Martha Stewart isn’t the only one who can do it. You can do it too! YOU can fold a fitted sheet. Come on, I’ll show ya! It’s a little hard to explain, but I’ll try to do it using pictures. I hope my cousin Ben is reading because he asked me how to do this……..you’re welcome Ben!

This is my husband’s idea of a folded fitted sheet. When Ben asked him how to do it, Barry said “wad it up.” It’s ok if this is your idea too. You can come into the light! Or you can just read this and continue to wad your sheets up and put them back in the closet. It’s dark in there and no one can see…….so it’s really ok if you do that. I give you permission. Although I’m convinced if we can fold a fitted sheet surely we can find world peace.

First you want to find two fitted corners and put your fingers in them, like so. Now do a puppet show for your daughter and make silly noises.

Bring those two points together. Pretend my fingers are in them…..but they’re not. Because I had to take a picture. I sure could use another set of hands…….but Barry has to work and Dottie is sleeping.

This is a little hard to explain. You want to fold them in together. While holding the points together, bring one point over so that it covers the other. Sorta like it’s an envelope and the other finger is a piece of paper. You’ll have the two points tucked together. It will be inside out. Does that make any sense? Clear as mud? The picture on the left is actually the two corners, tucked inside each other, inside out. Repeat with the other two corners.

Lay your sheet out where you can have it flat. Using the corner as a base point, fold the sheet down so that it makes a straight line. Repeat with the other side and the long middle between the two corners.

It SHOULD look like this. A rectangle. Beautiful! Do my instructions make sense now?

Fold the sheet up in half.

Do it again.

Fold it up one more time until you have a semi-square. Is there such a thing as a semi-square? Yes, in Stacy’s world there is……..leave me alone.

Fold it up one more time until you have this cute little bundle! Isn’t it precious? It is way easier to stack this in the closet than a wadded up mess. Unless your whole closet is a wadded up mess. Then we have different issues to discuss. That’s something a little tooooo deep for Humorous Homemaking.
Now that you feel like Martha Stewart, go into the kitchen and make some type of centerpiece out of macaroni and pipe cleaners.
I learned this method MANY years ago when Heloise (remember “Hints from Heloise?” No, you’re probably too young) was on Phil Donahue. Yes, I’m really old but I was a child then and it made a huge impression on me. To this day, my linen closet is neat. Can’t say the same about the rest of my house.
I just LOVE Heloise! One of my favorite books is The Big Book of Hints from Heloise. 🙂
My aunt has always been able to fold her fitted sheets like they just came from the store (she does it similar to yours). Every time she gives me an old set of her sheets, I feel guilty and tell the sheets I am sorry, but you will never be folded correctly again! LOL 😛
🙂 That’s okay. Most people don’t do it anyway…..I just wash mine and put them right back on the bed. LOL
Thanks Tracy, you do make cents. I thank you. Maybe with some practice it’ll woek for me..
Thanks for this…hopefully this will help my linen closet not look like a sheet tornado went through it!
Jason folds like Barry and I fold like you lol! However, I do just wad the boys sheets up because they go through them like you wouldn’t believe AND Wyatt pulls them out all the time anyway.
I just wad mine up too. It’s useless! I think you should post a video of you doing this. That would help me a ton!
I don’t like hearing myself. LOL