer (I could just get a little timer for cheap right?) Well enough with my ranting, but I do agree totally with you, warmed in the microwave just doesn’t taste right.
Stacy says
🙂 It’s funny how several husbands seem to not want to give up their microwave. I’m not sure why since it only takes a little bit more time. I guess when they want to eat, they want to eat NOW. 😉 And yes, I do miss my timer – I need to get one for myself too.
Lynette says
Maybe it could just go into the man-cave. Which is actually just a garage with a rug and a futon because our garage door motor blew a few months ago and being football season, a mini conversion to a man-cave sounded better then buying a new motor for the door (also since our son moved into our old guest bedroom, where else could we move the futon?)
Stacy says
A microwave would be great in a Man Cave! 🙂
Katrina says
A few years ago I bought one of the ones that mounts over the top of the stove to help save our very limited counter space. And a few months later we stopped using it.
Actually, that thing is nothing but a really expensive clock and timer now. And a safe place to put defrosting meat.
Stacy says
Hey, well you’ve got to have a place to defrost your meat – so you might as well make use of it if it’s there, right? 🙂
Sarah @ Raising Isabella says
Ok, Stacy. There goes my “I just had a baby 6 months ago” excuse for not getting rid of my microwave yet! I really need to get rid of mine. It would be nice to have that extra counter space…
Stacy says
Yes!! That’s why I love having mine in the former microwave cubby. 🙂
Judy says
Did I say microwave? Ooops! I meant toaster oven. Sorry!
Stacy says
I knew what you meant. 🙂
CherylP says
I think I love you! – just for the tip on how to reheat a rice/corn bag without the micro. 😀 (I like field corn bags better than rice: don’t burn as easily and retain heat longer, in my experience.)
I haven’t truly used a microwave in probably a decade or more (except for reheating my corn bag). I do, however, use it as a bread box, and since it’s built-in with the stove light under it, it makes a *marvelous* proofing box for bread dough/soaking beans and grains. 😀
I too LOVE my convection toaster oven!! I love it for reheating things and baking and occasional toast. 🙂 I have glass dishes and Corelleware that works very nicely in the toaster oven. I just cover with some parchment paper or foil over parchment and everything reheats beautifully – even rice. 🙂 Pizza just goes on the rack. I love baking potatoes and small batches of cookies, fish fillets, etc. in my toaster oven too. Small pots on the stove top work nicely for reheating drinks and soup, but I also find just filling a bowl and putting it in the toaster oven works well too. For melting butter, coconut oil, etc. I have several CorningWare glass custard dishes and some old stainless steel egg poaching cups that work very nicely right on a stove top burner set on low.
Stacy says
I LOVE my Corelle! 🙂
Leslie says
I must have missed where you explained how to reheat the rice/corn bags without a microwave. Can you tell me how you do it?
Stacy says
I posted the link from my friend Justyn’s site. She keeps hers warm in a crock pot. 🙂 http://creativechristianmama.com/fun-things-friday-rice-and-lavender-heating-pads/
Judy says
I would LOVE to have a casserole type pan that fit my microwave but can’t find one. Any thoughts?
Stacy says
Pampered Chef?
maria says
Gave up my microwave years ago. I kept reading how it took out all the good stuff from your food while heating it up. I do miss the convenience of it and yet I love the space I have on my counter for other things….
I think food tastes better when you heat it conventionally also.
Stacy says
WAY better! There is no contest. 🙂
Sara says
I mentioned getting rid of ours to my hubby at the beginning of the year – he just about blew a gasket! Then a few weeks ago he mentioned to his mom that we were thinking of getting rid of it. I love how they always have to come to it on there own.
I really want the counter space – though I know we would have to get a toaster oven to replace it. but that gets tid of the toaster right?
