Hi, my name is Stacy. I’m an adult. And I just had braces “installed.” At least it feels like an installation.
I have long felt self-conscious about my smile, after having been told I would be “pretty, if not for your teeth.” While I know that’s something you should forget, I also know that sometimes words can change you forever. And that was what happened to me.
I don’t ever show my smile with teeth – and when laughing I usually try to cover my mouth with my hand.
I don’t want my kids to remember me this way.
My husband has no issues with my teeth at all, but knowing my worry with it, he encouraged me to get braces. It only took me about 5 years to get it done.
I didn’t want to pay the money. I didn’t want to admit that it was only for cosmetic reasons. I didn’t want to pay the money.
But, let me tell you something. There is nothing wrong with fixing something that is within your means in order to feel better about yourself. If you have the money, do it.
Sometimes a voice whispers to me…why can’t you overcome this? This is crazy! It was just a stupid boy! A stronger Christian would let God heal his/her heart.
Then I tell that stupid voice to shut up and go eat paste.
Some things you can overcome…and some things take help. And I’m finally willing to accept help and get over this little bump in the road.
I will smile. I will laugh. I will eat popcorn and taffy again.
Let me encourage you as well – don’t beat yourself up over something you cannot overcome. Seek help. From someone who is trained to do so…don’t hire someone off eBay or Craig’s List. (Just thought I’d throw that out there.)
As a side note, we can talk about the nitty gritty now. 🙂 I was given the opportunity to get braces as a teen and I turned it down. I didn’t want it. And honestly? I’m glad I waited. As a child/teen, I don’t think I would have taken care of them the way they need to be cared for. Also, I’ve heard from many adults who said they had to get braces again as their teeth shifted in adulthood.
I’m glad I waited.
I went with traditional wire bracket braces instead of Invisalign. I didn’t want the extra care that they seemed to take and I figured if I was going to do braces, I might as well do them big and with hot pink rubber bands. Go big or go home.
We are choosing to pay as we go, instead of taking the discount for paying in advance. Some have wondered if that means we don’t have the cash for this. Absolutely we do. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have done it. We are just making a monthly payment from that fund instead of paying in advance for care…which can sometimes get you into a pickle. Mmmmm, pickles.
It hurts. The inside of my mouth feels like a raw meat factory. I can’t figure out how to chew yet, so I’m having soft foods and Bulletproof Coffee a lot.
In one month, the orthodontist will take a look and see if I’m going to need extractions. I hope not. But my teeth are big and my mouth is small…some of you are laughing right now – probably my family.
Thanks to all of you who are encouraging me, giving tips, and helping me on this journey. You’re a blessing. 🙂
Any tips or encouragement to offer?

Thank you for your post! I am an adult and m getting braces tomorrow. I went on the internet today to seek out stories from other adults who have been through the dame thing. Your post gave me inspiration and helped to curb some of the feelings of anxiety that I’ve been feeling. THANK YOU!
Good luck to you! And we appreciate you leaving a comment 🙂
Julie, HH Team
I have been told recently that I need to probably get adult braces too, it’s good to see I’m not alone. It was brave of you to do, and I bet your teeth are looking really good! You are right too, there is nothing wrong with changing something about yourself so long as you can afford it and it will make you feel better.
It’s ironic you commented today – I had brackets replaced yesterday and my mouth is REALLY sore…and you reminded me that I AM doing this to better myself, even if sometimes it’s painful. 🙂
You did it! When you wrote a post saying you were thinking about it I commented my 70+ year old mother just got them too. I’m so happy for you!
I had braces as an adult as well. And I’m so glad I did. Even though it was fully cosmetic, it was totally worth it! Wax helps a TON for the tearing up your mouth feeling.
Yay good for you! I am 25 and just got Invisalign. They were the same price as Braces for me, and the orthodontist recommended that Invisalign would be better for me. The Invisalign is a lot more work than normal braces I think. I talked funny for the first few days, but can eat whatever I want BUT I need to take it out and brush right after. So I’ve just been eating less haha. I am the same way, could care less about anything else but the teeth have been bothering me for years and I finally saved enough to get it done (thanks to flex savings account). Good luck to you!!
