Y’all ask me all the time, “Hey Stacy, can you give me a good list of freezer meals?” The truth is, I don’t have such a list. Here’s how freezing food works for me – I make it and then I freeze it. I don’t really do too much advance planning.
I don’t seek out special meals that are just for freezing – I just use my normal recipes and make them work. BUT if you are looking for freezer specific meals, you need to check out Once a Month Mom – one of my favorite recipe sites.
So, you say, how DO you make that meal work for the freezer, Miss Stacy? Well, I’ll tell ya….over at Intentional by Grace. I’m over there sharing how I freeze meals and I’ll give you a list of some good ones to try.
If you want to know how to freeze bread (baked or in dough form) or if you want to turn your crock pot meal into a freezer meal, I’ve got you covered.
Meet me over there…if for no other reason than you like to look at pretty pictures of food. *Slobber*
I adapt a lot of our recipes too. I don’t do a once a month freeze a cook day either; I just double and freeze as a go. If the whole recipe can’t be frozen usually part of it can. Even just browning twice the meat and freezing it saves time and effort. I try to keep a bag of frozen chopped onion in the freezer for quick use!
Having frozen chopped onions and peppers is a real dinner saver sometimes!! 🙂