Before we get this party started, let me insert this little disclaimer and plea here:
Please don’t send me hate mail or nasty messages on social media. You might disagree with everything you’re about to read, and that’s okay. But your time may be best spent elsewhere on things like…eating donuts and drinking coffee. That is all. Onward!
I firmly believe there are desires that God has planted deep in the hearts of women. The desire to care for and nurture her family The desire to do her best to keep a good house and hug babies. And also a deep desire, when needed, to hide in the closet and eat chocolate.
Embrace your calling as a Homemaker!
Lemme tell you something – those desires are normal. However, for whatever reason, over the years women have been made to feel like it makes them weak:
- You should be doing something “important with your life.”
- Serving a man and children makes you less of a woman.
- A submissive homemaker sits in a corner cowering because “her man” is towering over her with a big stick.
Hear me now: a homemaker is not a doormat. Neither are we the ever-present martyr, serving everyone else while we waste away ourselves.
We are women. We are who God called us to be. WE ARE STRONG.
Here is something that needs to be said: It’s okay to embrace the desire you have to take care of your family. For too long we’ve squashed it like a bug because we feel like it means everyone else will look down on us.
It’s time to take it back. It’s time to embrace our inner June Cleaver. It’s time to realize we CAN keep house and we CAN do it well and we ARE important.
We are the backbone of society. We are the ones taking care of those great leaders, washing their socks and undies and making their breakfasts. And do you know what? That makes us great leaders too.
You need to take back your home and stop caving to society’s ideals about how taking care of a home is less important than other roles. These are some of the most important tasks of all: Training up children to love the Lord and serve others, supporting your spouse, being the confidant…and these tasks are those of a homemaker.
We are not doormats – As a Homemaker, You are the String that Holds Things Together.
Now, let’s go forth and learn to do this job well. Embrace it. Hold your head high when you make those sandwiches and search for days for those blasted missing socks.
Move over, June Cleaver. You’ve got company.
Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.
Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.
Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised.
Proverbs 31:28-30
You are so right on all of this. There is NOTHING wrong with staying at hone and taking care of the family and the house. Too bad more people don’t realize this is just as important as working outside of the house.
Amen!!! Well said. Thank you.
I agree with you so much!
Thank you
Thank you. I needed to hear this!!!
Thank you in this age of quick fast and in a hurry it’s NICE to hear it’s ok to be a “ jane cleaver” after all she was calm cool and collected as women of God should be or try to be .
However … she always carried herself as a lady just as the ladies of that time did and we should.
Thanks for letting your light shine !!!!
Stay encouraged thanks for encouraging us !!!!
Thank you so much for taking a few minutes to encourage me!!!
All my life I wanted one thing, to be a stay at home mom! You would not believe the fights I have had with people, including a high school teacher who got red in the face mad, and told me at the age of 15 that I was sending women back to the stone ages. I replied if women’s lib and and feminism are about me having a choice why is my choice as a woman to be a mother and wife any less valid then yours? There ended the discussion, though her face stayed red for some time.
I am struggling these days to be a good homemaker. And the price of everything makes me wonder if maybe I shouldn’t go back to work, but in the end I want to be the one my kids come home to! We were told that we would never be able to have children with out a great deal of expensive medical intervention for both of us (we didn’t and don’t have that kind of money). A lot of prayer and a divine miracle gave a son we named Samuel because the Lord really did “give him to us”.Before Samuel was One, we were surprised with miracle number two on her way, a daughter we nearly lost to complications in the last trimester and at birth, we called her Hannah because God’s Grace was surrounding her keeping her safe and well. I think I needed to be reminded of the beginnings of my family today cause I am almost in tears. Thank-you for this post!
Thank you!
It’s so funny how everyone is all about women doing whatever they want and all that until that woman wants to be a house wife. I am new to it having gotten out of the military last year and I run a small family farm on our land. It takes a long time to switch from worker bee outside the home to inside but it is worth it.
My husband and I are the happiest we have ever been. He is still military and can do his job where her it takes him knowing I have the home front locked up tight. I honestly wish they would let girls be housewives if that’s what they want.
It’s not just sitting around leaching off a man. It is a very full-time job that is very rewarding.
Keep up the good work!
First I want to say God bless u and your family. I was blessed to b a stay at home mom and housewife. For years I always felt beneath the career woman. But when my kids were in high school and my house was the hang out house and all of my kids friends wished I was their mom. Wellll I started to understand. The job I did was the most important job out there. My husband is a firefighter and he worked two jobs so I could stay at home with our kids. I was truelly blessed to get to do that and I cherish every memory. So thank u for your posts God bless and take care
Thanks for this comment, Angie! I’m so glad you shared your story with us.
