If you missed it, you can go back and read this post about our baby steps toward healthy eating. I thought it might benefit you all to know what exactly it is that we are reading and learning about. You might want to read it yourself…..and I encourage you to do so. If you’re too busy to read it all, you’ll probably hear most of it here at Humorous Homemaking anyway – sorta like Cliff’s Notes with no test. I wasn’t a Cliff’s Notes user…..I actually read the books. Astonishing, right? You’ll notice that some of my recipes are starting to change. I don’t plan on taking off my old recipes because I like seeing where I’ve come from. Plus, almost any recipe can be adapted to a whole foods diet. We’re still working on getting rid of some of the stuff that I accumulated, but like I mentioned before we are not replacing it with the same stuff – we’re replacing it with whole foods. Let’s learn! (I’m such a dweeb…..do people still say dweeb?) |
I’ve been devouring this book – What The Bible Says About Healthy Living. My friend Stephanie recommended it. I really love what Rex Russell has to say. Unlike some of those kooky Christian books out there (you know what I’m talking about), Russell says that eating healthy is not essential to salvation. If you don’t eat the way he recommends, you surely won’t go to hell without passing go and collecting $200. Simply put, in the Bible God superficially lays out the things we should and should not eat. Jesus came to fulfill the law, not abolish it. God knew what he was talking about when He said to stay away from certain things. Science even backs up what the Word says. If you eat what God says to eat, you’ll feel better….if you don’t, you won’t feel as good…..but it is NOT essential to your faith. However, I figure that if God said it, then He really meant it. Malachi 3:6 “I the LORD do not change. So you, O descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed.” This is a must read. And there is also a cookbook that goes with it. |
Barry and I decided to buy a Nutramill for grinding our own grain after we listened to a CD from Bread Beckers. We were both convicted by the “Bread of Idleness” informational CD. If you are interested in grinding all your own grain, then you can pick this CD up for free at the Bread Beckers site. Warning though – it will really change how you think about bread. The Bread Beckers website has tons of information and also some videos that you can watch. I highly recommend them. We’ve placed our first order with Bread Beckers for grain. There will be more information about that coming soon – including a post about our mill and about how to store large amounts of grain. I’m chipping away at my flour stock here at home and then I’ll only grind our grain. |
One last one that I’ll leave you with is Kitchen Stewardship. This website is really the one that got me started on this journey. I got wind of one of her recipes and that was the end….I was hooked. I like her outlook and the journey she is on. I like that if she finds something different, she doesn’t mind to say she was wrong about something……..I’m wrong a lot, so I find that refreshing. She got me started with a new sourdough recipe and man oh man….she just gets my mind racing. She pairs her food with faith, which I really like (she is Catholic). You’ll probably see a lot of the new things I’m doing lining up with Whole New Mom and Kitchen Stewardship. |
So, there ya go. And it only skims the surface of what I’m reading. Really, I can’t shut my mind down. I would read all night long except for that stupid problem of sleep. Baby steps…….fall down, and get back up. I’m a toddler in the kitchen, well sorta. You know what I mean. |
This post peaked my interest. I’ve been researching grinding grains for my family. Did you happen to score a good deal on the Nutrimill?? Thanks~
** eek.. I meant “piqued” my interest.
Yes, I bought mine for $260 and it had free shipping. I’ll be doing a post about it soon. 🙂
I saw one on Amazon for the same price… so must be the going rate for new ones. – thanks
The place I ordered from offers free shipping too. 🙂 Paula’s Bread. And she has GREAT customer service!
Preach it girl! I’m so glad to hear this! People have called me “crazy” and everything else for some of my eating, but I’ve always said if Jesus himself wouldn’t eat it, I’m not going to either!
Oh! I also just found that they have a recipe to match their book: http://www.booksamillion.com/p/What-Bible-Says-about-Healthy/Hope-Egan/9780981940700?id=5077084071309
🙂 It’s already on my wish list. 🙂
This is such a great post, Stacy – and I don’t say that because you were so gracious to mention me. I say that because you are very vulnerable and make it real. Because it is. I can’t believe where I was years ago. As a child…eating boxed banana bread mix, colored gummy candies and baked goods and ice cream by the…well, I don’t want to even think about how much I ate. Today — well, there really isn’t anything processed in our home. It’s not the easiest sometimes, but it can be done. Little by little.
Blessings on you and your readers!
Thanks Adrienne! 🙂