Go meatless 1-2 times a week and save on your grocery budget
We are not a vegan family, but we do eat a lot of meatless/plant-based meals. It started out as a way to heal our gut and then we just felt so good that we continued to eat meatless for several days a week.
(For those interested, I learned about this gut healing through the books of Dr. Robynne Chutkan, Gutbliss being my favorite.)
It has also really helped us on our grocery budget because cutting out meat for several meals and replacing it with grains or beans really cuts down on cost! If you’re looking to cut back on some of your grocery expenses, consider making 1-2 meatless meals a week and see if it makes an impact!
When I tell people about this, I always get asked about what I feed our family on these meal days, so I thought I’d give you a list of our 10 favorite meatless meals and links so you can try them out!
I hope that helps! I also aim to post our dinners on Instagram each evening.
Soli Deo gloria,
Thanks for sharing, I will try a few.
You’re welcome!