That was pretty perfectly wrote.
I never thought of myself as a housewife or mother. Then it all happened and it was something that fit like a glove. I have learned to tune out the negativity when speaking with certain folks, and just remember, my little family is happy healthy and feeling cared for everyday! I know I’m doing what the good Lord had planned!
I love this piece!
Your comment is so touching – thank you for taking the time to share, Krysyal!
Julie, Humorous Homemaking Team
Well said Stacy.
There is alot to be said about our June Cleaver, and serving the Lord!
Thank you! I finally have my “dream career” as a stay-at-home mom, but I catch a lot of flack for it from people who think I’m wasting my college degree or administrative abilities (because who uses administrative abilities in running a house and raising a kid? 😉 ). Thanks for this post!
Uhhh, like everyone? LOL I can’t think of anyone else who administrates more. Ha ha!
A mother working at home is a Work-At- Home-Mom. Never take flack for that. My mom had to work way back when working outside the home got a woman the flack. Trolls now have the internet to tear a person down. I missed my Mom terribly back then. A “friend” giving that to you is not a friend, and a stranger can be kicked to the curb. Yay, You! Your administrative skills will be put to the best use!
You’re awesome, Stacy 🙂 Thanks for all the great content you put out there to encourage and spread the love for homemakers! You are appreciated <3 (And I'm really enjoying the FB live videos too!)
I’m glad! I am enjoying them too – which surprises me because FB hasn’t been my friend in the past.
Stacy we need to have a bet whose household is more crazy. I think i have a handle on things,,,, I’ve got my lists & boom life intervenes,,,,sigh But I love reading that it will get back on track so I just keep things as i have them & move on,
You are such a gem xoxoxo
Moving on – great wisdom in that!
Thank you so much! How refreshing and true. I have always said my “dream job” was to be a wife and mother. I certainly don’t do a perfect job, but I’m so grateful God’s given me my heart’s desire. Thanks again! 🙂
None of us are perfect – but thankfully, God uses us anyway. 🙂
If God waited for a perfect person to do His will, No one would be doing God’s will! All of us imperfect people have gifts and we can use them!
Amen 🙂 Thanks for the comment!
Julie, HH Team
I loved this! It rings so true! I’m not the best housekeeper but the essentials like the dishes and toilets are always clean. The laundry is always done and there is always a home cooked meal (a lot of leftovers some days) Yesterday I was at the park with my two teen daughters having a picnic. We picnic daily in the summer to get a change of scenery. We get in the car and put in ‘parks’ on the GPS not knowing which one we’ll end up at. We’ve created some of the best memories together in doing this. They are growing up so fast and I wouldn’t change any of the time spent with them. A great saying I got from a friend was ‘money can be earned but when time is spent it’s gone forever’. Yes I know single Mom’s and some women have to work and I do not judge them. There are amazing women who work and are great ‘mommies’ and there are stay at home Mom’s who aren’t good to their babies and should be working. I’ve seen it all. So no matter what your lot in life is just be sure to love your kids and create good memories because it’s all so fleeting.
Oh, I love your park idea!!!!
Amen, sister!! AMEN!!!!!!!!! My husband was downsized and I had to go into the outside workforce, and I have sorely missed being a homemaker. All I ever wanted to be was a homemaker, loved it while I was able to be home and miss it like crazy. But, it is what it is, and with lots of prayer (and not a few tears), I still do all I can to make our house a true home even though I’m unable to be there full time. That’s where I get the most satisfaction and happiness. I figure I was blessed to have the time at home that I did; so many women want to and can’t because of financial considerations, so I just remind myself of that, then pray some more and soldier on!! Thank you for your blog, BTW, I LOVE it!!
It sounds like you’re doing a great job being the maker of your home! Keep on, keepin’ on, Patricia!
Thank you for the reminder Stacy. I am a stay at home mom for my 2 daughters (5 yrs an 7 mos.). We want to buy a larger house and are trying to get funding (which isn’t exactly easy with my husband being self-employed). Just this afternoon I was thinking that maybe I should get a job so we can get funding easier. So glad you reminded me that being available for my girls is the most important thing. We will get the house in The Lord’s time. Have to remember that. Thanks again for being a blessing!
When you’re looking for a house, time seems to pass so slowly – and you feel like you need to try to do things to help it along…I’ve been there multiple times. <3 The right thing will come along!
Thank you!!!
YEA! Finally some telling it like it really is, not demeaning others because THEY feel incompetent.
As a wife, mom, grandma, homemaker, the only time I ever felt less than good about being all of the above was when I was in the “Labor Force”. I allowed myself to be made to feel awful because I wanted to be home.
