I hear all to often that eating “healthy” is too expensive. When I was a coupon queen, I would have agreed 100% with you. But now I’m on the other side of things – I’ve been eating this way for two years now and I can honestly say that eating healthy is NOT too expensive. In fact, we can’t afford NOT to eat healthy. Otherwise, in years to come we’ll be paying out the wazoo for health care.
I’m over at Keeper of the Home today talking about how to keep costs down in a real food kitchen. It is very possible to eat a healthy diet on a budget – and I know that for a fact because my budget and I are not soon parted.
Some other things I’ve written in the past might also be of interest to you:
How We Eat Healthy on a Budget
Stacy’s Grocery Price List
So, if you’d like to have more tips about how to eat healthy without going to the poor house – and if you’d like to see just how we make it work – just hop on over to Keeper of the Home.
The only canning I do is jams, jellies, pickles, salsas — the sort of thing that’s either high sugar or high acid. I’m afraid I’ve never tried anything else. I’m too afraid I might lose a family member or two! LOL! But I do think canning is a very good preservation method, especially in areas prone to disasters which can knock out power for extended time periods. And I know that I would just love the look of my pantry if I could see shelves and shelves of home canned goods.
I enjoy canning with my mom – it’s a good way to learn from her and I enjoy our time together. 🙂
We made the switch over to a healthier diet when my two youngest were born. I noticed a huge improvement in their health as small children, in comparison to our oldest’s. My oldest child had numerous ear infections, and rounds of anti-biotics. My two younger children never had a single ear infection, and have never been on anti-biotics. I only wish I’d known more about whole foods back when I was first married.
Our grocery budget has never been very large. We keep a large organic garden and orchard, to keep our costs down. I freeze a good share of our fruit for winter consumption, and our veggie garden is a 9-month garden, so I’m only buying a portion of vegetables in winter.
I love freezing vegetables/fruit too! 🙂 I enjoy canning, but I like freezing better. Quicker I think.
Eating healthy is totally worth the money! Since we started on our healthy eating journey I’ve lost 60lbs and my husband lost 10lbs. This is eating some of the same full fat stuff I once was told was bad. We are still working on sticking to our budget for groceries but we come closer each month.
WOW! Congratulations! That’s a HUGE achievement!