I had braces as an adult age 23 I say do it for you because I’ve never regretted it. It was time and inconvenience but so worth it! I remember those feelings of not liking what I saw in the mirror. And I remember feeling so beautiful when they came off. Kidos to you for taking that first step to recognize what you want and going for it.
A week in and I’m still hurting…so thanks for this encouragement. 🙂
It’s easier said than done, but you’re honestly going to feel so much better once the whole process is over. I had braces at 34 and had to have two teeth removed on top so everything would fit correctly. My biggest suggestion is to lightly chew; best way to explain is to bite halfway into everything slowly. I ate a lot of pudding, mac and cheese, lots of softer foods. They also had me on sensitive toothpaste since my whole mouth couldn’t take the cold for a while. You’re taking a big step in life, and while you have all of the mouth pain now, I PROMISE it will all be gone and you’ll be feel great at the end:)
Thanks for the tip on chewing half way!
Great decision on your part. It will make you a better person for your children and all you come in contact with if you are more confident and comfortable with yourself. Both my older brother and I purchased our own braces as a young adults in the early 80’s. Our parents couldn’t afford them when we were younger. I was nineteen and later that year my brother decided to do the same; he was 22. Our teeth really needed them. I had 8 teeth pulled to make room (my mouth is small too!) We are now in our 50’s and our teeth have moved a bit. My bottom teeth are a little shifted but I’m not going to worry. My older brother had braces again to help with his upper teeth about 5 years ago.
Stacey, I think you were beautiful before the braces..and your gonna be beautiful after braces! I also love your hair style!
Thank you!!! Short hair is where it’s at. 🙂
I had braces and jaw surgery that I got when I was 22 and did not get them off until I was 26 and eight months pregnant… Two words: Water Pick. The one I used was the Waterpik Ultra Water Flosser, and it was awesome. You just have to be sure to clean it out really well at least once a week. It cut my oral care routine time in half. I know you have three kids, so you probably don’t have 15 to 20 minutes 2 or 3 times a day to brush, pick, and floss. Of course, I still flossed a couple of times a week, but with the water pick I almost didn’t need to!
I want one, but I’m having a really hard time shelling out $60 for something else when I just committed to spending $5000+ on my mouth already – and we’re in the middle of a kitchen remodel. :-0
It will get better. Had braces from 36 to 40 yrs old.. Never regretted the decision to get them. Please purchase a Water Pik water flosser. It will change your life with the flossing . It will be so easy to get between the braces and teeth. It is not always just for cosmetic reason it helps with the alignment of your teeth and gum support. I cried for several days after having them put on asking myself why would I ever have this much pain inflicted on oneself. Forgot wax at home one time and suck the the juice out of the kids candy that is in the wax stick jut to use the wax on a wire that was cutting me. You will not regret the purchase of the Water Pik.
I keep looking at it and then clicking away because it’s a LOT. lol
My husband got hooked on it too. He loves its so much we keep a spare ready in case it breaks. We have well water that is very hard on them. Got mine at Costco when they included a free travel size with the the purchase. This is what I give family for gifts at Christmas. I have been told by every one I have given gift to how they think of me everyday while using it. When my husband had a 3 day stay at hospital the 1st thing he wanted from home was the travel size water pik. haha He thought that would make the stay more bearable. Wait till they take them off. That is a crazy day in itself. The grinding and the smell you will never forget. Sending you sunshine and hugs for the pain.
Stacy – I got mine on 2 months ago at the age of 43 and I am so thrilled already with the results. If you got self-ligating brackets there will be a lot less pain than you expected and it will go more quickly.
I lost a tooth about 6 years ago – a front lower tooth. I have always wanted it fixed but could never afford it. About 3 years ago a patient told me that I would be so much prettier if I just fixed my mouth and it stung. Badly. I started concentrating on getting my gums ready for this because I had a lot of work to do.
