Have you ever had a case of “the blahs”? You know – that sinking, sad, yucky feeling that just drags you down? Worse yet – do you have the blahs now? What in the world can you do about that feeling when you don’t have a say in the weather forecast and Spring is still several weeks away?
I don’t know what it’s like where you live, but for us here in Tennessee, it often feels like one big wet gray cloud hangs over us from the beginning of November until Spring eventually breaks through.
We have rain or snow most days each week. There is very little sun, but plenty of cold, wet, gray muck.
Around February every year, ever since I was young, I seem to get a case of the blahs. Some folks refer to it as “cabin fever”. Whatever you call it, it is that feeling where you miss warmth, sunshine, and being able to get out and play. Being stuck inside becomes OLD.
If you have a case of the blahs right now, or you get them in the future, or maybe you’re even prone to them, I wanted to share some things that work for me that will also hopefully help you to shake it off.
1. Dance.
This is coming from a super white country girl with NO RHYTHM. The only way I can pick up a beat is if someone else dropped it and I was sweeping. But seriously – turn on some of your favorite jams and dance. Do it with your kids or spouse – be silly. Music and dance help us feel better.
Important Rule: Don’t pick a sad song. 😊 Happy by Pharrel is a great choice, and I don’t think anyone will claim it is a “sad” song.
2. Bring on the light!
I’m going against the EPA here – but turn on all your lights. My body craves light. So if it’s only gray outside, I still open all my curtains and shades, and turn on my lights so that it feels bright. Every light in the house is onnnnnnnnnnnn! But only for the gray winter. 😉
3. Mix things up.
If you’re stuck in the same ole, same ole every day, change it up. I’m a huge creature of habit but if I get the blahs, I like to take one day and do something different! Maybe have a movie or game day with your family. Maybe pile in your car and go to a museum. Or go for a winter hike. Go visit some friends. Just stop the blah routine in its tracks and do something else.
4. Use citrus.
Did you know that the smell of citrus promotes happiness? In the winter, you’ll find something citrusy to smell around our home as often as possible. Eat an orange. Sniff a lemon. Put some fresh lemon in your water.
5. Go somewhere.
If you can make it happen, take a trip. Overnight weekend trip can change your attitude.Eat fun food, sleep in, watch movies. See something fun wherever you go. Road trips are always fun – and you can make it fit just about any budget.
The winter won’t always be around – even if it feels endless. My budding tulips coming up through the snow remind me that Spring is on the way. So when I get blue, or am feeling especially blah, I walk over to the window and give them a glance. God is good to give us these little reminders all around us that He’s always working even when we can’t see it and it feels gray. Be encouraged. Spring is coming!

I found a beautiful live little tulip and bought it at our grocery store. It cheered me for days with its beautiful burst of color against a grey snowy/icy outdoors. Best $4.00 investment i could have made. My tulip is about spent now but it has served me well. We are now suppose to have sunshine for the next week or so!😊
Yes!! That was a well spent $4!!!!
I take a lot of Vitamin D in the winter. It helps. I also like to listen to my 80s music especially driving in the car. Don’t know why but tuning into my Spotify collection of Backstreet Boys makes me forget I haven’t seen sunshine in a week.
Yasssssssssssssssssss!!! 80s music for the win!!!!
Thanks Stacy! The weather here (NC) is dismal right now, has been for several days and snow on the way…I needed reassurance and positivity- thank you!
Being a sister state with ya, it’s the pits here too. LOL