Stacy says
Yep! So, you’d get rid of two appliances and only have one. Not too shabby. 🙂
melissa alder says
I have told him my concerns with the microwave. He thinks I’m a nut-job. LOL. He just doesn’t understand. I do not use the microwave much. He on the other hand likes to heat everything up in it. I will try again to convince him that a toaster oven or the regular oven and crockpot works the best and is healthiest. He’s been pretty good about alot of the changes I’ve been making to better help us to be more self reliant. Sooo, with a little luck and a pushy wife I can get him to go along with nixing the microwave too. Love your blog and can’t wait to read all the good stuff you post. Thanks for sharing with us 🙂
Stacy says
🙂 Take it slow…sometimes husbands have a hard time with the switch. But I really think if he just SEES you using it and tastes the better food, he’ll be a convert.
melissa alder says
I totally agree. I hate the microwave, unfortunately my hubs loves it. I need some tips on how to get him to understand its dangers. Anyone got any good ideas on how to present it to him? (without looking like I’m trying to turn him against his most favorite way to heat things up) LOL
Stacy says
I’d just tell him you’re concerned about his safety and the safety of your family…maybe just slowly start using the oven yourself and let him see you doing it. If you use it and leave the microwave alone, he will likely tag along. And if he doesn’t, that’s okay. Peace in the family is more important. 🙂 But, if you do a majority of the cooking then you can reheat how you like, right?
Shannon says
We got rid of our microwave after a couple scary things happened. First when popping microwave popcorn the bag would just burst into flames after only a few seconds in the microwave. The popcorn never popped! And second, we put a bowl of food in to heat up and the bowl melted but the food was cold. I realized then it probably wasn’t the healthiest tool in my kitchen. We’ve been microwave free now for 4 years and I’ve never looked back. The food tastes so much better reheated on the stove or in the oven and it really doesn’t take as long as I thought it would. Sometimes I think we pay to high a price for convenience, but we don’t always know we are paying it because it shows up later in our health.
Stacy says
Isn’t it weird how those bowls melt…but your food doesn’t? It’s WEIRD DUDE!
Anne @ Authentic Simplicity says
I am not comfortable getting rid of our microwave yet, mostly because it was given to us by someone who frequently visits our house and would definitely notice its absence. I don’t want to offend. And I try not to use it too often… but I do, more than I care to admit!
Stacy says
Well, that makes sense. Sorta like the ugly sweater that someone gives you and you have to wear only when you see them…..
Sarah says
Okay, you’re really convicting me. I just need to find a good one and a shelf system of some sort so I can still store things on top like I do with my microwave.
Stacy says
I don’t store anything on top of mine because it gets so hot. But a shelf ABOVE that’s attached to the wall would work. 🙂
Dave says
We didn’t kick out the microwave. It makes a great bread box.
Stacy says
Why yes, Dave….you are SO right! 🙂
vernette says
ok great thanks a bunch Stacy! Will get the toaster oven first then.
Stacy says
And send me a picture of your new addition! 🙂
vernette says
I most certainly will! 🙂
vernette says
oh my gosh Stacy, so glad you posted this at this time. I have felt this way about my microwave for a while. I finally decided that I will be giving it away and I’m getting a toaster oven. Like you, I feel it’s the heathier way to reheat food and you can use the toater oven to cook in. I totally agree with Stephanie about changing your lifestyle now!
I also want to get a slow cooker but I’m not sure if I should get both. Since I do want both howver, should I get the slow cooker first or the toaster oven first?
Any suggestions ladies?
Stacy says
Toaster oven for sure! You can use it daily…of course, you can your crock pot daily too – but yeah, totally go for the toaster oven first. 🙂
Marilyn says
This is great! When we first had a microwave we used it for a timer! No kidding! Then we moved and had a built in one. It got used more and more. However, I was never convinced microwaving was a good idea! So…in order to stop use of the built in microwave, we use it to store jars. The first time DH opened it to use, he quickly closed it because it was too irritating to pull all the jars out. He just used the toaster oven! So…when we have the opportunity to get a new kitchen, I will have to find a new place for those jars!
