I realize it’s been a while since I talked about this, and if you have been a follower for a while, you may recall that I have talked before about how I organize my days. I do it in a very specific way and turns out, the concept is not new AT ALL. I actually first heard about it when I when I was younger – like a lot younger. We’re talking when I was a little girl.
Any of y’all remember Little House in the Big Woods?
It’s an awesome story – these books were definitely some of my favorites when I was a little girl. If I’m being honest – I still love those books. And I organize my days in the same way Ma Ingall’s organized her days! You may have heard me mention – “Today is kitchen day,” or, “it’s laundry day.” You may have even seen me #bakingday on Instagram or go live about what I’m making for Kitchen Day over on Facebook.
In order to keep harmony in my home, I have it organized and my days separated out so that I do specific tasks on specific days of the week. I kept getting so many questions about this that I actually made an e-course based on these concepts. It’s a very affordable course where I walk you through all the steps on how to create a workable routine for your family.
One size does not fit all when it comes to schedules/routines.
You cannot just jump into the routine I’ve created for my family! This is tricky. Often we see someone else’s routine or schedule and we think we should just copy it and do everything they do. But your schedule cannot look like mine – and mine cannot look like yours. We all have different lives and different tasks. Some of us our empty-nesters. Some of us have lots of children or no children at all. Some of us homeschool and some of us work outside of the home.
That’s why I created Home Management How-To.
I teach people how to make their own routines – ones that will actually work for YOU. You simply cannot take someone else recipe for their home and make it yours. You need to make it your OWN. Whether you work outside the home or not – you can create a routine that works for you. You can have harmony in your home, but only if you make it so!
I model the routine for my days after the way Ma Ingalls did.
When I first read the book I remember thinking – wow, she is a genius. (There’s also a more current book called Large Family Logistics that teaches a similar approach.) I combine both of these throughout my course to show you a very simple, yet effective way to organize your days. Here’s my current routine:
Get Ahead on Saturday (which usually means an extra Baking Day for me!)
And Sunday is my day off! (as much as a mom can have a day off)
Once you get a routine that works for you, it will literally change the way you feel about everything in your home! It changes your entire life. You won’t feel overwhelmed any longer. But keep in mind your routines will not be the same each month or even each week. There are so many seasons of life! What I’m doing today, is not what I was doing last year. And I know our life will look totally different in 6 months or a year from now! Don’t think that your routine must be set in stone and can NEVER change.
That’s a recipe for insanity, y’all.
Once you find what works, you need to always reevaluate your routines and make sure to only keep what works for you. If you’re struggling to find your sweet spot, check out my e-course. It might be just what you need in your life. And don’t forget you can always reach out to me in the comments below or by email with any questions!
Julia says
I really wish I could do laundry just one day a week. However, with a well and a septic system, it just isn’t practical. This could easily overwhelm our system and cause major problems. So I do a couple loads a day on a specific schedule, (for instance, whites on Tuesday) and try to take Wednesdays and Sunday’s off from laundry. I love that you realize everyone’s schedule will probably be different and what works for one, won’t always work for others.
Julie Chittock says
Interesting! I didn’t know being on a well and septic made a specific laundry day a problem. Thanks for sharing.
Julie, Humorous Homemaking Team
Joan says
Thank you for your encouragement and recommendations! I appreciate how much you sincerely care about the other moms out there. ~ Also, kudos for introducing your readers to “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up” ahead of it being the “latest fad”. Your followers ended up being at the forefront of a big movement to pare down. My family is over the moon about the concepts she presents, but it was old news to me, thanks to you! ~ Thanks again for your ministry!
Julie Chittock says
Aww – you are so welcome. Stacy always has a knack for sharing what she loves – whether it is hip or cool or not. 🙂 Thanks for the sweet comment, Joan!
Julie, Humorous Homemaking Team
Janell Young says
I am curious what a “laundry day” looks like for a family. With 7 kids at home, we would have MOUNTAINS if we only did laundry one day a week!
Julie Chittock says
It’s definitely a lot of laundry! But Stacy’s kids are all still 9 and under, so the size of the pile might be smaller than a family with middle and high schoolers. And yes, for a family of 7, you might need to break down across a few days. Thanks for the comment Janell.
Julie, HH Team
cristy says
I love how you outlined doing one task daily. My laundry days are Saturdays, meal prep days are Mondays or when off :).
Julie Chittock says
Awesome! Like Stacy mentioned in the post, there is no rule that everyone’s days have to be the same. The goal is to find a routine that works for you and stick with it. Thanks for commenting, Cristy.
Julie, HH Team