I found out that my insurance would pay about a third of it and I arranged with my orthodontist to pay the rest in 2 annual lump sums out of my flex spending. I am saving more on taxes than I would paying it up front. I have already been taking that money out to pay for my periodontal work and root canals so it doesn’t make a change in my monthly outgoing.
I was thinking about invisalign but I decided to go big and proud and go full metal – mostly because I feared that I wouldn’t fully comply with invisalign and I would have paid for something I wouldn’t effectively use. My kids love it and my coworkers tease me and call me metal mouth and brace face and it is so much fun.
A Sonicare is the best thing ever – the vibration actually makes my mouth hurt less. A water pik is great for cleaning and my dentist recommended Platypus flossers – they are a MIRACLE! http://www.platypusco.com/ Not even joking. I always carry them with me.
Wax, salt water rinses and teething gel are great also, but if you can stick it out for a few days without wax your mouth will get tougher. I used about 7 containers of wax the first month and only 1 this month. Gishy Goo is also fabulous if you can find it but it is really hard to find. I get mine from my orthodontist.
Have fun with it and here’s to beautiful smiles!!
I tried wax yesterday and didn’t get much relief from that – I figured out it was the pressure in my mouth that was giving me the most pain. I will check those flossers out because MAN…it takes a long time to floss!
When I had braces 30+ years ago, the orthodontist gave me a u-shaped flat piece of silicone (? Whatever, it was flexible yet not really soft) for me to chew on right after adjustments, for maybe 10-15 minutes. Something about that action helped the teeth to move into the new position more quickly which helped with pain. Maybe your doctor has that or you can find it in a drugstore? Good luck & good for you!! You are a cutie pie who should feel like a big smile comes naturally 🙂
I’ll ask!
I am so excited for you!! I had braces from ages 12-14 and while it was a pain, I am SO thankful to have had it done. My best advice for you (which others have pretty much given already) is– don’t be afraid of using some Tylenol or whatever the first few days after you get them tightened each month; cut your food into small pieces so you don’t have to bite into it because that hurts; and brush and floss more than you think you need to. I’ve got a few stains from where my exposed teeth got stained (I drink a lot of tea!) and the places underneath the brackets are lighter. I know flossing is a huge pain but use those little plastic floss threaders they give you and that should help.
Also, try not to grit your teeth or bite down on the brackets accidentally–I bit off two brackets that way!
Finally, when you get your retainer, I’d recommend a permanent one on the lower teeth and then do not ever stop wearing the top one at night. I quit wearing mine after about two years and now I can’t get it on anymore, and one of my lower teeth has moved and looks kind of stupid. 😛 Basically, do what your orthodontist tells you and you should be good 🙂
Good luck! I know it’s a pain, literally and figuratively, but it is SO worth it. 🙂
I have been biting down a little bit to get relief from the pressure pain. Man…it’s ROUGH.
I’m glad you decided to do it, no matter what the reason. I remember my grandma always covering her mouth when she laughed. As an adult it breaks my heart that she never was able to fix her teeth. I had braces for 4 years and had to have 10 teeth extracted. Trust me, they’re only miserable for the first couple weeks and for a day after adjustments… Hang tough!
Stacy, I have a question about the financial aspect of braces. Did you shop around to see who would give you the best prices for the dentistry, braces etc.? Is the payment plan reasonable? Will the office work with you on payments? We know for sure our son will have to have them in the future. Just wondering if a nice down payment would help to start saving for that, or just go in as you are, and go from there.
Have a great day. So many are where you are. It’s good to get encouragement along the way. Wendy Briscoe
I did get another quote – the prices were very comparable. I also researched and asked around. They gave me a downpayment amount and then a monthly payment. I don’t know if they will work with you? But I would guess so. 🙂
I got my braces when I was 36,and so glad I did it. You will too! Just think of it as jewelry for your teeth! 🙂 ( By the way, I just found your blog,searching for “not soaking grains”. I feel set free. Thank you so much.) God bless you 🙂
Oh, that’s wonderful! 🙂 That tickles me pink – thanks for the comment.