Stacy says
That’s how I feel about my dishwasher…I use it for storage. LOL
Loni Gofran says
I admit I use my microwave a lot- especially when I need to warm up about 2 tablespoons of food for my toddler’s lunch. But I think I’ll try a microwave strike and see how it goes. My husband brings leftovers every day for lunch (when you’re GF, sandwiches everyday is WAY too expensive!), but if I stopped melting butter, making mug cakes, and boiling water in the microwave, I’m sure it would help at home! 😉
Stacy says
I had to quit cold turkey too – when we lived with Mama, I used it every day. So, I just put it in the basement to make sure I could live without it. Didn’t miss it a bit. 🙂
Rebekah says
As far as popcorn on the stove goes, invest in a Whirly Pop. They are amazing and rarely burn the popcorn because the inside is like the kind at a movie theater with the wire inside the bottom turning (as long as you turn the handle) while it pops. Doesn’t take much more than the 3 minutes it would take in the microwave either. And the Whirly Pop comes with a several year (if I remember correctly) guarantee. 🙂 It takes up about the same amount of space as a soup pot and is safe on flat top stove tops (shaking a regular pan on the ceramic surface is a no-no – since you don’t move the actual pan this is completely safe). It is a bit expensive (about $20) but if you eat as much popcorn as we do and don’t wish to use a microwave or destroy your lovely stove then it is sooooo worth it!! 🙂
Stacy says
We had a Whirly Pop, but for some reason we didn’t use it – Barry likes a pot better. BUT, my sister has one and loves it. 🙂 Popcorn on the stove is far superior to any other type. WOOT!
Cassandra says
I got a toaster/convection oven once and it was just too big and didn’t toast bread well. So I gave it away. But I am wanting to try again as I don’t use the microwave real often. DH is leery as he has an addiction to microwave bacon when he is in a time crunch in the mornings. Any recommendations on a good toaster oven that doesn’t break the bank? Decent sized but not huge? Thanks!
Stacy says
There are all sizes on Amazon. I like the Black and Decker brand myself….I’ve had mine for 10 years and it’s still going strong. 🙂 You can choose which size fits your needs best – some of them are even big enough to cook a whole pizza!
Mine will fit a 9×13 pan…and it still does toast very well. 🙂
Tamara says
My hubby is much happier with our veggies now that we steam rather than microwave. My toaster oven sits where the microwave used to sit. He said microwaved food tasted “DEAD”.
Stacy says
That’s a very accurate description. 🙂
Christy, The Simple Homemaker says
You’re spot on about toaster ovens being terrific…except ours have always been hand-me-downs, and one started on fire when it was off (plugged in) and nobody was using it, and the current one is downright ugly. So…there’s that.
I don’t use my microwave either, partly because it doesn’t work very well and partly because of the reasons you listed. My hubby, however, loves having a microwave and does not WANT to warm his coffee on the stove, so we have one, and I don’t use it, and my hubby is happy. Happy hubbies are good for the health. REALLY good for the health.
Stacy says
Amen to that sister. Amen to THAT.
Yolanda says
I completely agree with you. Unfortunately, the DH wants to use the MW. I don’t cook in it anymore. He likes to reheat foods in it if he’s scrounging for himself. When it died, 4 years ago, without even saying anything, he went out and bought another one. Fortunately, I also have a toaster oven. 🙂
Stacy says
🙂 Keep the hubby happy.
Yolanda says
Exactly! 😀
M. Lillian says
My favorite way to reheat leftovers is in a slow cooker. I have a vintage one that is rectangular shaped and I set it on low for about an hour or so. Just requires a little ore planning, is all. It can add moisture to food, because I do think the slow cooker steams things, but it really works for us.
Stacy says
I never thought of that. Smart!
Stephanie says
I am waiting for my 1986 model microwave to die, and it will not be replaced, for the same reasons you cite in your blog. Microwave popcorn was outlawed in my house many, many years ago (the smell made me sick when I was on chemo). The only use for the microwave is heating up veggies, and I’d rather do that on the stove—usually do. That may explain why the silly micro has lasted this long!
