**I know I normally post a crock pot recipe on Friday, but my scheduled poster and friend, Rachel, had a recent tragedy and was unable to be with us. I would ask that you say a special prayer for her today. Thanks.**
Last year I had the honor of making a new friend – LeighAnn from Intentional by Grace. She has blessed me in thousands of ways. I know without a shadow of a doubt God matched us up as friends – we’re so alike, but so different. She keeps me in check. She tells me when I’m being dumb…and I’m dumb a lot.
She invited my family to come spend the weekend with her family and we had a fabulous time! She’s exactly the same in person as she is online. And then she went and did something crazy. She moved to Colorado. But that’s okay – I still love her…and I also love her new book!
I’m going through a time in life where meal times are crazy. I used to be a meal planning fanatic, but after we sold the townhouse, moved in with mom, and bought a new house to remodel, things haven’t gone very smoothly. Sometimes I freak out at 5pm when I realize I forgot that dinner was coming. Uhhh, oops?
Enter 20 Minute Meals. LeighAnn has created a cookbook for the weary chef…the mother who is busy…the wife who works…the pregnant woman who loses her mind and forgets that she needs to feed her family dinner every night. [Read more…]