Humorous Homemaking is a community. Every now and then I believe the community should get a chance to take the platform and let us all (including me) learn from you! So if you’re a blogger or author who wants to write a post for Humorous Homemaking, read on!
Before submitting your post idea for consideration, please note the following guidelines:
- Submission of your guest post idea does not guarantee publication.
- You will be contacted, generally within a couple of weeks, if I believe your post idea will be a good fit for SMC readers. If you do not hear from me within a few weeks after submitting your idea, you may assume your idea was not selected.
- Humorous Homemaking does not offer monetary compensation for guest posts.
- Submissions are accepted from bloggers, authors or individuals only – no advertising or business posts will be considered. In other words, don’t try to get me to promote your agenda.
If your idea is selected and you’re asked to write a post for Humorous Homemaking, here is what we expect:
- Posts should be 500-1,000 words.
- You must provide high-quality, original content that has not been published elsewhere online.
- You should assume your post may be edited.
- A minimum of one photo is required for the pinnable image (featured image at the top of every SMC post).
- All photos should be 600×400 landscape
- Any photos must be your own without copyright restriction
- All links should be relevant, functioning (non-broken) and non-affiliate links.
- All post content (including images) will become the property of Humorous Homemaking.
- Include a short bio (50 words or less) at the end of your post. Please include a link to your site in your bio!