I already have the toaster oven, but mine is a small convection oven with a rotisserie. It works wonderfully, except for toast. I have made cookies and casseroles in the oven, rolled roasts and whole chicken on the rotisserie and even small loaves of bread with the convection function. Love it, love it, love it!!!
Every sibling and cousin in my generation of our family has a major illness. Every one. Although I’m no scientist, I am convinced the illnesses come from our hurried-up microwave lifestyle as well as the chemicals in GMO foods. We don’t eat packaged foods in this house or my brother’s and most cousins, but the horse has already left the barn. We ALL have life-shortening illnesses that cannot be cured.
If you are in your 20’s and reading this, CHANGE YOUR LIFESTYLE NOW!!!!!
Stacy says
Now you’ve got me curious…why doesn’t it work for toast? LOL Mine works great for toast too.
Stephanie says
Our toast comes out one-sided, unless you flip it half-way through the baking time, but I don’t. I suppose if I flipped it…..okay, maybe it’s me!!!
Stacy says
I don’t have to flip mine – I guess it’s the different types of ovens. 🙂 And it’s not you…it’s it. LOL
Lea H @ Nourishing Treasures says
We got rid of ours 7 years and I’ve never missed it – not even once 🙂
Stacy says
Lea, you are one smart cookie. I knew I liked you for a reason. 😉
Lea H @ Nourishing Treasures says
I love how people ask how I reheat stuff. Depending on what it is, I either use the toaster oven, or in a pan on the stove. A splash of water on the bottom of the pan before tossing the rice is prevents the rice from becoming one with the pan 🙂
It’s really simple, actually! 😉
Stacy says
Ohhh! I love reheating my rice in a skillet!
Tina says
I wish you had given us this little bit of info before I bought a new one last month. 🙁 I bought it right away because I kept “needing” it, but after reading this, I realize I really didn’t.
Stacy says
Tina…I do stuff like that all the time. I can’t tell you how many things I bought because I needed them…and then I didn’t need them after a month. 🙁
Veronica says
We almost don’t use ours at all! I now make popcorn on the stove, and we got a very nice $120 toaster oven for free (I used MyPoints points)! My friends all joke about my love for coupons, deals & freebies but the toaster oven is definitely my favorite 🙂 it’s big enough that I can cook most things in it — I love that I don’t have to heat up the whole oven for a baked potato (haven’t tried the crock pot yet)!
Stacy says
My mom even bakes cakes in hers….and we both have the same one. 🙂 I love MyPoints!!
Ashley says
I get that this works well for those who stay home the majority of the time, but how could this work for a working mama? I guess I could bring a sandwich everyday or go out to eat, but I just can’t imagine either of those options. At home, I totally get not using the microwave, but I just can’t fathom not reheating leftovers for lunch.
Stacy says
I send leftovers for Barry…and at his work, the only way to reheat things is in a microwave. I just use BPA free containers and tell myself that’s good enough. 🙂 I figure if I’ve cut it out at home, that’s a majority of our usage anyway….sometimes he takes sandwiches so he might only use the microwave 1-2 times per week.
Ashley says
Ok, it’s good to hear that I am not the only one! =)
Stacy says
🙂 You are not alone!
Debra @ Sweet Kisses and Dirty Dishes says
We do not use a microwave either and tried the toaster oven in the cubby thing last house. But, I am short and the cubby was a little higher then usual. Taking out hot pans at eye level freaked me out, so we got rid of our toaster oven too, stuck a metal rack in the cubby and stored produce up there. Which was nice because I have been in closets with more floor space then that kitchen.
Now we have a toaster oven (and this weird thing called “counter space”) again.