When I finally came home from my “job” and told my husband that I had quit I thought he would be mad at me, but he just said, “Finally.” I am how content & happy, and he is content & happy.
We still have disagreements but they are nothing like they were.
I’m going for more “Ma Ingells”, myself, but yeah!
Oh, how I dearly love Little House!!! And Anne Shirley!
Gah Stacy, it’s like you’re in my brain! I’ve been trying to be a more “June Cleaver-type” wife and mother for a little while now! It’s just been hard to find tips and tricks on the subject, especially ones that I can use while working full time outside of the home. I’m so glad you’re writing this!!
I hope it will lend some helpful tips!
I was a SAHM for 10 yrs. when I put my kids in school at 7&9 I got a job to have something to do. Now, 10 yrs later we rely on that income and I’d love to stay home again. I am now taking care of my mom, my kids are about to fly and I’m too busy to care for things at home like the garden and chickens and even laundry. Lots falls in my guy after he gets home. Moral of the story ladies, embrace it stay home as long as you can!
I’m missing my chickens these days.
Right on!
AMEN and AMEN! Thank you Stacy! Knocked another one outta the ball park. Can I add that it’s possible to live a GOOD and WHOLE life without having two incomes? Takes effort,as y’all know, and requires less material possessions, but oh-so-worth it! Thanks for saying the hard things. #JuneCleaversUnite
That hashtag! 🙂
Yes! I couldn’t agree more. I still fight feeling like the world condemns my job, and that I need to apologize for not getting an away from home job–even though I know I make a difference where I am.
You make SUCH a difference, girl! I love you! And your kids adore you. <3
Bravo Stacy…the best thing ever said of me is that I am Leanne’s mom! And was Tim’s mom ( who left this earth in 2010). That being said its been a strange journey to say the least, but here I am. Always wanting to learn more about training her up. Tim’s ok…wrote a book about him. He’s covered 😉
I’m always wanting to learn more too!
Thank-you for saying what so many of us feel. I believe that women are capable of running a huge corporation. I trust my health to a female doctor. I am SO not against women working outside of the home. My mom did. However, I knew when I married my husband that I wanted to be home. I actually worked outside of the home when my first two babies were born, and I just felt like that wasn’t the right thing for our family. I am so thankful that I am now able to stay home and teach my children. I love being a homemaker.
My mom worked outside the home too – but she was still a great homemaker! I think it’s 100% about mindset, don’t you?
Mrs. Stacy, I had one horrible day today as my son had a major temper tantrum at the public Library. He is 7 years old and we left with him screaming at the top of his lungs. 🙁 I wonder what Proverbs 31 woman would have done?
My Mom was a stay at home Mom for the first 10 years of our lives and she had to go back to work due to my Dad being a minister and not making enough money. BUT, my Dad was able to be home when we got home, and be the parent to go on field trips etc. What great memories. Sometimes, it’s not only June Cleaver but Ward too who stays home while June is working because June makes a whole lot more money that Ward could. 🙂
Hope you have an enjoyable Summer. Stay Cool! Wendy
I’m so sorry about the temper tantrum – I’ve had a few of them myself. 🙂
Well, I hope Barry puts you in time-out when you do!
Everyone just kinda backs away slowly. lol
Stacey, I’ve been reading your blog for a looong time. And, I usually agree with everything you write about, often wondering why I don’t have a blog and write about the same things! (In my dreams I have a blog, but not in for-real life!) lol But, your thoughts in “Embracing your inner June Cleaver” are so the page I’m on!!! Holy Cow! And, it is not a popular page to be on. I’ve been a stay at home mom for our 6 children (all by the same wonderful man I’ve been married to for 32 years), however…..our culture says that staying at home might stifle the wife/mom, might cause the children to be less social, won’t add to the income for the things that help keep up with the Joneses, etc., etc. Ohhhh, I could totally just go on a rant but I’ll save it. Thank you for being bold to take a stand for the family!
I had to laugh out loud on the “children to be less social.” I’ll just tell you right now that my kids don’t have any issues being social. LOL LOL 🙂
I just love this!
Thank you, Susan!
Love this! I had a college coach ask me what I wanted to do in life and I told him be a homemaker and he laughed and told me that will never happen. 10 years late I have lived this dream and continue to do so proudly! It may not be for all women and that’s ok – we just all need to do our best and be supportive of one another’s decisions and help each out when the time calls! Thanks for a good reminder!
I wish you could have seen the face I made when I read the part about the college coach.