Good for you! My best friend just got hers off at 30 and is very happy with her decision. My husband is 35 and I think he would like them, but feels bad about spending the money on something cosmetic. I’ll have to show him your post. Hope you feel better soon!
Even though it’s a pain, don’t skip the flossing. I’m almost certain that my braces years are the source of the gum issues I’ve had as an adult, including needing a couple of gum grafts. Also, wear the retainers as long as you have to. I’m coming up on 20 years since I had the braces off (whaaaat?), and I still wear my retainers overnight a couple times a week, because my overbite would have come back long ago if I hadn’t stuck with that.
I think whatever a person can do (within reason and means) to improve themselves in any way is a good thing. Christ doesn’t want us to never spend money on ourselves or be perpetually disturbed about something in our realm that we can fix or help. One of the things that the human mind is always, at any age, desiring is to learn and grow and improve. We are just wired that way. Sometimes changing or helping the physical is just as much an improvement in the mind and spirit as it is physically. For instance, trimming up and taking care of our bodies, keeping up with our health through preventive care such as oils, vitamins, mammograms, or medicines like high blood pressure medicine. I’m thankful all my teeth are straight and strong but if they weren’t and my parents had not pursued braces for me as a teen, you better believe I would. Hey, if the barn needs painting, slap a coat on there. I’m not vain but I like to look my best, whether it be making sure my hair is neat and clean, wearing makeup or using whitestrips to help out (or braces, if that were the case). I also am pretty sure the adults who have to go back into braces are usually the ones who failed to wear their retainers and other devices to keep the teeth in alignment. Our teeth will constantly move and shift throughout our entire lives so an ounce of prevention is always wise. I’m glad we were able to get our children braces (not sure if that littlest will need them or not yet) but if they don’t take care of them as adults……well, that’s on them.
I’m so proud of you for doing this, Stacy! And I’m super excited for you to be free of that nagging worry about showing your teeth. Yay!
Thank you! 🙂
I got braces as a 24 year old. I was in college when the process started, and all I wanted to do was run home to my mom! I could only afford to eat what was at the dining hall, and I thought salad was soft….hahahaha…..salad is anything but soft when every tooth is hurting!
It does get a lot better though :). I had to have extractions, and it helped so much. In a few months, it will only be a bit painful when they tighten up the wires. Hang in there….use wax on the sore spots, and brush well. I’m 40 now, and still wear my retainers occasionally so my teeth stay put where they should be. I’m still so grateful I got my teeth straightened. I had a big “buck tooth” in front and would hit my cup against it sometimes. I would cover my smile too like you did. I’m glad you plunged in, it’s totally worth it! 🙂
Thanks so much for posting about this… I’m soon-to-be 35, and really need to get it done too. My dad got his in his 30s too, and I remember him having them. I really need to suck it up and get it done, because as you said, it’s always bothered me. 🙂 Unfortunately, I’m concerned about getting the metal braces since I have a lot of sensitivities/allergies to different metals, but from what I’ve heard so far, mine are too out of whack for Invisalign. Time to schedule that ortho appointment and see what they say!
Hi Stacy! I love your blog, your stories and recipes. I was in a similar position as you several years ago. I had terribly crooked teeth and always closed mouth smiles. I hated getting pictures taken, my wedding photos look awkward. Oy! Looking back, I have NEVER regretted getting braces in adulthood. The mouth sores and sore jaw and multiple extractions were worth it (ice cream, anyone?) My tips would be don’t skimp on the wax and FLOSS! A lot!! Good for you and I’m so excited for you!
The first two times, it’s taken me like 20+ minutes to floss. I hope I get it figured out!