Stacy says
Mine is high too, but I was used to a microwave up that high so it wasn’t a big deal for me. I always make sure to have a TIGHT grip when I take something out….I use an Ove Glove so I can grip it. 🙂
Janette says
I totally agree with you on this subject. We got rid of our microwave and got a toaster oven and have not regretted it one bit. I would be lost without my toater oven as well as I use it at least once every day. It is so handy to have and after you get used to waiting a little longer for your food it isn’t a big deal. Everything you said is correct, the food tastes better and reheats better in the toater oven than a microwave. The only thing I would use a microwave for is to heat up a rice bag. Any ideas on how to do that without a microwave?
Stacy says
Well, I don’t use a rice bag – we use a hot water bottle…and I just fill it with hot water from my tea kettle. 🙂 My friend Justyn warms and keeps hers warm in a crock pot: http://creativechristianmama.com/fun-things-friday-rice-and-lavender-heating-pads/
mamajenn says
I rarely use mine. I just need to find a better way to makire popcorn without having to douse it with fire extinguiser sauce. LOL!
Stacy says
I make Barry do the popcorn popping! 🙂 He makes a mean kettle corn…recipe on the blog.
Jana says
Microwave popcorn is just gross. A great way to make stovetop popcorn is with a Whirley Pop. It has a hand crank, so it’s moving the corn around so it doesn’t burn. Makes great Kettle Corn. Easy to clean, too. I see them quite often and resell shops and yard sales. Pick one up if you get a chance! I love mine.
Stacy says
Kettle corn is where it’s AT! *Slobber*
Loni Gofran says
I use a hot air popper for popcorn- one of the best investments I’ve made- only about $20, and no oil or anything except what you add for taste! Takes only about 2 minutes and my toddler LOVES watching the popcorn pop into the bowl! I like to add coconut oil and seasonings after it’s popped, but I’ve even eaten it plain !
Stacy says
Our family seems to like the taste better when the popcorn is popped in the coconut oil…I was just never a fan of air popped corn. But everyone is different! 🙂
Loni Gofran says
I do really like stovetop popcorn, but I don’t have the patience, or the skill apparently 🙂 I tried to make it like that once and I somehow ended up with popcorn all over the kitchen!
On a different note, How would one make a quick mug brownie without the microwave? We really like that for a special, single serve treat, but I don’t like the idea of spending 20 minutes using the toaster oven! Guess we’d just need to plan a little ahead and wait, huh?
Stacy says
🙂 Yes….and waiting 20 minutes for a brownie is totally worth it in my mind. 😉
And that hot popcorn out of the pot HURTS when it hits you. Or so I hear from OTHER PEOPLE. *Cough*
J says
We had a small portable microwave that we donated to a local charity resale shop. The only things I used for was baking a potato when it was scorching hot outside and I was too afraid to use the oven and re-heating coffee. Seemed like it was taking up valuable room for such a little bit of use. I since switched to the crock pot for baked potatoes when the temperatures are unbearable and it works fine. So far we haven’t missed it yet.
Stacy says
I just reheat my coffee in a little pot on the stove. 🙂
Heather says
This may sound silly, but how do you warm up say left over Chinese food in a toaster oven? What kind of bowl/pan would be safe place in the toaster oven? Also, how do you warm up pizza in a skillet?
Stacy says
I use glass dishes in my toaster oven. If I had leftover chinese, I’d put it down in one of my Pyrex dishes and turn the oven to 350. It would take about 10-20 minutes to be warm….so I just have to plan a bit in advance. Sometimes I stir it around and stick it back in there to make sure it all gets hot. 🙂
To reheat pizza in a skillet, just plop it down in there and turn on the heat to medium – too hot and the bottom will burn – stick the lid on the skillet so the heat will stay in there and warm the cheese on top….but, mostly I just reheat pizza in the toaster oven. 🙂
Amanda says
I loved my toaster oven. It died so we resorted back to the two slice toaster. I use my microwave some, but not nearly as much as I used to. Mostly for defrosting now.
Stacy says
Man….if my toaster oven died, I’d call Barry in a panic and tell him to bring one home right away. LOL
Brandy says
We’ve quarantined ours to the back porch, but I see a toaster oven in our future. Where does it go, anyway?
Stacy says
That’s an excellent question…..