I’m not perfect. I mess up approximately 400 times a day…at a minimum.
The difference between me and most people is that I’ve chosen to put our lives out there for others to see and scrutinize (because we feel this blog is a ministry). Sometimes that leaves me open and vulnerable to criticism – some helpful, some not.
People feel openly free to let me know where I’m lacking and what I’ve said wrong to offend them.
But guess what? I already know that. Because I’m not perfect. I never will be.
I say words that offend people like “piddly” and “heebie jeebies.”
I yell at my kids.
I fight with my husband.
Sometimes nasty words come out of my mouth.
I say mean things about friends that I shouldn’t say.
I’m judgmental on days that end in Y.
I offend people by telling them that debt is dumb.
I have a bad attitude on occasion.
I’ve got a stinking fiery temper.
My dad says I’d argue with a fence-post.
Sometimes, I’m rude.
I’m selfish.
Do you know what all that means? It means one thing, plain and simple.
I need Jesus. Thanks be unto God, He knows I’m not perfect and he loves me anyway.
No bodies perfect, even Mary Poppins was only practically perfect. I pleased that Jesus helps you to improve. I don’t need him though. Peace and love.
We all need Him. 🙂 Thanks, Kevin! We love Mary Poppins!
Thank goodness for imperfection……life would be so boring if we were all perfect.
Boring is so…boring.
AAAAAAAmen! You won’t believe this but… same thing here.
Seems we have a lot of company! 🙂
If anyone thinks they are perfect just have them try and walk on water. We all need Jesus! One of the things about being a leader and putting yourself out there is you sometimes become a target. But just say bring on the arrows because who you have in you can deflect those arrows! Keep on ministering and doing what god wants ya to do. Keep it real! God bless you and yours and bless the haters lord!
Yes, bless them.
You are just like me !!! Be who you are. Don’t give into all this PC stuff where people are offended at every little thing.I don’t understand why people read your blog if they are so offended or don’t agree…bla bla bla.
Keep the Faith
LOL That’s true…because it’s easy for me to offend people. Maybe the only people that should be here are the ones that have a thick skin. 🙂
Stacy I am 61 and way past where you are(age wise:)) but I love your blog. Took me a lot longer to realize I did not have to be perfect. Jesus did that for me and picks me up every day:) So blog on sister! You got a lot of imperfect admirers out there and then some who just think they can be perfect:)
Every day, a new beginning. 🙂
Praise God!!! Your blog is the only one I still currently follow. Your openness and vulnerability and honesty seem to be there. I usually get a laugh or two in also. Thanks for being real.
🙂 Well, that’s good – I like to make people laugh. I also like your name. <3 bread.
Love this!!
Well, thank you. 🙂
Stacy, you must be a ” Human”. Really, I can’t believe what can upset some people.
I think you are pretty down-to-earth and I love your blog!
Thanks, Linda. I really appreciate that.
I enjoy you so much. I wish you’d make more videos because you are wonderful to watch. And of course there’s the saying about throwing stones and glass houses. God bless you and your family. I, too, would never make without Jesus’ love and forgiveness
I need to do more videos, but our house is in a state of disaster right now with remodeling. HA! 🙂
I all I can say is… =) (Glad to know I’m not the only “not perfect” person! lol)
Nope – I think we need to get in line. 🙂
I rarely comment on anyone’s blog but just wanted to tell you that yours is a blessing to me. Thank you for the effort you put forth to help people like me who are looking for ways to save money.
Well, thanks for commenting, Michele. I am honored you would do that.
Thanks for being out there with your blog and always pointing folks back to Jesus. I think people who don’t know Christ have a worldly preconceived notion that you have to be perfect or good in order to come to Jesus when just the opposite is true. If we were perfect we wouldn’t need a savior. Amen?! It takes bold followers of Christ to stand up and be real. Thank you and your family for your ministry. Also, those who tear down often do so to make themselves feel better. It is sad really. That that is how they have to build themselves up. When I view it through those eyes I don’t take it so personally.
He came for the sick, not the healthy. Amen? 🙂
Dear Stacy,
You be you, keep writing, and I and many others will keep reading.
Thanks, Shelby! Love your name.
This means that you are like the rest of us and what makes you truly special and the reason I follow your blog and on IG is because you say what most think and not dare to say. We all need Jesus! Grace, grace, grace!! Thanks for this wonderful ministry!
I appreciate you saying that, Patty. I hope God can use me.
You are so welcome! I’m going to share something my Pastor shared in a sermon: Sadly most Christians are like crabs in a bucket. Have you ever gone crab fishing? You catch all the crabs and place in bucket with sand. While in bucket they all climb on each other. There’s always one crab that goes higher than the others and about to climb out of bucket when the crab on the very bottom reaches up and grabs the one that is about to climb and brings him down to the bottom. This is how a lot of us are. We need to support, lift, encourage each other, we should be against the enemy not each other. As long as you keep Jesus in the center of everything you do, you will be good 🙂
That’s a great analogy!
