Until recently, I never rested. No really. I didn’t.
I thought rest was for PANSIES!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean, I have work to do!!!!!!!! We’ll just rest when we’re dead!!!!
Yup – you sure will. And you’ll go much earlier if you don’t learn how to slow the heck down.
I felt like I always had something to do – something to clean – something to cook – something to fold – something to wash. And why would I REST when there was work to be done?
Well – here’s a good reason…
Because God commanded it.
But for whatever reason, I felt like I was immune from that command – like it didn’t apply to me. Because I was strong…and man – I had STUFF TO DO!
Over time, I saw my energy start to decline – I felt burned out and tired – and I played the pity card for myself a lot: look at me, doing all this work…while other folks rest.
Hello, Stacy Martha (get that reference?). I really think I was on the edge of adrenal fatigue.
So, how DO moms rest?
How did I learn to slow down one day a week? When everyone needs you and you have people to take care of – is it just a pipe dream? No.
I take “Sunday off” these days. That doesn’t mean I do no work – I still feed people and take care of my family, but I don’t do much beyond that.
Here’s how I was able to schedule a weekly rest day:
1. I PLANNED for it.
If you KNOW you’re going to take a rest day, that means you know that during the week, you might throw one or two additional tasks in. So, I might cook an extra meal, or do an extra work task for social media. Each day has its proper tasks. Rest has to be planned.
2. I had to LET GO.
You just can’t be in control all of the time.I had to let go of perfection. So what if my kids eat cereal on Sunday (they LOVE THAT, by the way). So what if we wear wrinkly clothing or don’t get a load of laundry done? Will the world end? NO. Paper plates are okay. Better done than perfect. Perfection is a myth.
3. I had to EXECUTE.
For a long time, I would SAY I was going to rest, but I just didn’t. I had it in my brain – but if you don’t act on it, it will never happen. It wasn’t easy for me because I like to work – so the act of DOING the rest was something I really had to put effort in to.
4. I had to get ACCOUNTABILITY.
Barry and my friend Penny keep me accountable. “Are you working?” “Should you be doing that today?” “What have you planned today, Stacy?” When someone is watching you, it makes it easier for you to stand by what you said you’d do.
I know sometimes rest seems unattainable – or like something for people who don’t have a bit TO-DO list, but friend…rest is for you. And when you rest and feel refreshed, you’ll be ready to tackle your work with renewed vigor instead of always living in Burned Out Land. <3
Charity says
I am working together with my family and getting them on board for this. We are working to get a different room in our house cleaned during the week and I am working to adjust my work from home to take have one work day on Saturday per month and all Sundays are for church and family time. It is a process and we are learning. Sundays we have down, but my husband is an ordained lay minister so often times ministry has us working. So we are working to add Saturday as a rest day too. We have not arrived at our goal, but we are getting closer. to it.
Stacy says
If you work for the church, Sunday is definitely not your rest day. Ha ha!
Anna Marie Peterson says
it was explained to me that a Sabbath (day of rest) was an indication of trust in God- the belief that it is possible to do enough work on the other 6 days to be able to rest on the 7th. That God could provide in 6 days and that we are no longer slaves (like they were in Egypt), so we got a day off.
Nikki Burns says
My family recently started resting also. Trying to keep it as non-legalistic as possible but to embrace the balance God is calling us to; we have started to take Sunday as a day of doing as little as possible that quantifies as work. Dishes sit. If the week was not as productive as I wanted, I make sure we have bare essentials (clean work clothes) and everything else sits.
After doing this for a couple months, we have recently skipped our last two rest days. We are feeling the cost. We were designed to rest. To renew our strength. Physically, spiritually, and mentally.
Penny Miller says
I’m so proud of you and I’m thankful the Lord gave us a Sabbath day.
Cheryl says
Thank you for reminding me❣️
Stacy says
It’s a needed reminder for all of us. <3