A water pik is an excellent investment. Does a wonderful job of cleaning around braces and along your gumline. Also, a couple of tylenol before you go to the orthodontist will help pain afterward. Having your teeth straightened is a very good idea healthwise! Misaligned teeth are harder to clean, more prone to cavities, and can cause gum disease. Your dental health is a good indicator of your overall general health. Way to go!
Ask your orthodontist about soft wax to put over the brackets that bother you. I used it when I had my braces and it was a life saver!
I have some! 🙂
I also had braces as an adult. I didn’t have to wear them as long as they originally thought, probably because I was more compliant with what needed to be done than I would have been as a teenager. I found that using a WaterPik helped me tremendously.
I had braces as an adult, and I recall that it took a few days to learn how to speak clearly with them. As far as mouth pain, putting wax on the brackets and wires that poke out can be of some help. I used to take my baby daughter with me to the appointments and she would fall asleep on my chest while I was reclining back in the examination chair. All the technicians just loved her! I still wear my retainer every Friday night. You were very wise to wait for your braces, you will be able to appreciate the process and the outcome so much better than a youngster would. Good luck! : )
Wow! You are AWESOME. I’ve been wanting braces for the last 15 years. Not in the works for us right now though. I’m so glad you got them! I will live vicariously through you in this journey. 😉
I’ve had a lot of coworkers who have gotten braces as adults, and they don’t regret it. Sometimes they have it the same time as THEIR kids, and they’ll loan each other rubber bands and wax.
Wax. You can find it in the dental isle at Walmart or CVS or your orthodontist may give you some for free. It will really help with the raw meat feeling, since it allows the inside of your mouth to heal faster.
I’m using some! 🙂
Stacy: I always wondered why you never had a full-on smile – and always thought how pretty you are, but how beautiful you’d be with a big ole’ teeth showing smile! I’m the daughter of a dentist and I worked for him for a number of years. I have horribly crooked bottom teeth and protruding upper teeth. Although my father practiced ortho, too, he just didn’t know what to do with my case 45 years ago. Although I had some extractions, braces, head gear, and many years of wearing a retainer, my teeth still aren’t pretty to look at. I even had a guy say to me, “I thought your father was a dentist…why do your teeth look so bad.” I applaud you for doing something that will help you feel better about yourself. That said, please accept my advice in the short run: SMILE! BIG OLE’ TOOTHY SMILE! You are beautiful right NOW!
Thank you, Jan. 🙂
I did it twice. The second time around as a young adult (19), I had extractions and jaw surgery. I would absolutely do it again! I too, have a small mouth and not enough room. Almost 20 years later, my teeth are still near perfect 🙂 My oldest daughter has my same issues, so we have started the orthodontic route and she had her extractions about 6 weeks ago. Good luck to you! It truly is life changing when you don’t have to be self conscious of your smile 🙂
My sweet girl had to have braces, a palatial expander (her mouth was too small, and doc refused to pull teeth), head gear for nights, and a lip bumper for the first phase. The second phase was a whole set of braces like yours. She did very well and took care of them wonderfully. I will email you photos for inspiration. Tylenol, aspirin, or ibuprofen taken an hour before an adjustment helps with the discomfort afterwards. Popcicles and ice cream help too!! 😉
Thank you!!!
Plan for the “sore mouth/loose tooth” feeling after each adjustment with two or three days worth of soft foods and ibuprofen. If you can swing the cost (it’s a lot cheaper at Costco on sale), a sonicare toothbrush really, really helps to clean around the braces. Good luck! I hope you won’t have to have the extractions, we’re already planning for them with my second child since she has a tiny little mouth. Glow in the dark bands are tons of fun to creep out your husband/sister/roommate.
I have that toothbrush – they gave me one. But I’m afraid of it. LOL LOL
Oooo that toothbrush is the best! I managed to get out of any dental cleanings for ten years. When I went in, I got all the scolding I knew I would (one reason I put off going, people!)… and then the hygienist looked in my mouth. She spent the whole appointment asking if I’d been to someone else?… was I SURE???… rechecking my records… HAHAHA!!! Made my year. : )