I am on overweight, close to fifty grandma, who is trying to raise her three grand-blessings, (ages 2, 3, and 5) and two foster sons (ages 12 and 16). In my free time I work a full time job as an instructor at my local community college. My days are filled full of screaming, laughter, spankings, messes, blessings, hugs, kisses, boo-boos, and more kisses. There are moments when I think my husband and I are going to get divorced over these children, but then it passes, and we are totally in love with one another again.
What I am trying to get at is that I am totally imperfect, so is my family, friends, co-workers, and acquaintances. I have yet to meet the perfect person, nor do I ever expect to. Jesus is the only one who ever walked the Earth and can claim to be without flaw. He is my saving grace and the one to whom I shall I judge myself, and only myself, against. “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23
One of the reasons I love your blog is because you do keep it real. You put yourself out there and show the world your mistakes and then laugh about it. Stacy, we need more people like you in the world. People who aren’t afraid to say what needs saying. People who are not ashamed to say, “Hey, I messed up, but it will be okay.” People who try to help others by showing them shortcuts, doing research on products so they don’t have to, taking the time to write blogs and create videos just to help someone else have a little easier life. And most of all, people who stand up an profess their love for Jesus!
No matter what you do in life, it will NEVER be good enough for everyone. There will always be neigh-sayers and those that want to bring you down to their level. But, Jesus will always be by your side, so just keep your eyes on Him and ignore the rest.
Thank you for this fantastic comment. It made my day. 🙂
I enjoy your wisdom on many things and just like life itself…there will always be that unhappy someone that feels the need to correct….dance on Sista !!!!
Dance? Ummmm. I’ll sit this one out. I can only do the Chicken Dance.
Praise the Lord, you are one of His! We all need Him. Thanks for your transparency!
Amen to that.
I love you and your sweet family! I think you’re pretty awesome! Keep up the great job that you’re doing! (: Haters gonna hate…..but I’m sure there’s a bunch of us who love you!! (:
I really need a tshirt with that on it.
I don’t agree with everything that you say on here, but I your genuineness and compassion come through.
That’s okay – even Barry doesn’t always agree with everything I say. BHAAHAHAHA! 🙂 Thanks, Sheryl!
Stacy…you give me hope. I have written a book, it’s almost done and will be doing a book tour, getting a facebook page, maybe ministry. (It’s about dealing with the death of our son). And sometimes I have to confess fear (k…a lot). Who am I to help others. I am sorry there are those that are nasty. But you are adorable and love that you are so honest. If I may share a story with you? There was an older and younger man (you choose the ages) walking with a donkey. A man came up to them and said “what, are you crazy that donkey should carry someone”. So the older man put the younger one on the donkey. Someone came along and said “what, are you nuts how dare you make the older man walk”. So the older man now rode the donkey. Then someone said “why are you not utilizing this beast for all of you”. So they both rode the donkey. Then someone stopped them saying “you’re ginna kill that poor animal”. There will always be those that find fault with others. This helped me immensely as I was trying to make sure I didn’t offend anyone in my book. Yeah…it’s gonna happen. I just know you are doing good for the Lord. That’s all that matters! Hugs!
I looooooooooooooove that story. 🙂 It’s so applicable. Thank you! Good luck with your book!
Oh I am so glad it resonated with you. I love sharing it and it really helps us perfectionists types. And thank you. I am looking forward to it being in my hands soon!
Love this. Needed to hear this. Your blog and your honesty about your triumphs and struggles helps and inspires me.
I’m glad to hear that.
I’m sorry people have hurt you with their criticism. Sometimes people hide behind the anonymity of the internet, saying things they’d never say looking in your eyes. And some people are judgmental and hyper-critical. Just do your best, and keep on being who you are. You are definitely good enough for the likes of us!
To God be the glory, amen?
Amen, sister!!!
I love the Amen corner!
Amen! I dare the critics (who most likely don’t blog) to share their lives outloud and see how perfect they measure up! They are bored and simple or they wouldn’t be picking you apart for saying “piddly”. Imagine what they would do if you ever said “thingamajiggy”! You rock, Stacy!
I usually say “do hickey” but they mean the same thing. 🙂 Ha ha!
So, glad to hear that you aren’t perfect. Now I feel like the pressure is off. LOL!
There is dirt in my floor, laundry unfolded in my dryer, and moldy food in my refrigerator…just like everyone else. Right?! 🙂
Also, “piddly”? Really?
True story.
Perfect or not, I think you’re pretty neat. It is tough to put yourself out there, only to be criticized by people who would never do that because they’re terrified of…well, people just like themselves, actually. Sending you hugs, whether you’re a hugger or not. And don’t apologize for your choice of words just because somebody else didn’t like it. Strong and expressive does not equal sinful. You’re not filthy. Just bold. 🙂
I only hug those I love – so you fit the bill. 🙂
Yay! Stacy! I couldn’t have said it better myself! Jesus is the answer for us all! And in the last days, MANY will be offended. Thank you, and God bless you and your beautiful family! Blessings from Bama!
Bama, you are awesome!