Here is a little look at the crock pots that are behind Crock On and all my Friday Crock Pot recipes. I’ll also tell you a bit about how I clean my crocks and why I don’t use liners. 🙂
If you have any questions, you can leave them in the comments and I’ll get back to ya!
Hello! As a single girl living in a one-bedroom place (i.e. small space, usually cooking for 1-2), I am ready to get try out some slow cooker deliciousness! (yes, I think I just made up a word 🙂 I was looking at a 3-quart Hamilton Beach crockpot, but will most recipes adapt to that or do I have to get a larger one? (4? 4.5?). Thanks for any tips! –Deborah
I try to keep it within 1 quart of what the recipe says. Most of mine use a 4-5 quart. I think you’d be safer with a 4 quart size. 🙂
I loved the information about your crockpots–I was considering a digital one for my next purchase, but I think I’ve been dissuaded. I was a bit distracted by all that cuteness on your hip. What a doll!
🙂 He’s a charmer!
What a great video. Thank you. I must say that your helper is adorable.
Yes he is. 🙂 Good sport!
This is nice! It is funny that I got this in my email just now. I was in the kitchen, putting away one of my SIX crockpots. (blush…) One is dedicated to melting cheese wax. The smallest I use for baking sourdough bread and the other two are “normal” sized. All 6 came from a thrift store. I have a hard time walking by a perfectly good used crockpot. I think I kind of operate a crockpot rescue. I’ve found homes for some in that past. 4 of them have the crocks that you can take out, and 2 do not. Really, they are all easy to clean. I love them.
I used to have 6…I trimmed down my number when we moved so I wouldn’t have to store that many. 🙂
Mine is only the same schedule as yours…sigh. He will be 5 months old on the 5th of April.
It DOES get better. I keep telling myself that.
The crock pots are nice….but I want the baby!! He is cuter than a bugs ear!! My first grandbaby will be arriving in September and I CAN’T WAIT!!
I love your blog and read it everyday!! Keep up the good work!!
P.S. I’m available to babysit if you come to the San Francisco Bay Area!! 🙂
🙂 I’ll keep that in mind. I’ve never been west of Dallas! 🙂
Yours is so much prettier than the one the link sends us too. Has anyone found a prettier one?
I don’t think they sell my particular one any more – but I’ve seen the black one in person and it’s very nice!
My son refused naps (slept 20 minutes at a time) until he was 8 months old. I tried everything and nothing worked so I gave up on getting him on a napping schedule. Now he is 14 months and he takes 2 naps a day and sleeps all night. I’m not sure why he refused naps but he never sucked his thumb or fingers like my other two kids and never took to pacifiers either. Right now, he is really attached to a stuffed Snoopy and chews on its tail to go to sleep. All kids are different that is for sure. I know the frustration of having a baby who refuses naps though. It will eventually pass but when you are going through it you don’t think it will ever end. Hang in there, it will get better and he is so adorable.
Thank you so much for the encouragement – some days I feel like I’m going crazy. :-/
Nice post Stacy and your baby is so cute! 🙂 I agree with the “old school” over “digital” controls. It is also much better to be using the old school kind if your power blinks out for a few minutes, or if you want to set your crock pot on a timer.
I didn’t even think of that! You’re right – I hate when the power goes off and the digital stuff quits.
You Andy is only a tad bit older than my Elise and she is only sleeping 30 min at a time during the day so I know how you feel. 🙂 Thankfully she sleeps all night (or at least the whole time I am in bed!).
What is that about? It’s something they NEVER tell you about in the books!
I know! I have 4 kids ages 6, 4.5, 2.5 and 6 months and we’re homeschooling my olderst so I could really use some normal naptimes! She has a suggli which is a stuffed animal head with a washcloth sized blanket on the bottom and it helps her to have something to cuddle but I’ve noticed that she sleeps a whole 10 min longer when I zip her into her blanket sleeper that we use at night. I’ll take the extra 10 minutes! lol!
Sometimes 10 minutes can seem like an eternity – especially if you’re sleep deprived. LOL
Lol, Stacy! My 1st born did the “sleep 20 minutes at a time” thing…I thought I was going to die. Or go crazy. Or die crazy! When My second baby was born, I called the doctor and made an appointment, because something just wasn’t right. When I explained to our dear doctor that my poor sickly baby just wanted to sleep ALL the time, and that he really only seemed to wake up to eat, be changed, or to look around for an hour and snooze again, my doctor said so kindly, “Dear, I didn’t want to tell you this when your daughter was tiny, but…HE’S normal. Go home and get some sleep.”
Yes – crazy. I totally know where you’re coming from. Some days I tell Barry that I think I’m losing my mind.
I have the same GE pot, and like you, I love it. Cooking beans in it right now..Yay me!
Yay you!
I really think I want that 3 in 1 crock! Right now, I have two 5 quart ones. So I’ve been telling my husband I need a smaller and a larger. But I really want an oval one…both of mine are round. Ugh! Choices, choices! 🙂
Ever since I got your book, I use my crock pot all. the. time!
Oh my goodness, Andy is sooooo cute!
Hooray! I’ve converted you! 🙂
I hate digital, too. My mom let me borrow hers until my cheapskate self can get enough Amazon gift cards from Swagbucks to buy a new one. It’s digital, and I hate it. It has four settings High for 4 or 6 hours and low for 8 or 10 hours. Suppose I want it on high for 8 hours? Too bad. It goes to warm when the timer is up, and if I don’t remember to turn it back on, my food isn’t done. Some things just weren’t meant to be digital. Sigh.
Anyhow, you look FANTASTIC! Your hip accessory is the cutest little peanut, too! 🙂
Digital = blech. I think Andy just makes me look good…without him, I’m a mess. LOL You were only looking at him, so that’s why you say that. 😉
I think that is the one that I have, and I do like that it goes to warm after a while because I use it overnight more often. But, I want a analog one too! I love that nesting. I had trouble hearing because my speakers are silly, but do they all sit in the crock when you use the 2 quart? Doe the 2 quart take longer to heat because of the lay off.
No, you only chose the one you want and sit in the base. Then you choose the button on the front for the size you’re using. 🙂
Well that’s just great! I just spent $50 on a new digital crock pot because I can’t ever remember to set it to warm after it’s done. So it’s going to be worthless?
Nope! I’m just saying that I don’t like them. 🙂 I’m old fashioned. I feel like analog lasts longer than digital – but that’s just my experience. You might love it and tell me I’m losing my marbles!
LOL! I hope I like. I have wonderful older model like you have, but it’s only 3 quarts and I needed something bigger. Keeping my fingers crossed! 🙂
Yep – hard to cook a chicken in a 3 quart!