My word, did I ever need to read this today! Yesterday, I was informed by my dentist at my cleaning that I have to get 3 teeth worked on in a major way. Apparently the obsessive flossing and brushing just isn’t cutting it for these 3 teeth. This lovely work will cost about $1800. EIGHTEEN HUNDRED DOLLARS?!?! Now we have to figure out how to get this worked into our budget before the teeth fall out from inaction. My mind instantly went to: If I were still working full time, we could easily afford this. When I said this to my husband, he then reminded me how much we would be paying for house cleaning, child care, work clothes for me, commute expenses, etc. if I weren’t at home with the kids. Not to mention that since I homeschool, the kids get loving, Christian, consistent instruction all year from someone who really cares about how they face adulthood. It’s so hard to remember all that we do for our families that matter a LOT more than a paycheck would. Thank you for reminding me today.
Oh man. I hate dental work. Sending prayers your way right now!
Amen Sista!! While I’m not a stay at home mom/homemaker, I would love to be. I don’t think our finances can take the hit! I would like to be able to home school my kids as well. I would love not “burning the candle at both ends”!
If it’s your desire, you can make that your goal!!! You can totally do it! I believe in you!
I definitely needed to read this today!! I will be referring back to it many times I’m sure. Thank you for taking the time to write it.
I get up super early so I can write and have devotions – it’s a good thing for me. And I’m glad it spoke to you. 🙂
I know that my being home helped my children. I knew who their friends were and their friends parents. They stayed out of trouble. At times others thought that I should be working outside of the home, but as a military wife my children needed me to be there for them when their dad was deployed, he had 7 years sea duty. We didn’t have the best or the newest but we did just fine. The kids worked when they were old enough and learned to handle their money. I’m proud to that they appreciate the sacrifice that was made.
Thanks to your husband for his service. <3
Honestly, the Father has been urging me in this area of late. I have been doing some reading and trying to be a better me. I agree, however, that so many people are taking things in the Bible out of context. God created man first. I will be honest, I do not want to “wear the pants” in my family, which I know frustrates some of my friends, but they don’t have to answer to the Master for my behavior. That’s falls on me.
Skirts are so much cooler in the summer. Ha ha! 🙂
I feel that even working woman are called to be June Cleaver! I care take my family every day and my business partners and clients!
Great Post!
Absolutely! My mother worked outside the home and was still a fabulous homemaker!!! One of the best I know! It’s 100% about mindset and how we approach things.
Huge thank you, Love!!! I too have to work (being a single momma will do that to a girl), but it truly is about mindset. The best times of my days are when I get to go home and embrace my inner Martha Stewart and be momma to my 18 year old son (who is needing less and less of that), and my 16 year old daughter. I was lamenting the demise of homemaking skills (sewing, ironing, food preservation, cooking from scratch) just this morning, and I am so thankful that I really do not know how to do life any other way. Being a single mom was never part of the plan, but part of being a woman after God’s heart is making those adjustments and glorifying him knowing that it will all work for His glory.
Well, I hate to tell ya – but if you’re looking for sewing I got nuttin’. lol 🙂 I wish I could sew – but I haven’t picked up that skill yet.
Amen!! I love this! Exactly the encouragement I needed today.
I’m glad it was encouraging, Alexandria.
Way to go Stacy ! I’ve been a stay at home mom for over 30 years – wouldn’t trade my job for anything !!
Thank you for your hard work, Chris.
I am a liberal, agnostic feminist. I’m also a mom. And I also happen to be a huge fan of yours – and this post! We see many things differently, which is why I love watching your scopes because I learn a lot – but this post speaks to me as a current stay at home mom. My friends often ask if I’m “working yet” or “what do you DO all day?” Sometimes I ignore the questions. Sometimes I answer back, but it always has me feeling like I have to justify taking care of my family – which is INSANE! I used to work full time before my second child so I have been both a working mom and now a stay at home and I can say they are both extremely challenging. Thank you for reminding us with this post that choosing a traditional “housewife” role is nothing to be scoffed at. It is hard work and it should be celebrated! Thank you so much for being you. 🙂
Meg – thank you! 🙂 Anytime someone says “what do you DO all day?” I’d like to bring them over and give them a tour. LOL LOL
Thank you, thank you, thank you Stacy Myers! I may print this off and recite it every morning! ❤
Hmmmm. Maybe I should have written a poem. LOL
This is why I love your blog. Thank you Stacy! I went from a full time working momma to a full time stay at home momma, I have a 10 year old and a 1 year old, and it was a hard transition but I love every minute of being home and finally after one year, I’m getting the hang of it! Following your blog has helped a lot!
Thank you, Lori! I’m glad you’re getting the hang of it!